Regency fun center 3s players

ey miguel… i dunno why u hang out with that bitch ray ramos aka the bitch of all bitches
call him the queen bitch next time u see him.
what a slut

wow the site got its most page views its had in all its history

which is like a month

almost 30 dif people

110 pageloads

wow come on people i wanna see the stats continue to grow like this

ill try to update the site every other day just so u can keep coming back


LMAOROFL fucking matt, i will tell him. :rofl: :rofl:

Yo Ray, I heard you teammed up with my friend Kyle (Hawaiian Remy Player) for the 3 on 3, sucks you lost, but there’s always next year :wink:

Dirty Sanchez vs. Ray Ramos


Fuck playing for it, though.

Since I can’t make it this Wednesday we’re doing this the democratic way-




tk?? you say?

its free

so shut up


Aite you guys, tourney tomorrow, dont forget, be there early.
We’re gonna have some changes, from tomorrow and on all of the matches are gonna be recorded, Lenin is gonna bring his lap top and we’re gonna hook up a camera right into it, only the best matches will be posted and of course the final 8s

Remember the start time will be at 7 right in the money so dont be late and if you are give me a call (562) 228-9509 and i’ll sign you up.

To carlos (shoo): i was talking to lenin and he said that he can help you out whit the site he does that shit 2.

And to everybody else remember try to play good 2morrow so you can see your matches at the STUNGUN site, hope carlos IM me or something so Lenin can give him the footage of the tourney.
remember only 3 bucks to get in 1st. and 2nd. get some cash.

One other thing, imma try to run a tourney on friday the 7th. but i’ll let you guys know, cause that fat motherfucker Alfred is working :arazz: hate that son of a gun. Anyways guys hope to see everybody there 2morrow and once again be there early :wgrin:.


YESS finally some video


help would be pretty damm good for the site

good stuff

oh ill be there

at 6 tomorrow

I’m seriously considering calling in to work with DIARRHEA: THE ULTIMATE EXCUSE.

All my matches are the best matches. Think back to last week! Sanchez vs. Suupaa was a solid bout. Sanchez vs. General Thriller was an exemplary display of EXMantis use. Sanchez vs. Vito was a motherfucking clash of monumental proportionments. You couldn’t have pleased the crowd more without resorting to handjobs.


Best of luck to all that go.

just go.
goddamn, it really isn’t that hard to get out of work for one day right?

goshdang it.

dirty Sanchez for president

Ryan and I are heading over i guess O_o does regency have cvs2?

edit: RYAN is heading over. haha, no cvs2. =(

Hey guys!

Me, Ty and Amir are gonna head down there tonight…we might be a bit late since traffic is a little heavy now…we’ll call up Ray later on so we can keep him posted :wink:

Not going to be there!

If you’re gonna start brining a laptop, I could make a tournament program so you no longer need to do everything with paper and pencil. You would be able to add players and it would automatically create brackets for you, if you want to get fancy you could take face shots of the player and it could be added to identify each player as well. Let me know…

Also, I hope you have a PIMP ASS webcam, else the quality is gonna be ghetto and ur gonna have black lines through the matches ;/ Once again i’m stuck in class in LA, hopefully I can get out early. I really wish I was able to go, but this trimester my class is on wednesday >:| I miss taping the matches and actually playing n shit. Anyways, good luck to everyone tonight!

i could take my lappy too so could edit teh site right there and then

and out the vid on my comp so i could upload when i get home…

whos gonna do the video editing???

i cant

i need an official video editer

whos it gonna be??

woot… 30+ ppl tonite, quite possibly thee biggest turnout yet. but due to some technical difficulty we had to start late, which won’t happen again.

anyway i remember the top 3 and here it is:

  1. watson
  2. amir
  3. shogo

shogo what kinda camera do u use??


32 entrants = OMG :wow:

  1. watson (ken, chun li)

  2. amir (ken, chun, yun)

  3. shogo (yun)

  4. M. (makoto)

  5. don (alex)

  6. ryan (urien

  7. andrew (dudley)

  8. ray ramos (necro, urien)

wow, great turnout tonight. special thanks to our rfc homies for their selfless support of our tournie, thanks to mike watson for running the brackets, ensuring a smooth and fast tournament. big thanks to shogo for being our hero and fixing the 2nd cabinet, something he definatly didn’t have to do. good to see everyone there, it was definatly a good tournament tonight, looking forward to seeing all of you return next week.

thanks to everyone who helped run this, it was way fun. and it was cool to meet some new people.

this is ryan by the way. the urien player.