Red Hot Combos: Combos/Resets Thread

Another 1 bar BnB. Is there a combo that uses two bars and an OTG that does 8K damage? (Or close to it) It seems like there should be by now… :lovin:

Modified BnB

M>H>D.H>M Upper>H>JC>H>H RHK>LvL1 X-Factor M Upper>L. Air Joe> Mach Speed> (Immediate) H> JC> (Immediate) H> (Immediate) H> L. Air Joe

= 650,700
= 970, 900

Note: The hardest part of this combo will most likely be Mach Speed timing. Yes, this does work on both Ammy and Joe. I didn’t test it against Arthur, however. Also, different X-Factor placement could lead to higher damage outputs.

Against Sentinel and Iron-Man

Regular BnB until H RHK > Mach Speed> H> JC> H> JC> H> L Air Joe


Note: There are other characters that this works against like Hulk for example, but I didn’t test it on everyone. Against smaller characters or those that don’t fall as fast the Mach Speed tends to either auto correct and completely whiff or Joe will execute his Slow super instead.

^I’m having a time and a half properly timing the :m: upper after the :h: RHK. I can do a Voomerang pretty easily but I miss out on damage.

What’s happening exactly? After the H RHK you should just input the next M Upper ASAP. The timing should really come in with Mach Speed.

Ah well I finally hit it consistently. the opp was falling way too quickly at first

745k tweaked combo from previous page. I actually should think of some new bnbs to use. Doesn’t build a bar, but comes close to it (like 98% of the bar). Impractical I’d say but I’m just going for raw damage. Trying to break 800k without XF.

I have an idea using the Shocking Pink detonation.

:m: cr. :m: cr. :h: :dp::m: j:h: (DOUBLE JUMP) j:h: :qcb::m: :qcb::h: (LAND) (MILD DELAY) :dp: :atk:+:atk: (Make sure the first hit connects or else it will drop) j:h: j :h: j :s: (OTG Assist) :qcf: :atk:+:atk: OR :qcb: :atk:+:atk: OR :dp: :atk:+:atk:

745k if you use Mach Speed after OTG. Beware hitstun scale.
740k if you Desperado.
680k if you Godhand.

great thread. just picked up joe today, and def. interesting to learn and good options IMO

Hey guys I just wanted to say this again. I keep seeing people Joe’s BnB but when they go for the launcher portion they for the most part just do j.M, j.H x3 into 2 RHK’s into super. However I’m telling you USE AIR JOE!!! IT DOES MORE DAMAGE.

Instead of goind ing j.M, j.H, dj.M j.H, dj.M j.H, M RHK x2 into Super do this:

j.M, j.H, j.M j.H, AIRDASH j.H, H Air Joe, Super

This does more damage and Joe needs it.

Even after a Mach Speed super, Airjoes still do more damage after the launcher portion than 2 RHK’s. After a mach speed I’ll do,

Mach speed, launch, j.M j.H, M Airjoe, j.H, dj.M j.H, H Airjoe into super.

THIS IS A CONSISTENT COMBO AND WORKS ONE EVERYONE THAT YOU CAN LAUNCH (I know Iron Man and Sentinel are tricky but that has nothing to do with what I’m talking about).


This uses two bars. Does it break 800K?

Oh the mach speed combo? Heck no. I was just throwing that out there. then ender is not whats important. My point is what to do before the ender (which is typically a Desperado Super.) If you want to end with an :s: you can do the L Air Joe or M Airjoe.

Hitstun deterioration prevents extended Air Joe links from working after Joe’s BnB. I only do Air Joe combos after raw launchers, Mach Speed, launching after anti-air Tron flame, etc.

What combos are you talking about? I’m doing it with Joe’s bnb. I’m only doing 1 air joe but that’s all I’m saying. With an exception to mach speed (I’ll do 2). For example my bnb is this:

c.M, c.H, M Upper, j.H, dj.H, M RHK, airdash, j.H, M RHK, H RHK, land, S, j.M, j.H, j.M j.H, AIRDASH j.H, H Air Joe, Super

This works and I do it all day against my opponents. NO MATTER WHO IT IS. If I start the combo off with j.S and then go into the combo, I still get the H Air Joe and super at the end. It does more damage and works on everyone. I’ve done this combo when the first hit was Iron Man’s unibeam assist and the combo still works.

Sorry if I was misleading. I’m just saying rather than do 2 M RHK’s into a Super at the end, do 1 M RHK and then an H Air Joe into a Super.

Oh, I see what you’re saying now, sorry if I misunderstood your post. I’ll try that out in training mode right now.

I’ll test some air joe stuff tomorrow. I am bent on breaking 800k. Joe will have normal DMG like the rest of the cast.

Never tried air joe…guess ill try it.

can anyone confirm this combo works on everyone, what’s the damage and is it that much higher?

I’d like to try it out but it takes me a while to master a combo, don’t want to waste my practice time atm.
Also how hard is it to RHK dash into j.H?

I’ve already tested it on every one. The only wierd character is Tron. I have to do this instead:

BnB, S, sj.M, j.H, M RHK, Airdash, j.H, dj.M, j.H, H Air Joe, Super.

As you can see I have to do the M RHK on the first jump, not the second one.

Also It doesn’t matter how much more damage it does compared to the RHK only combos. The point is, its EASY to do. The difficulty of landing it does not increase. Granted you don’t have as much time to buffer in a super but I can do this combo in my sleep and you guys can too.

Also if you remember the Slow Combo that I posted a while ago. Kyle made a video of it doing 700K. If you look at his video you’ll notice that he didn’t finish the combo like I had posted (he forgot it but thats fine). Instead of doing the 2 M RHK’s you can do 1 L RHK, airdash, j.H, H Airjoe, and you can net around 745K depending on what move you started the combo with.

Yes Air Joe will kill joe’s combo potential if you do it early in a combo, but IF you are able to throw one in at the end of a combo then you’ll see that the damage of your combo will benefit.

He’s right, everyone should finish their combos with this sequence. Thanks very much Zoogstin for bringing this to my attention, the little bit of extra damage is definitely worth it.

F+M xx M Upper, j.H, dj.M, H xx M-RHK, airdash j.H xx M-RHK, H-RHK, S, [j.M, j.H] x3, M-RHK x2, Desperado = 621 000

F+M xx M Upper, j.H, dj.M, H xx M-RHK, airdash j.H xx M-RHK, H-RHK, S, [j.M, j.H] x2, M-RHK, airdash, j.H xx Air Joe, Desperado = 639 000

It took me about 2 minutes to get used to this new combo, so just do it.

nevermind, beat me to the punch.

Can this work with M, H before the groovy uppercut?

Yeah, it works with virtually anything before the Groovy Uppercut. You can even do j.S, s.L, s.M, s.H, cr.H xx Groovy Upper.

@Zoogstin: Have you been able to do a combo that does more damage than the latest one I posted? I know one of the things you stressed when talking about Air Joe enders was easiness, but I was just curious.

@Joe Forum: So I was in training mode for about 45mins to an hour and did a combo that dealt 773,600 if memory serves. 2 supers and Wesker OTG. I’m pretty sure we can come up with something that comes out to 800K. For instance, I didn’t start the combo with a jumping attack which could increase the damage.

“My young Joe. It looks like you haven’t awakened to your true powers as a hero.”