Red Hot Combos: Combos/Resets Thread

I’ve been messin around w/ the diff styles of BNB. The dp+M into air normal is maddening. Ill get it 10 straight thinkin I got it, then whiff it 10 straight and wanna take a bath with a toaster. Is there any visual or audio cue?

Likewise there’s tha dp+M into airjoeM x 2. Its sweet and seemingly easy, but sometimes ill land with no launch window. Any idea how to prevent this possibility? Seems like the slightly scrubbier version overall, but online ill frickin take it long as I get the launch after lol.

There isn’t really a good visual cue for linking H after M Upper. Just keep practicing it, you’ll start to feel when it’s too late or too early. Or just do j.M > dj.MH after a M Upper, it’s much easier.

Yeah I tried the M… same pattern. I seem to go back n forth between always and never. Lol howabout the double M air joe after M DP? Less dmg, but if it’ll work every time ill take it.

Yeah man, definitely go with whatever is most consistent for you. Personally, I prefer to use L Air Joe after a M Upper in that situation, but it doesn’t seem to make too much of a difference. I would still recommend practicing the higher damage though, even if it takes a while to get used to. It never hurts to squeeze as much damage out of this guy as possible :expressionless:

EDIT: After looking into it more, you wanna press the H (or M) right when the pink effect is completely gone from the M Upper. You have enough time for Joe to fall a tiny bit before linking the air normal. Dunno if that helps.

Ok, so this is a concept I’ve been working on. The record function cut it off early, but after the falling S, jump M or H for a full combo. Any character that relies on TACs needs a good TAC reset. It might be kinda easy to react to, but lemme know what you guys think.

EDIT: Seems to work midscreen, too.

Looks good man, specially if you have a frank team, i have done some stuff like this months ago, but never did it in practice at tournaments, if you can find the same resets off a log trap hit confirm, it can be very strong. and might stop people from smashing S

Thanks, man. Ill try both the L air joe first, and using the dissapearing pink visual cue. Ill get it eventually. I’m having way too much fun and success w/ joe this time around to drop em again. :slight_smile: the whole point was that my friends now refuse to fight my nova, so needed a B team for casuals. But after, like, 3 days of joe they’re already starting to miss nova :stuck_out_tongue:

That reset is pretty sweet. Ill have to watch it again to see exactly what you’re doin, but appears simple enough and effective. Good work! :slight_smile:

Sorry, I should’ve explained the reset better or added inputs. After the launch, sj.MH > M RHK > Airdash > Jab > they flip out > Double jump > H > L Air Joe > Falling S > Land > j.MH > Combo of choice.

Noice. Seems easy enough. What do you recommend if they end up blocking it? I know it’s a TAC bait so theoretically they can’t, but just in case they catch on, do we just take a hit and congratulate them on being alert? Or can we keep advantage?

New question: When I hit and then go into M DP into a jM/H dj H xx M DP, H DP OR jM/H djH xx M DP, adf jH xx M DP, H DP and then land, soo often I miss the ground S AND MS. Any idea why sometimes it seems like we can’t launch after the H DP? It’s weird, just sometimes it works, sometimes it appears like it’s not possible. There’s got to be some variable determining it. I try to do the air DP sequences fast as possible thinking that’s the factor. But will still miss the launch. Tried it w/ both M DP sequences, same result. Any idea what’s up here?

Good call, I forgot to take them blocking it into account xD I just tested it, and sometimes they stay in the air blocking the whole Air Joe, which is ideal, and sometimes they fall straight down while you whiff the end of Air Joe. You can cancel the whiff into a M or H RHK, but it seems a lil risky. It’ll be good for blatant mashers though, I usually peek at their buttons during the Air Joe before a TAC anyway :wink:

After M Upper, I used to do j.H > dj. H > M RHK > Airdash > j.H > M RHK > H RHK > Land > Launch for max damage, but I actually found the launch inconsistent, too. Especially against fast fallers like Dr. Strange and Dormammu.

Now, I always do M Upper > j.M > dj.MH > M RHK > Airdash > j.H > M RHK > H RHK > Land > Launch. It’s easier to link than j.H, it carries the opponent higher so you have more time to launch, and you can easily go for Slow instead of launch. You always land on their opposite side though, so I go for the j.H if I’m about to push them into the corner and I don’t want to side switch. Even this combo I’ve always had a hard time doing on Sentinel, but I always just Slow that fool after a hit anyway. Big bodies are free to Slow mixups and are pretty useless if they escape.

Have to imagine you’re pretty consistent w/ that since you play Frank 2nd lol I contemplated that but figured I’d need to have my Joe combos down 100% for that lol I havent really been messin w/ slow much, it requires completely different combos, no?

Yep, you definitely need combos for Slow :stuck_out_tongue: I do the Voom loop starting at 1:11 in this vid:

…and I do the ender from this vid:

I like the Voom loop from the first vid cuz it’s easy to adjust if you confirmed off an assist that adds to hitstun. Most of the time, I use Shopping Cart or Jam Session to mix them up after Slow, then do 4 reps of the Voom loop, launch, into the Zoogstin ender. I can also raw tag in Frank at the end of a the Slow combo to get some levels B)

Haha awesome! So slow guarantees us an assist + cL/fwd+M, assuming the proper assist (cart, jam, etc)? The mixup I mean, not the hit.

Joe is +3 after Slow. In Vanilla, you used to be able to combo a snapback after it, but you can’t anymore :frowning: I almost always do cr.L x3 + call Frank. If they block low, they’re forced to block Frank, then dash in and get the 50/50. If they block high, they get hit. If they hold up back, they get hit. A lot of people will try to raw tag, which will hit you if you’re mashing cr.L, so watch out for that. Using Cold Star for the mixup actually covers the raw tag too, the tag will hit you out of cr.L, but they’ll be stuck in the ice long enough for you to get up and confirm off it xD

The best escape from Slow, in my opinion, is to just throw. A throw will beat the cr.L, and not only that, it will force you to think about needing to tech a throw next time you go for the mixup. Throwing the opponent right after a Slow is actually really good for the opponent, Joe can’t combo off it and it wastes a bit of time. If you tech their throw, you’ll be at an advantage and will win the ‘tech mash’ war, but it still wastes a lot of time from the super. Even still, the cr.L mixup covers the most options, so I always go for it first against a new opponent. You can also go for an instant j.H overhead, it combos into H RHK and will option select an air throw.

If they escape the mixup and are still Slow’d trying to run away, I usually put a couple Red Vooms out there, try to push em to the corner, and get em locked down again before the time runs out.

If you’re in the corner, you can slow > dash + call frank > j.H > double jump to air dash > j.H, j.S if you wanna go for an instant overhead. The dash is to get you into position for the j.H instant overhead and the jump should be pretty instant after the dash. That’s if you wanna go high. Low, I do what you do, c.L a few times + Frank

You think these options should work with jam session or cold star? I assume yes to the former, but no to the latter since CS takes a sec to hit and kinda pops them up sometimes when it does.

a few notes regarding the M upper bnb combo

You can actually make eye contact with joe on the screen as a visual cue for linking the H, when the pink aura fades and you can see joes eyes looking at you, thats the window for the link.

H, double jump H, Medium RHK, airdash H, Medium RHK, Heavy RHK, launch is the bnb for most people.
Ive found that this is most consistent if you slide, with cr H, and hit with the upper right before they hit the ground from the slide.

you also have to alter this combo based on the opponent.

It flat out doesn’t work on spencer, wolverine and a few others because of either their fall speed or their hitstun animation. For those, put an M after the double jump before the second H, and you should be good.

Against Sentinel, you have to put an M before the second air H, AND after the airdash, before the third H, to get it to work.

All these combos are much easier to hit in the corner as the timings all get more lenient.

Also, instant overhead H, to double jump airdash M H works on everyone that gets hit by the overhead and goes into a full bnb in the corner.

after slow, I do cr L x2 and call a low assist than go in for an overhead, which locks them into an unblockable.

Can’t wait to try that visual cue, thanks! Though as for the post-Upper continuations, a lot of folks have advised just using M’s by default (Upper, M dj MH xx M.RHK etc) for consistency. And it seems, unless that destroys the damage, one might as well. Especially if the alternative is altering your combo based on opposing character. That said, my comments are based upon the assumption that not much damage is lost by doing this. If that assumption is incorrect, then this advice may not be for everyone. For me, I’ll sacrifice 50k to never drop my combo every time. But my execution is ass.

Idk if I’m tripping but…
In vanilla I’m pretty damn sure Joe could always land Groovy Up, j.H in high hit stun.

Then ultimate they flip out in 3+ voomerang confirm.
Thats the main reason I switch to j.M.

Though the j.H isnt that hard. I could land it all day. Even in online.
Now the launcher in basic bnbs…thats a different story.