Regency fun center 3s players

they said that they more then likely wont get it anytime soon since it’s not that popular… :confused:

and cause da booya.

oh yeah, another thing i meant to bring up…
we should try to find some reliable place to gather to really get in some training for the fucking psm tourney, maybe the cal poly one and that other school one, but for the psm and EVO for sure.

Those fucking japanese shouldn’t have it so easy this time around you know, because now you guys got lenin to soften them up before they head out to fight you guys, you know?

LENIN FUCKING PWNS MOTHAR FOCKARS~~`````````````````12314!!:lovin:

oh yeah, shoo guy, IM me so’s I can get to work on some shit for the site…lemme know what we might need, and if I’m never on, then PM me the info or something. werd up.

I’m in man, I only have few times when I can get together, but lately i’ve been staying out late n shit at the arcade, i’d find time to play elsewhere, we need that guy from wednesday to hook us up with some cheap sticks (I forgot his name :confused: ) ray I know you know him, since he was trying to sell you some. I only have a shitty pelican stick (with the stupid buttons), and another smaller pelican with a broken jap type stick :confused:

whoa What guy selling cheap sticks??

what brand?


i want a MAS

or i could just mod my pelican

teh universal no the weird plastic one

the wood one

no no no, they’re not cheap arcade sticks, they’re expensive, but i’m saying he should hook us up by giving us a better price :stuck_out_tongue: like someone said before, maybe we can get a discount if we buy in bulk lol

oh and I have both those pelican sticks, and yea they both suck :confused: although I CAN play with it I rather get a new one with better stick and nicer buttons.

mod it dood

ima get some nice happ parts

zippo was his name, and he was the middle man between us, and the MAS stick producer dudes. He knows them somehow, I assume it’s because he himself has bought something like four of those sticks, but then again what do I know.

and uh…I went to csulb earlier today, met that jason dude from like two weeks ago, played with him a bit, it was kinda back and forth til sometime in the end, where I won. yay. but I think he was going easy cause he was using my coins.

umm…I know I was going to say something else, but I gotta take a shit dudes, so I’ll be on like later or something.

piece outs ladies.

wow, watson, don and i think it was paul lee showed up today… man most of you guys missed out i suppose

Ok you guys here’s the deal. My school is empty on friday nights (who hangs out at school on friday nights?!) I went there for a group project last friday and it was empty. I’ve seen a group of guys bring in their xboxes n dreamcast on other days and hooked them up to our big screen tv, i asked them about it and they said they never really asked anybody they just started hooking it up. So anyways i figured since Fridays it’s empty, and there is a huge lounge area with couches, tables, chairs, snack and soda machines, and BIG screen tv, why not go there friday nights (maybe before most of you go to FFA), and play 3s for free by hooking up our own shit there. So far i know Rob is in, and I briefly spoke to lenin and alex bout it, so I just wanted to know if anyone else would be interested in doing this?

Here’s the deal, I have both the PS2 and Dreamcast version of the game, I have two arcade sticks (both stupid pelicans), one works fine, concave buttons and it’s bigger (for ps2) and the other one has a jacked up stick(for ps2 as well) smaller but convex buttons. After last wednesday I really want to buy a MAS stick, and I know some other people want to as well, so maybe someone can talk to zippo about getting some more sticks (I’ll buy one for sure), and whoever else wants to buy one (I know ray wanted one as well), since I don’t really feel like spending 200 bucks for 2 of them for all of us to play. If anyone currently has sticks they could bring them this friday, at least until i/we get some nice ones, all i got is for ps2 version, one with concave buttons (that works well) and one with convex buttons (that is shitty), for either DC or PS2 i guess.

I need to get an idea of how many people would want to do this, and maybe even make it a regular thing later one (I’m kind of pissed I can’t make it to wednesday tourneys =( ). It can be either casuals or tourneys or whatever. Also, my school closes at 10:30, i was thinking of starting it out at 6-6:30 and going until school closes, and then maybe heading out to FFA or Regency, whatever, at least we save ourselves a big chunk of change. So let me know what yall think and who would want to do this and whether you have sticks for now (until we get better ones). If we do decide to have tourneys, I could actually tape them and put them online…so yea.

Oh yea, I’ll post more info if interest is shown, my school is about 5-10 mins from RFC (right next to the airport), so the drive is about the same for everyone.

yeah, like what he said i am down for this thing as long as i’m able to get a stick of a quality nature somehow and also if i am able to get off work early or i somehow get the day off

I am in for the whole school thing. and if you guys want some good sticks, I could try to invite zippo too…I dun think he’d go anywhere with us afterwards, but I don’t see why he would mind hanging with us and bringing his sticks til we get some ourselves.

I have a friend that owes me 200 bucks and I was thinking of buying two MAS sticks with that money once it arrived.

werd up niggars.

I’m pretty sure alex is in, because the drive to yourself is close than RFC and Ray just likes to play third strike, he doesn’t care where it is that he plays…isn’t that right ray?

it’s like eatin’ pussy.

hey wait. you went to CSULB Dander? which guy were you?

Fuck that shit, I’ll own you niggas with my TRUSTY PS2 CONTROLLER?.

I’m down with bringing the hate at DeVry.:tup:

I didn’t get to play anyone but that dude jason. He said I had gotten there too late and so, didn’t really get to check out the skill at that spot.
I was using the regular Alex.

I was there at Regency last time you were there too, I was the pull on the Alex train that greed took part in. Not the squinty guy, but the mexican dude.

On another note, I WAS ONE FUCKING PERSON AWAY FROM FUCKING OCVing Ray’s team tonight!!!111 GODDAmnIT!!1111

He got the first round and I got the second but he took it in the third.

Lemme make a nice pretty list of the people I managed to win over with my charming good looks(these are in no particular order):


So fucking close, I know I said I wasn’t going to mention this, but then third set I got fucked over by jose and so I am now gloating about the past.

Mother fucker ass jose.

I thought I had it.

DeVry mother fuckers, this friday.

I will now get started on registering saul here.

I hardly look Mejican since I shaved the 'stache. I’m more easily described as the guy who yells shit and picks Stungun… and LANDS THAT SHIT.

Anyone wanna with go me to AI this Friday and play Hokuto no Ken? EH EH EH? Vito is no go 'cause he’s gay.

Ok, so i know a few of you are going to Devry on friday, hopefully we’ll get some nice pads by then =)

The address to Devry is:

3880 kilroy airport way, long beach ca, 90806

It’s right next to the airport, if you go on the 405, exit on lakewood and turn on spring street towards the airport until you reach kilroy way (the first light), then turn left (you can’t turn right…) and when u reach the first STOP sign turn left again, park anywhere as after 6 you don’t need a permit or anything. Enter through the back doors, which is where the lounge area is at. I’ll probably be there at 6…so just show up anytime after that. If you get lost or something hit my cell, 760.409.8716

oh yea, if you’re still lost after my directions, USE MAP QUEST ;D

regency to devry,+Lakewood,+CA&daddr=3880+Kilroy+Airport+Way+%23+100,+Long+Beach,+CA&ll=33.820408,-118.151135&spn=0.026312,0.040255&t=h