Regency fun center 3s players

ok ok, i know who you are know, next time i see you at regency imma shit all over your makoto, lol, btw ill probalbly be there tomorrow or thursday so show up so we can play some 3s alright dog.

GG’s to that Akuma guy and homie with the Remy.

Good shit with the EX Rage Flash.:tup:

yo alex you showing up tonight, ill be there around 7ish

InSpection Hour?

I’ll see if I can make it.

LMFAO!!! inspection hour!!! :clap:

o hey guys, do me a favor and whenever you see johnny, pat him on the back and say " DAM YOU GOT YOUR ASS KICKED BY MIGUEL IN ICE HOCKEY!!!"

I’m that homie with the Remy, he’s the only char I pick, so it shouldn’t be hard to figure out who I am… I wish I could match the faces with the names on here to know who is up on here, but whatever. When does it usually get crowded at the 3s machine? or does it even get crowded that much? I go randomly so I get lucky sometimes and find some people, and other times it will be empty. I haven’t lived here that long so I’m not sure how big the scene really is, I’m going to FFA this saturday, not sure how many people on here go there or how often, but at least I know there is always someone to play there. Going to RFC tonight, hopefully I’ll find some good comp. :tup:

GG’s Ray, Mexican Akuma Guy, and dude with the Alex.

RFC is pretty random when it comes to having crowds for 3S. Thursday is usually the day to go. But even then it’s hard to tell when a crowd will form.

I hit up FFA at least once a week, along with Ray, PingPong, Dstroy and Pizzarino. Usually on the weekends.

For the record I was the guy using Q.

yo dog whats up im the bald headed guy taht plays 3s, i go to FFA every friday and saturday but ill stop by regency tonight for a little bit so see you there

GGs to all who played yesterday (Friday)…I’m still not sure who on here I played, but I was there 11:30-12, 3-4, and 6:30-10:30 the only guy picking Remy of course. Some great matches.

killing the turtle

good shit to everybody for beating the living shit out of turtle mike, he got his turtles ass kicked so fucking bad by everybody and like always he ended up bouncing early cause he didnt get a single win. hehe.:tup:
good shit guys, good shit :clap: :tup: :clap: :tup:


Stomp All Turtles.

poor mike… hey ray, you really need to practice tho man… really… LOL!

I keep reading about turtle mike on here, who is he? I see a lot of turtles there, so I’m not sure, what does he look like?

If I’m right, Turtle Mike is the Filipino guy that uses Ryu and Ken. He tends to start rounds by dashing back and hitting Duck Strong like it’s going out of style.


Man, you serious?

You guys are both wrong, mike is half Cambodian and half turtle. So yeah, put them together and thats what he is…

so in other words, he’s a mutha fuckin freak of nature that needs to know his place, correct??


waz up. when r u going to rfc:clap: