a few notes regarding the M upper bnb combo
You can actually make eye contact with joe on the screen as a visual cue for linking the H, when the pink aura fades and you can see joes eyes looking at you, thats the window for the link.
H, double jump H, Medium RHK, airdash H, Medium RHK, Heavy RHK, launch is the bnb for most people.
Ive found that this is most consistent if you slide, with cr H, and hit with the upper right before they hit the ground from the slide.
you also have to alter this combo based on the opponent.
It flat out doesn’t work on spencer, wolverine and a few others because of either their fall speed or their hitstun animation. For those, put an M after the double jump before the second H, and you should be good.
Against Sentinel, you have to put an M before the second air H, AND after the airdash, before the third H, to get it to work.
All these combos are much easier to hit in the corner as the timings all get more lenient.
Also, instant overhead H, to double jump airdash M H works on everyone that gets hit by the overhead and goes into a full bnb in the corner.
after slow, I do cr L x2 and call a low assist than go in for an overhead, which locks them into an unblockable.