Regency fun center 3s players

holy shit 32 people… I remember the good old days when the best match you could get was turtle mike’s bitch ass!

Wow what a turn out for a wednesday 3s tourny!
I think I saw more than 32 players on the bracket?..Suupaa and a few of his friends came in late, so I think there were 35 total?:looney:

uh well I have a mini dv cannon camcorder…the stuff I use for the ffa ranbat vids are different cuz we use a video card for the cabinets to get direct feed into the camcorder…but I still use the same camcorder for recording random tournaments & match vids when Im not running ranbats :wink:

lol…no prob…I heard some players still complain about it after I worked on it…so Im not sure how much of a help I really was working on that cabinet :sweat:

I had a great time there tonight…I know Amir and Ty had fun too(lol…even tho Ty was about to blow up the arcade after his 2 losses)…we might drop by next week to practice and get ready for the PSM tournament

haha. If stupid shit happens I yell stupid shit. Ray knows. :looney:

good shit to everyone there on wednesday sorry i had to leave the tourney early. yeah good shit shogo that was a good match with your yun and my makoto

after last nights piece of shit play, I decided I’m going to take up some intense training. Sooooooooooooooooooo, I’m headin’ down there tonight…anyone else gonna show?

mother fuckers.

fuck yeah yesterday’s tourney was the shit, BIG THANX to the fucking man SHOGO for fixing the machine, Amir, Ty, good shit, hope to see you guys there next week, and as for everyone else, thanx for showing up, hope we get the same ammount of people every wednesday.

For all of the regency players the PSM tourney will be in may i think the 14 or 15 it will be in San Bernardino, last year’s tourney was pretty dope so get some practice going so we all rool up there and kick some ass.

Anyways, FFA tomorrow, who’s going.

I’m off until monday so I’ll hit you guys up tomorrow for some CARPOOL STRATS.

Lenin, you better go!

i saw this on the news i heard theyre demolishing that entire area where rfc and bowling allley is at for some new stores so good bye rfc :[

Get the fuck out of here with that April Fool’s shit, Shoo.

You can’t spell OCV without Sanchez.

Man that OCV shit yesterday was fcuking (yes i said fcuking) crazy. I could have done it too if it wasn’t for turtle mike =( u n me owned that team lol, and we won $1!!! splurges

Man who would fall for that shiet about rfc, I mean c’mon, who the fuck watches the news.

That dollar was sweet when I cashed it in for a refeshing Kid’s drink at Del Taco.

Please go back to Boomerang Raid. Kthx.

Stungun Headbutt.


eat my dick.

so are you guys going with us to ffa tonight?

Man I’m in Palm Springs right now, (Yes i drove at 2 am for 2 hours to get here) and it’s Lesbian weekend…never seen so many lesbians walking around in my life…anyways i wont be there. Lenin you should totally stick with pink sean, he’s fuckin 1337 and top tier.

PS la media luna ownz yall

gg’s today everyone from the necro with the fro

oh so that was you huh??

if you were wondering i was the dark looking filipino using the yellow colored Q…

haha i didnt think anyone would beleive that shit

ima be at rfc hopefully tomorrow

around 5?

i dunno

but ill bethere

anyone going to the cal poly tourney next week? or the james games pre ecc tourney the week after that? just wondering…

you foos better go to cal poly tourney, thats for one thing.

has regency even talked about getting tekken 5 dr yet.