Regency fun center 3s players

gg’s guys last night. Rolling Tunder.

lmao!!! i gave the bitch 25 cents for the pay phone.

greetings from vegas bitches…

Nigga I heard you got lost

go play at LV Cyberpunx or whatever, leave so cal alone.

here’s the link bitch:


before I start to cry.

Don’t listen to him, he’s probably high (and mighty color).

I’m making sure the next time I go everyone gets a HK to the face. A “Q” HK to the face. Straight up out the blue. No combos. No stun BS.

Just good ol’ fashioned HK’ing… TO THE FACE.

Yo Alex, you working today?


Yo bring on the cerritos raid just make sure im there. this week ill be there tuesday after 3pm i dont have class wendsday but ill show up if i hear anything before then
and thursday probably between 11 and 12:30 and after 3.

i dont think any of you guys played me and shady yet other than Lenin.

peace out

yeah they have. Well all of them have played shady at least once, because shady has actually showed up at some of the Wednesday tourneys before. Those are no more, so shady is no more I guess. But as for you, you played against Mike Menace. He was the Hugo guy that beat you that you went to regency some time ago.

I don’t remember how long ago, but I know you went and that you at least played against Mike Menace.

As for the cerritos raid, I’ll probably show around 3:30ish on thursday, as I get out of work at 3, and I’m not sure how long you plan on being there since Greed gets out like at 4, so he can’t be there till like 5ish. Let us know if you’re there that late so he can show up. I’ll be there till whenever so I don’t care. 2 people raid FTW. We went there today like at 5ish, no one was there…so yea.

Yea we dont realy have a constant stream of people like u guys, our competition comes in waves. i pretty much know all the times there is comp. mostly between 11 and 1 or 3 to 4:30 or 5 tues/thurs im not sure whos there mon/wed

well on thursday i work at 6 so ill be there between 3 and 5:30.


Oh yea i remeber it was back during summer when the sticks at regency were powerful weak lol. naw he probably wouldve beat me anyways cuz i hate playing big characters. one grap is equal to a genei jin combo lol and they turtle big time.

But i love fighting other top tiers tho like ken and chun. its weird cuz they seem easier than any of the weird characters, but maybe i just play crappy people.

I can try to get out earlier since I have to run a few personal errands that afternoon. Assuming I do–Jaime can you hook a nigga up with a ride to Cerritos?

Meet at RFC like at 2ish-3ish then roll out? Eh eh?

That’s koo, just bring quarters to pay for parking :smiley: And it would be 3ish, so leave on time cause you always show up late :annoy:

PS Fuck you and your “I fuck with your stick when I’m losing” tactics :annoy:

I’ll fuck with your stick even if I’m winning. I don’t give a fuck I’m from the streets.

nigga just bring some change for parking. And what streets are you from? Streets of Rage? You could be Axel…(They Mispelled Alex). I’ll be the black kid on skates, ironically called skate.

You can be Max, the big wrestler type guy in tights.

Fuck that. Nigga be Roo.