Regency fun center 3s players

wtf? did you read my note in what I put…?

i just need practice against remy in general. you are the only guy i know that plays him well

anyone wanna do pizza + drink match? first to win 15 games~ switching characters allowed~ pay for ur owns games too ofcourse :looney:

hey rock volta, who r u again? I’m pretty sure I saw u ur face at least @.@ just curious

Burger King Match 1st to 5. Any combo item on the menu. Quadruple Stackers are banned.

Jaime sucks and no one else uses Remy. Also, fuck you Roland.

that is my line.

fuck you roland, go play cvs at lbcc not even csulb


and ggs to all at ffa, except fat hugo player, because he taunted me as he was getting beasted and I don’t like taking free hits. But I’ll take em.

Why the hell do you want to play against remy? How many times in your life do you encounter a vs remy match? :confused:

Alex is just jealous kind punjabi has 1337 alex turtle scrub skillz that he does not posses =(

If I could turn off the part of my brain that regulated strategy and knowledge and operate solely on random instincts and jump away dropkicks, believe me, I would.

Hey Roland, wanna play against my 12? You know, to be ready for that swarm of 12’s out there.

all of you guys are a bounch of fucking SCRUBS

Gay guys eating piles of shit in the woods.

Anyone showing up tomorrow? I may show up–complete with Rob and the Maz.

Where the fuck is Jose? Last time I saw him he was chatting up one of the chicks from Burger King.

another fucking SCRUB

ill show up today around 3 or 4

hey fat ass…you left your glasses in my car.

you fucking idiot.

i think its funny how they have your name on them.

I will never get tire of saying it:

well arent you a nice guy mr. ray raymos. :rofl:

I concur…you’re all scrubs.

and ray, its tired. not tire.


big difference. and fuck this place if my [IMG] tags didn’t work.

Yo Lenin, the pix of the cat was really funny, i give you that.
But don be to happy, you still a god damn SCRUB.

And you’re right, i forggot the fucking d, “tired”. good looking out, but like i said before you still and you’ll always be a fucking SCRUB.

aite fucking idiots there will be a 3 on 3 saturday 12 at regency, 20 bucks a team so get 2 others scrubs to play the tourney aite scrubs.


what up RAY. i want to hit up this tourny, but im going to vegas this weekend for my 21st bday, shits gonna be dope.

im def going to evo though, so we need to drink all weekend up there. hit me up ese.

foos check this shit out

thats what happens when you got a big mouth, look at his homie he didnt even backed him up.