Regency fun center 3s players

that map actually tells you to go almost to the next building…just rememer to turn left (or in the map’s case right)on the first stop, you’ll see some fountain (the circle thing in the map) thats where you want to turn.

I landed that shit real nice last night, honestly. You woulda been proud.

It was all like, Gouhadouken start, to jab stun gun headbutt. I jumped over the ball and boom.

Mother fucker ass Jose.

Friday before or after DeVry? Or are you not going at all?

Cause we can go after seeing as AI closes at 2-ish.

Fuck James Games

Fuck James Games…

i get 20 wins on Cvs2… i let crazy gideon know… too bad hes behind the counter polishing his balls or whatever, asks me what i want to drink… i say dr. pepper. I finish my 21st and 22nd win, and he still has not gotten soda to me… By my 22nd win, all the challengers are gone, and as you all know with cvs2, UNLIKE Marvel/GGXX/3s, your win count DOES not show unless you are playing against someone else. So he finally gets to my soda, gets to the cabinet, and asks “WHERE ARE YOUR 20 WINS?” I tell him i have 22, but the screen doesnt show it unless someone else is playing. He has a hard time understanding the English language, so he again tells me sodas are for 20+ wins only… Once again, i try to explain to him CvS2 does not show wins, and if he would wait for me to DIE or put a quarter in, it will display. He completely does not understand this, and says “You have to PLAY real people to get 20 wins, its not 20 wins against the COMPUTER” of course i laugh and say NO SHIT. At this point he refuses to give me the soda because im “LYING” about $.60, coz that shit is gonna make or break his ass. so im like WHY the fuck would i like about a SODA… so at that point, he gets all pissy, hands me my soda, and says “Fine, WERE NOT DOING THIS PROMOTION ANYMORE” and rips off all the signs like a champion… Of course Reset was there with me and we both just started laughing. coz that extra buck or two every week was apparently KILLING his goddam shitty fuckass business.

No More FrEE FUCKIng SOdAS!!!111

if anybody has zippo’s number, call him up and see if he can bring his pads on friday, I spoke to him and he and his friend are pretty sure they’re going but I forgot to ask him if he could bring his…at least till i get mine (I ordered it yesterday), as well as others get theres and can share if we keep doing this =)

Tonights 3s Results

28 entrants, 32 man bracket

  1. amir (chun, yun)
  2. ken i. (makoto)
  3. mike watson (ken, chun)
  4. hung bee (oro)


  1. mikeMenace (hugo)

  2. don sneddon (alex, chun)

  3. mike c. (chun)

  4. suppa (dudley)

wow alot of chuns, anyone seeing a pattern? :lame: :razz:

hung bee returns after an extended absence from the tournament scene, good to see ya back :slight_smile: Alot of good matches tonight, very strong perfomance by everyone. i see alot of improvement also among the newer players. hung had a miracle match against ray, good clutch hung :tup: the top 5 were video taped by ray, sadly my my only match taped was getting pwnd by watson, heh. special thanks to rfc’s juan and brandon for there suppport. thanks to mike watson for running the brackets, thanks to ray fer putting his name on the tournie, taping matches and collectin the cash. and thanks to all the participants for another excellent turnout.

p.s. if anyone has any highlights from tonight they would like to mention, please post it. give props, take credit, yada yada


wher can i find this video???

so i could link it tonight

upadted w/ points an everything by 10pm

i promise

I gave all of the tapes to Ray so he should have them, but unless you got a converter, or some s video shit hooked up to your comp…you might have to wait, because this camcorder is pretty old. Not to say there’s anything wrong with it, but that’s just what we have to use.


There’s also some video feed for the tournament last week. I think the week before too. I might be wrong though, I seem to have a terrible memory now.

dood get on aim for once!!


aite if you want the vids it will cost you some money, lol, jk.
dunno give me a call or something so i can give em to you.

btw, i aint going to family tomorrow so i might go to devry whit all those fuckers that are going and shit also it will be regency right after it.

come on.

anyone going to cal poly tourney?? Just wondering, since if not a lot of people I know aren’t going I probably wont go. I want to tape the matches but if I don’t have anyone to trust my cam with while I play then fuck it.

I might be going if I have a car to ride there.

and vitos not going tomorrow because he is a faggot.

holy crap iwst99. way to fuck everyone up. gg.

i have my days lol.

shoo’s message

ive been on a 3s hiatus considering

i dont have a car im still in school and i get in trouble alot

i know it seems like i dont exist i do miss rfc when i dont go

whenever i dont go trust me im at home moping about it playng the comp

i wanna apologize to the people that have wanted to fight me but havent gotten the chance

i will fight evryone

i heard you’re just a figment of our imaginations

I callsed hims a extremesy convincingly-ish bots.

i am shoo

bleep bleep bloop



Full Version Comnig soon, but I’m sleepy.

As gay as it is to be drawing shirtless men, it’s pretty good, dude where did u end up staying?