Regency fun center 3s players

you can’t call me a dumbass because you type like a fucking mexican you goddamn puto.

another thing, had you even read my post, near the end I clearly stated that if I didn’t mention you, it’s because I didn’t want to.

Now go pull out your hemroids you fucking ass bag.

my avatar > Dander’s avatar

sorry you guys but yall need to…


jaime, that is an awesome avatar.

I think that should be the official avatar of all regency regulars, but by replacing Alex with their own char :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone go to PSM?

… :yawn: dam dander STFU already. really…

nice icon jaime.

and honestly. who the hell do i have to talk to to fix the CVS2 cab? leaving one stick messed up for this long a time is really just sad.

umm I don’t know, I spoke to one of the workers there who didn’t even realize the machine was fucked up…so yea I think u need to get a petition signed or something, maybe start a donation drive:

“Help fix the CvS2 machine at regency!!!1!!one”

other than that I don’t know.

why fix the cvs 2 cab for you guys cant even beat me in the game and dont even play it. you guys need to be more diverse and play other games other then 3s. be like me i play every game and dander your gay. you get own by my makoto too lol. peace ill be at regency tomorrow (monday) around 6

i believe the tech guy makes a weekly visit to rfc every monday morning, also it’s best to give your complaints to either david, johnny, and saum/som/etc.

once you tell them it’s up to them if they tell, remember to tell, etc., the tech guy about the problems and such.

remember yall rfc is OWNED BY PACIFIC THEATERS so repairs and shit even new games much less the ones we want to play will most likely take a while or might not happen(games only).

that reminds me i need to support that Power Stone machine, they took the time to get it’s monitor nicely work so now i need to pump like 2 bucks into it…

that pretty much how it works.

we usually write it down so the tech guy can fix or see what needs to get fix in case he has to get/order parts. I admit we do forget sometimes. Hell I’m the only one who knew about the Tekken 5 joystick cover being missing on the left side. lol.

I wouldn’t mind playing some Powerstone. I haven’t got down in that game in a while.

IronMikes name is really stupid speak his boyfriend had made for him one misty evening.
His name is his boyfriends way of saying that he is on Mike.

as for the stick thing yeah, If someone actually got the thing working, I might spend more than 50 cents a month on the damn thing.

And Roland, you need to listen to the advantage if you want some awesome video game music.

The guitarist from Hella plays for that band.

LMAO listen to this fag… you rock mike. :rofl:

hey miguel stop fucking bugging me man, Imma fucking kill you.

I fear only a few or one will get this.

My gay what Mike?

dander your gay. you suck so bad at 3s you should play something else. miguel your ass suck tooo stop turtleing fag lol

whos goin to evo? :stuck_out_tongue:

Meh, not sure yet, it might be pretty fun…except for the fact that it’s in vegas and I’m under 21 =(

I heard that some people on here are supposed to go, but not sure exactly who…I think Ray is.

as far as i know is Jonh, Jose, Oscar, Miguel and me, but if this people dont go, imma go fo sho.

Remember MoFos, tourney 2morrow, be there on time.

:lol: someone here needs to reread the page a few more times…