Regency fun center 3s players

Jaime the wc qualif. wont be this wekkend, it will be like on the25 or something this weekend coming up will be the last ranking battle, we still got a couple of more weekends for the wcq.


i usually go on sundays

occasionaly on saturdays

i was there this last sunday

heh y me?

I know lol, I put NEXT weekend on the post, not THIS weekend, thanks though…

Damn shoo, I’m not here on weekends, I just wanted to play you cause I don’t think I’ve played you before, I asked around at Regency and no one seemed to know who you were…

oh i havent been going a long time

ima try to go more often when i drive

do u live far?

whod u ask?

tourney tomorrow be there early before 7 if ya runing late give me a call to my cell aite biatches get ready and lets do this shit.

some one get a camera!!!

fuckin school =\

i work two blocks from the arcade, and live nearby, the problem is that I go to school in LA and Pomona, so I’m usually not around in the afternoons. Good luck on the Tourney to everyone!

Some heavy hitters comin tonight…we’ll see you tonight! :wgrin:

Sorry for random post but any rfc pplayers going to rfc today ima be ther about 6 or so

gimme the results for wed tourney

and theyll be on the site about 20 min after i get em

yeah how was yesterday? I think i might go next week. .

allright its up… i suggest everyone see it

ray has a very heart warming message for us

well good games yesterday with greed…nice meeting you man.

Greed <3 Kaliman

tourney wednesdays motherfuckers be there around 6.
Alex you owe me one fucker imma give you the worst ass kick that you’ll ever get in your life, lucky fucker, lol.

anyways hope to see everybody there.

come oooooon.

what he said.

okay, okay… i’ll be there early this time. just keep your tighty whities on okay??

I <3 RAY.

Stungun > RAY.


u <3 ray

how gay!

i kid i kid

hopefully alot of people go couple of weeks ago we had 22 people

Im trying to get some AI ppl to come tommrow. what time does it start again?

I think I can get at least 6 people to go, we’re supposed to get together and play some 3s at my house afterwards. … 3 TVs. . .it’ll be crazy.

if anyone remebers im the scruby green hugo … yeah. .