Less Hitstun, more damage? or less hitstun, less damage overall… i use Joe/Storm/ Dante or Sentinel… but i hate anchor sent…
Some Joe/Doom stuff I’ve been working on. The first video is a combo that allows Joe to DHC into Doom midscreen, and the second is a fun Doom combo I came up with that combos off hard-tag in slow. sorry for the quality
If someone has any ideas on how to optimize these I’d be thankful to hear it : )
If you have Cap on your team, after a Slow you can hard tag him in. If they don’t block it, you get 13 charging stars + HCS and does about 700-800K damage. I forget the real number. It’s hilarious.
I’m currently Running Viewtiful Joe/ Rocket Raccoon/ Arthur.
I’m trying to create a combo where I can use Raccoon’s Log Trap and finish it with the Slow HC.
Have anyone watched a combo that looks like that?
I can’t figure out a combo that deals a decent damage finishing with slow =/
The reason why you’re dropping the combo is because after you airdash, H, you start pressing the LLL after the opponent is already hit. Once you press H, you need to get in 2 “L” presses before he even hits the opponent, that way when you press the third “L” (which will trigger his L Air joe) it’ll combo. I do this combo very consistently.
Heres some more combos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2WvZElo0ek
You guys should try out the RHK M, ADF Voomerang. If you could IAD Voomerang then you can do the RHK one.
And here is a combo I didnt show.
6M, dp.M, j.H, qcb.Mx2, adf, qcf.L, j.MH, qcb.Mx2, adf, qcf.L, st.H, dp.H.
To lazy to end it but. You could probably just do air joe H to mach speed/slow.
That would do about 640-680kish dmg.
wow this looks really nice. hopefully I can go in the lab later see how to optimize this. The damage seems nice.
I’ve seen combo videos where you end in an instant air OTG 6cannon + log trap, then you Slow and it hits. I can’t find the right timing on it. Can anyone help me with this?
It already is pretty optimized.
Basically 4 rhks is to much hitstun to get the ending (j.h xx air joe.L,)x2, S. Havent seen if only 1 air joe would still work. As its pretty much muscle memory for me to do 2. >.<
But you can bring them back down with (j.h xx air joe.L,)x2, j.L xx air joe.L (mash). Does 560K dmg. Cant get a super/tac off that either.
Nor can you do (j.h xx air joe.L,)x2, j.H xx air joe.H. As the you cant get the last hit of air joe to do anything once you land.
But cause you are closer to the ground you can extend it more with assists.
IE: 6M, dp.M, j.H, qcb.Mx2, adf, qcf.L, j.MH, qcb.Mx2, adf, qcf.L, st.H(+assist), dp.M/H (540k-ish)
I use Jam Session and it connects. Just cant seem to continue to combo off it easily…
But maybe you might be able to get more off it then I do. xD
OT: I’m loving Joe(y)/Dante(a)/Ammy(b) team.
Havent messed around with THC set ups, but they seem like they would be extremely dirty on paper.
Hey guys, I’m trying to replicate a combo I saw, but I can’t quite figure it out. Basically, it ends with Launch > (low to the ground) Air Joe > M RHK > H RHK > Slow. Basically, it was a way to carry them back down into Slow after a launch. I’d do this combo when confirming off of missiles in a weird way in the air > Air Joe > land > launch > ender into Slow. I’m pretty sure I saw Reid do it (not sure what stream), but I don’t know which Air Joe was used and exactly how it was set up after the launch. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
If you guys are having trouble fighting characters like Mags/Doom/Vergil teams. And get out zoned alot. (If playing with frank and coon) Joe can simply get in by jumping normally and plick dashing twice to mags if he is abusing disruptor with doom beam can lead to happy bdays. I do this at 0:30secs with in the game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NOEzl22VrE
Man I hate Vergil…
I’m so scrubby against him. Cant even 6 cannon him when you read swords special.
Just cause it some how beats it out/ destroys the shot…
But honestly I found doing Yolo dodges to be the most derppest approach to him.
Cause usually I would think back dashing xx dodge would be safer…But its not. Since dodging seems to have some sort of vulnerably on start up.
Or I’m tripping and getting hit during the back dash.
And against Doom, I found Joe can keep him locked in the corner pretty easily.
Just by playing thumb war and using j. M voomerang.
dodge has no vulnerability on start up your invincible on frame 1 to what ever. you must be doing somthing. because you can recover and dodge as a reversal with out getting hit, like invincible supers. if its a 1 v 1 against vergil i think its in joes favour. you can keep him out with vooms all day, you just gotta watch out for a random teleport. and you will get mixed input. like a bomb or a light red hot kick, and both are very unsafe. other then that just block swords. or when goes to attack, dodge in to upper. coz his normals have really bad at recovery. if u push block his S.H and he goes in to rapid slash, you can grab or dodge and go into mach speed to punish him. and if u ever get a hit go in to slow super, he cant combo or do anything lol. all they do is jump back helm braker.
Does anyone know if joe has raw tag setups into slow?
Easiest is in slow:
S, sj.h, RHK.L, RHK, H. Raw tag. Mid screen only.
M.Upper, Rhk.M, adf Rhk.H. Raw tag. Mid screen only.
The trick is to cross over with rhk.
So Joe can at freely after a bomb as soon as it hits the first spike of his helmet. Or also most above his head.
Some corner loops and a bomb throw.
Not a tag into Slow, but at 00:40 you can see a good example of landing Slow and tagging into another character:
The Coon is probably the only one who can actually do that.
i was thinking Rocky could, but also magneto because hyper grav drags the opposing character over to magneto, and if mags switches out the opponent is still dragged over to the incoming character…maybe combo from there into slow? maybe trish and vergil can do it too.
i can almost get a combo with vergil… i just don’t know how to play with him well yet… it would also require me to play a vergil point team… with joe… second… pretty awkward…
What are you doing after the raw tag?
Cause with Magneto I could get a Raw Tag, s.M xx L.Voomerang, Slow. But that doesnt work on high hit stun.
I also tried holding back before the raw tag to make them fly a bit higher then usual.
But I still cant get off a straight up Slow for raw tag. >.<
i was thinking with mags a short midscreen combo that gets the opponent to the corner, one hyper grav rep, as soon as mags recovers from the hyper grav, tag in joe, maybe call dante and go for slow?