Regency fun center 3s players

hi my name is ray ramos… and im a scrub. i lose to people like jerry
can i get a come on… come on come on…

Lmao :rofl: funny shit matt. whats up man, this is miguel btw


Haha, you lost to Jerry. Come on!

are these matches recorded?

hey u kids play nice now or I’ll have u all ban from regency, LOL, I’m just fuckin with ya. Warning to all, My Makoto and Urien are better now. Ray, watch your ass.

shoo- the matches are recorded only if iwst99 aka jaime shows up, which is pretty unlikely since the last time i saw him was like 4 weeks ago.

might go tonight to get some practice going boys.

remember tourney tomorrow, try to be there like around 5 and 530, we might get a lot more people this time cause i posted that shit on srk and a couple of more threads so be there early.

come on.

ill try to make it there

ray the buttons are fucked man, or did it they fix it?!?

RH on 1p died on me today, just to let you guys know before yall setup for a casual tourney and stuff

Has Regency gotten Tekken 5 DR yet or are they gonna get it ever?

This post may not have any use to you guys, but if they do get it, I’ll go and play 3s.

whos goin on tomorrow???

ima be there!!!

like around 5 or 6

who wants to set up a mini tounrey?

Yo motherfuckers! Tomorrow is the RANBAT and we need to set up some TOP-TIER CARPOOLING STRATS.

Ray, you have my number-hit me up. COME ON!

we should have like an all out FFA regulars vs the RFC regulars

thatd be tiiight!!!

We’d get tossed. The sheer number of players at Family, let alone the QUALITY ones, dwarf Regency’s number. It’s like a 4:1 ratio.

RFC vs AI, though, is something im trying to organize…


haha wed be the under dog

ill be the background cheering!!

go RFC WOO!!!

haha ai is goin down!!!111oneoneone

i’m full this time alex, sorry big dog

who was that guy today?

33 wins

beasting it up dammmm

what the fuck.
nobody can get as many wins at regency but me, i want names, who in the fuck was it i need to know, and please dont tell me it was turtle mike cause imma have a fucking heart attack :wasted: