Red Hot Combos: Combos/Resets Thread

:l: = -6 :m: = -5 :h: = 0

Yo guys. I have a Slow combo for ya that does 740K

After Slow super

High/low mixup into :dp::m:, :qcb: :m:, airdash, :qcb: :m:, :qcb: :h:, land, [j.:c: :qcb: :m:, airdash, :qcb: :m:, :qcb: :h:, land] x3, s.:h:, :s:, sj.:m:, :h:, dj.:m:, :h:, :qcb: :l:, airdash, :h:, :h: Airjoe.

Can do a little over 740K if alot of the hits from the :h: RHK’s connect. =)

This combo works on a great deal of the cast. I haven’t tested it on everyone (but it even works on Arthur).

Granted the slow super in general is only useful against opponents you want to be slow. So its not important that it works on everyone. I would just concentrate on characters you want slow like Sentinel, Hulk, Haggar, Thor, etc.

Very good shit man.

I have been looking into shocking Pink and have come across an interesting discovery.

If V-Joe blocks/advancing guards his own bomb during a combo, the “combo-count” will reset. The DMG does not rescale tho. =(, I am still investigating if the hit-stun decay resets or not.

I am investigating ways of going into “blocked bomb” set-ups at the end of a combo and not just the beginning in effort to test hit-stun decay.

My current BnB :462K dmg w/ slow.
IAD, J.B, J.C, B, C, 2C, B-Uppercut, J.C, C-RHK, Land, J.C, B-RHK, AirDash, J.C, J.S, Land, Godhand.

I am still figuring out Slow combos that go into Snapback & How to efficently get my ally in battle when opponent is slowed.

I’ve been attempting to do Mach Puch hyper, into TK Godhand and having a very difficult time with it. I am sure this will be our most combo into godhand. (… largets combo into J.S, OTG assist, C-RHK, Mach Punch, TK GodHand)

Zoogs- Are we playing the same characters? lol (V-Joe, IronMan, Felicia)


Updated with a video of the “blocked bomb” glitch.

MVC3 Viewtiful Joe- Blocked Bomb

Description:This is a glitch where the combo counter resets, however this is all the same combo. No DMG rescaling, No Hit-stun resetting. Overall interesting but a most disappointing for V-Joe’s potential.

Good stuff man. Keeping on working at it. I’m sure we can find something to make slow more effective.

If you’re trying to figure out a snap back combo, if you do the first part of the combo that I posted, before the launcher you can snap them after the last RHK.

And if you’re trying to find a way to switch in one of your other characters while the opponent is slow might I recommend that if you do slow you opponent with Joe and can get a combo going afterwards, you could quickly go into Desperado super. Since its air-untechable when it hits you could then DHC into a teammate’s super that doesn’t hit the opponent and then combo with them from there. Its like the DHC glitch, but with out the glitch. Only problem is now you’ve essentially used 3 supers so you better make it count. =/ See if that works, its just a thought.

As far as same team, not quite. I am definitely using Joe and Ironman, but instead of the cat I’m using the dog. Although I might switch Amaterasu for Shuma-Gorath. Shuma’s has an OTG assist but its sooooo slow. Getting Godhand off of it is inconsistent. Are you using Ironman’s smart bomb’s assist? I like his unibeam assist, but it may be a better alternative if I desperately need OTG moves. I don’t know.

Godhand, Overhead/low 50-50 w/ 2B or 6B, S, J.C, Aerial exchange into character who generally does more DMG than V-Joe, GODLIKE Combo.

Coming soon.

I prefer:

V-Joe w/ uppercut for tech/throw traps
Iron Man w/ Smart Bomb for OTG options
Felicia with sand splash for UB’s

New BnB, gains 1-meter, cost 1-meter, ends in Godhand: 525,500 dmg
IAD, J.B, J.C, B, C, 2C, B-Uppercut, J.C, C-RHK, Land, J.C, B-RHK, AD, J.C, B-RHK, AD, J.C, C-AirJoe, Land, Godhand.

I also show:
Godhand, Mix-up, S, J.C, Aerial Exchange (Iron Man)…

See video thread plz.


If we have combos into slow that build more bar than they use and deal 500k, and we have in slow combos that do 700k, and build more bar than they use, what are we worrying about snapback combos for if every time joe touches somebody its 1.2 mill damage plus with only 1 very very small window of oppurtunity to escape?

Try to be less optimistic and more realistic bro.

There’s guranteed to be some specific punishes where Joe does not have time to airdash, or the punish starts aerial.

But, I do need to find the point where we can snapback and the slow still rolls over. My example pushes the SLOW to the limit, such that the opponent is snapback’d but their ally does not have slow on them.

Is this in the brady guide anyone?

No, not that i have seen that in the guide anywhere.

So, am i being a retard or did they patch-out the Snapback double slow? Hopefully it was my training mode options and this still works. Someone plz confirm or deny.

Zoogs- I did it from memory, so it’s not exactly how you wrote it. Hope you like it tho. =/

its fine. But people should know that airjoe is still an option towards the end.

Also for Joe’s non-slow Bnb, I still do the normal 1st part where you combo into the M upper and then do the various j.H’s and 3 RHK but after I do the launcher, I typically do j.M, j.H, dj.M, j.H, M RHK, airdash, j.H, H Air Joe into Desperado. This does more damage than the various Bnb’s that do only RHK’s.

Which combo do you guys use for Sentinel? The Flash Metroid BnB doesn’t work on him, you can’t launch him after the :h:-RHK, or at least I wasn’t able to.

Also I was messing around with Joe in Level 3 X-Factor and I figured out some interesting things with him. I know X-Factor is better spent on other characters, but if you have to use it, here are some things to keep in mind:

The BnB I use is anything into :m:-Upper, :l:-RHK, :m:-RHK, air dash j.:h: xx :h:-RHK, :s:, j.:m:, j. :h:, dj.:h: xx :m:-RHK, :m:-RHK xx Desperado. Does 1.05 million and it’s not too difficult to perform. I always thought he was too fast to combo with in Level 3 X-Factor, but it’s not bad once you get used it.

While X-Factored, he can combo off :h:-RHK on a grounded opponent. Unfortunately you can’t do instant air j.:h: xx :h:-RHK while in Level 3 because he leaves the ground too quickly, but :h:-RHK still crosses up so it has its uses.

Completely useless, but if you Slow your opponent down, you can link five s.:h:s in a row in the corner :rofl:

wow, I though I was the only one that miss that combo on sentinel lol. I have the same trouble as you do, i cant launch him after Hard RHK for some strange reason…I could do it on any other characters except him.

Yeah, because he’s so big, he touches the ground around the same time you do after H-RHK. You can cancel the H-RHK into :f::d::df:+:atk::atk:, that works, but I don’t know what kind of air combo you can do afterward because of hitstun deterioration.

I had posted a combo because I too had this problem. It does 724k 2 meters used.

Also after Mach you should have enough hitstun to do
:m::h::s: > OTG > slow/desperado/another Mach speed

I can’t get into training mode but I too have trouble with sentinel. But Joe’s s.M is faster. Some should try landing Joe’s s.M after the H. RHK and then go into a launcher. That might work. If any thing, you can just go into Slow. Sentinel is just as screwed if he’s slow.

im not all that technical with joe yet, so any time I hit my opponent out of the air with air S, air H, or H RHK, I would always do M and H before the launch.

Alright, new BNB incoming.

After not playing for about a month it’s kinda funny/frustrating/sad that I can’t do my own combo. :rofl: Zoogstin, it seems that air Joe is more useful than I originally thought. :tup: Also, no infinite with instant air Joe is lame. Maye with X-factor but whatev.

Yeah don’t sleep on air joe. Move is great for ending combos.