Regency fun center 3s players

what’s wrong ray?? don’t like pregnant zombie mothers??

lenin- awesome animation, should’ve been a game. also some of those super attacks are broken, e.g. the datsun 180b(?) monster truck

Can you guys STFU im trying to sleep. :annoy:

zombies+pirates= super fun

~-fear the fro-~


oh wow oh wow. good games to everyone that came out to support the 3s scene. i lost 15$, but it was well worth it. lots of fun.

gg to all of you. glad regency is one of the last arcades people still attend. decent amount of people for tourney and team tourney was fun too. props to all who entered and lets keep it up. good job to the staff for staying open, you are always appreciated.


i posted the results on the results thread so check 'em out.

Special thanx to Watson for runing the brackets and making this tourney run smooth, and of course props for taking 1st. Watson, you’re a fucking beast.

Anyways, thanx everybody for showing up, also, thanx to Som and Johny.
hopelly we get more people for the next one.

Btw, gg’s everybody.

regency tonight, prolly, dunno for sure yet.
abyways, tourney fo sho tomorrow, be ready and be there on time.

Well since the guys that were gonna take care of the video just aint wort the shit :arazz: lol, i had to give the videos to Watson, he will post the vids of the last tourneys, hopefully soon, so get ready to download some shit.

Btw, no tourney 2morrow, Juan aint gonna be working and Fat Alfred will be there to cover him, and like everybody know, he will shut the machines right at 10ish so fuck it, we’re gonna have to wait till’ next wednesday :sad: :arazz: .

One more thing, need people to let me know or find out if there’s gonna be a tourney the last saturday of this month so we can run another one the last saturday of May, hopefully another tourney wont fuck this one up :rofl: .

Anyways, no tourney 2morrow but i’ll be there for some practice around 6ish, so show up and get some practice going for the PSM tourney coming up this 13.


fuck you you mexican

Probably want to see what one of these weekly tournies are like in probably a week or two. What time do these tournies usually start, so i can see if i can make it to one of them.

sup guys…it sucks we couldnt have the normal wed tourney… but GG’s and fun shit today with the small local teams tournament…til next time

stfu mike.

and 2hai…the tournaments are every wed. at about 6.

if we can we’re going to shoot for one tournament at the last saturday of every month.

that is all.

Hey Lenin, this is Chris. I finally registered -_- I never knew this site auto-bans hotmails/gmails etc until someone informed me. I’ve been reading 1st page of every thread for months. so sad. :wink:

Anyways, I’m the noob asian guy using Yang, hello to you all~! :wgrin:

yo idiots, tourney wednesday, Juan will be there, so get ready for it, one more thing big tourney this saturday coming up in San Bernardino, sign ups at 1:30 so i might leave like around 11 or something, who wants to roll whit me.

yeah we’ll be workin on weds so ya can have the tourney. GL to all.

fuck yeah that’s what the fuck i’m talking about

argh, mutha fucka… i have to work on wednesday… meh better luck tomorrow

moTERH fuckers

good thing you let me know the time and shit for saturday ray, so now I can check in with work and ask shit, cause dude…yeah.

that san bernandino one is the fucking PSM right? Cause I am so going to fucking own at that shit dude.

Believe me. Alright!?

oh yeah, and if I do go, I will rizoll with you.

How much is to enter the tourney and what time?