Holy crap, darn. lol My bad, totally forgot God Hand wasn’t a grab. Lol sorry, I’m a haggar/she hulk type of person. I thought it was a grab.
Any combos people want Youtubed? I’ll be working on my Joe/Arthur/Morrigan set up more this weekend so if people want combos visualized so they can understand it better, I will be more than willing to help out.
Some of the stuff from the combo section:
I’m having trouble landing j:h: after the :dp:. Are there any tips on the timing of that?
I had trouble with it myself for a while, but you just have to practice and get used to the timing. There’s no visual cue really.
Well, it’s kind of as soon as he starts going down towards the floor that you press H. Kind of.
Basically making the BnBs a little easier for myself… These might even be in the thread and I’m just slowpoking but…
Easy Combo I use:
j:h: (DOUBLE JUMP) j:m: j:h: :qcb:
:qcb::h:(LAND) (MILD DELAY) j:s:j:m:j:m:j:h: j:m:j:m:j:h:j:m:j:h:j:s: (OTG Assist) :qcf: :atk:+:atk: OR :qcb: :atk:+:atk:
**611k with Desperado and two Red Hot Kicks. 586k with Desperado and one
Red Hot Kick
551k with Godhand and two Red Hot Kicks. 526k with Godhand and one
Red Hot Kick.**
It builds 1 meter and it uses 1 meter. Airdash when midscreen to get two RHK’s in there. In the corner they’re free.
Another one…
:h: :dp:
j:h: (DOUBLE JUMP) j:m: j:h: :qcb:
:qcb::h: (LAND) (MILD DELAY) :dp: :atk:+:atk: (Make sure the first hit connects or else it will drop) j
j :h: j:s: (OTG Assist) :qcf: :atk:+:atk: OR :qcb: :atk:+:atk:
724k with Desperado. 664k with Godhand. Uses 2 meters. Builds 4/5ths of the bar. – Most damaging Joe combo posted so far without XFactor? :woot:
As far as I know the second combo can’t be extended in the air past the lone :h::s: due to hitstun decay.
And hey, no XFC for either!
My only advice is sit in training mode. Forever. and make sure you’re not pushing H too soon.
Is it just me or will the :S: after 623M jH jc jM jH 214M airdash jH 214M 214H whiff on Wolverine? I’m having problems specifically on him with the set up. I can generally hit the rest of the cast np.
Edit: Nevermind, as I said it I nailed him midscreen. Corner only issue or just strict timing I guess.
Here’s a little something that takes advantage of the DHC glitch with Tron and Joe. Start with Tron:
j.:h:, (3hits), :h:, :rdp:+:h:,
(one hit), :f:+:m:, Jump Cancel, j.
, j.:h:, j.:s:, :qcf:+:l:,
:dp:+:atk:+:atk:, DHC into Viewtiful Godhand, j.:h:, :qcb:+:m:, Airdash, j.:h:, :qcb:+:m:, :qcb:+:h:,
Launch, j., j.:h:, Double Jump, j.
, j.:h:, Triple Jump, j.
, j.:h:, :qcb:+:m:, :qcb:+:m:, :qcf:+:atk:+:atk:
Costs 3 meters. 952,900 damage. More than enough to kill the new Sentinel
Make sure you DHC before King Kobun hits. Godhand will whiff and you can jump right into the j.H when Tron’s super is about to end.
Not bad, but I wouldn’t change my team order for it. Come to think of it, there’s a more damaging version having Tron use Shuma’s OTG assist (or many other assists) in the corner… I’ll prolly post that version in a bit.
First post really should update with damage numbers.
599k combo. Uses 1 meter. Builds 1 meter.
:h:cr.:h: :dp:
j:h: (DOUBLE JUMP) j:m: j:h: :qcb:
:qcb::h:**(LAND) (MILD DELAY)**j:s:j:m:j:m:j:h: j:m:j:h:j:m:j:h: :qcb:
cr. M, s. M, s. H, cr. H, Dp M, j.H, dj. j.MH, j.qcbM, j.qcbH vv … (s. M), S, j.MMH, j. qcbM, Air dash j.H, dj. J.(M)H, Air Joe H (Drop Kick), Desperado
620,000 damage, +.35 Net Meter Gain
Corner Combo:
cr. M, s. M, s. H, cr. H, Dp M, j.H, dj. j.MH, j.qcbM, j.qcbM, j.qcbH vv … (s. M), S, j.MMH, j. qcbM, Air dash j.H, dj. j.(M)H, Air Joe H (Drop Kick) Desperado
645,500 damage , +.49 Net Meter gain
cr. M, s. M, s. H, cr. H, Dp M, j.H, j.qcbH, DP SUPER, j. MMH, j.qcbM, Air dash j.H Air Joe H (Drop Kick) Desperado
730,500 damage, -.8 Net Meter gain
The first two are seen here-
Parenthesis around Ms mean you might have to omit in some circumstances such as: Character specific (very few like 3), or if you begin the combo with another attack than cr. M
P.S. It seems to me that ending a combo with after S with… J.MMH j.qcbM Air Dash j.H j.M(M)H Air Joe H (Drop Kick) Desperado. Does more damage than ending it the way you guys end it. Air Joe H tacks on a lot of damage, but the downside is Air Joe H requires really good timing to land Desperado after a very long combo. Only applicable to 1 meter combo’s as well.
your combo requires an extra airdash and a well timed link. the difference in damage is only 10k-20k more. its flashy and all, but for most people, not worth it.
so what combo should I be learning with joe?
cr M, H, cr H, dp M, j H, dj H, rhk M, rhk H.
I took the time to master that one part. But i dont know if thats the best beginning for the combo and im not sure what to do after.
Whats the best DP combo that does good damage and isnt overly hard to do?
ps. if anyone besides me plays X 23, air desperado will pretty much always combo into weapon X prime, with very little timing required. I also happen to have morrigan on my main team, which makes pretty much any hit I land a set up for the dhc trick.
an extra airdash? I don’t get this part.
The well timed link, I can understand but I just grew into the timing Its actually quite simple for me but thats just me…
since you are learning i would say c.m, s.m, s.h, c.h, DP.m, j.h, dj.m, dj.h, dj.s, rhk h, after that you can do launcher or go into slow and after launcher j.m, j.m, j.h, dj.m, dj.h, tj.m, tj.h, rhk.m, rhk.m, qcf atk+atk. you can get a good amount of damage this combo is what i used to use when the game came out.
That looks nice. I need to try this out.
so i was watching the xanadugame stream archives with flash metroid playing IM/Joe/Tron, i was wondering, whats the notation on his viewtiful joe combos?
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Here you go Thanks for the link to the archive by the way, I’ve been fiending some high level Joe play!
thanks, ima be working on that combo for quite a while.
Yeah, it took me a while to get it 100% consistent, best of luck.