Regency fun center 3s players

what makes you think we give a fuck?

and change of plans!

no evo west, only evo vegas.

werd up


stfu roland.

WHAT IS THE FUCK TONIGHT? FFA, RFC, gay sex at Ray’s house? COME ON!

meh~ I had to leave early today kuz of my girlfriend, but i had fun getting raped 3 times ~.~

man, regency people r getting better and better each day… I love our competitive 3s scene right here _

stfu chris
i saw you play once and next thing I know, you’re gone.

You better have gotten laid tonight…you asshole.

“when your having the best sex of your life, you better me thinking of me!”- Grandpa Simpson

getting raped i mean in street fighter not in bed, lol

Damn it rob, when are you gonna show up with your DS >:( I wanna pwn in the NEW mario bros

is there some sort of battle mode on that or something?

I ponder day and night, how in the fuck you can pwn someone at mario…

and beating a level faster than them doesn’t initiate pwn subtitles below you, so don’t even say it.

fucking -_-a I used to think i’m a decent 3s player but now I don’t

I need some enlightenment !!!

fucking -_-a I used to think i’m a decent 3s player but now I don’t

I need some enlightenment !!!

Pick Q. And don’t lose or you suck.

HELLO??? if you didn’t read my last post i had to work, but other ppl here just didn’t want to care…

anyway, so i was chilling with omar outside of rfc and bob saget was talking to one of the other filipinos outside as well. when all of a sudden some random white pulls up, yells “ZATCH BELL!! FUCK YOU” at bob saget and flips him the bird and drives off. seconds later omar and i are fucking balling from such randomness

Quit yo job nigga

Yea, some type of battle mode where you try to kill each other while collecting stars…collecting more stars than the opponent = pwnage

There’s also some mini games n shit u can play. I was playing with bob saget yesterday.

Sup guys. Hows the regency thing going over there?

None of you guys are going to Evo West? That’s a heartbreaker. I guess thats just less people I have to worry about. Thanks for improving my chances guys.

see ya there saturday Kyle.

For those who don’t know yet:

We moved shit around. The main fighting games are in the middle.

Also, MvC2 (Big Cabinet) both sticks are workin now.

I’m gonna see if we can get that other 3s workin as well.

btw If anyone is down for some mario kart ds, let me know what sup. (don’t have new super mario bros. yet)

What up guys, sorry I havent been around, but since KOF XI came out for PS2 I’ve been hooked on that shit. Well I hope to see some of you at Evo West, I’ll be there later in the day at the byoc, playing some KOF XI ofcourse.

hey the answer, do u play other kof series by any chance? I’ll play you 98 and 00 at regency if they fix the goddamn machine… hmm were you the guy who played kof 00 in garden grove golfland arcade 6 yrs ago? I saw you at regency before and I am just wondering if it’s you