Red Hot Combos: Combos/Resets Thread

Anyone have any advice for the Air Joe after the j.H? They all seem to fall out of it before i can do it…am I just not doing it fast enough?


First of all make sure you’re doing the L version. You can do it with the M version but its harder. You just gotta learn when the L Air joe ends. You have around a 5 frame buffer window to input the S so you can press it a little bit early.


theres one in there.

also, I like my X factor combo with Joe better.
Works off of any combo starter

M Upper - M - M Air Joe - dj H - H Air Joe - tj H - H Air joe - Launch - MMH, MH, MH - M RKH - M RHK - Desperado.

i need to go back and find out how much damage and meter it does specifically. But its super consistent.

Also, for those of you that like to use SLOW.
If for whatever reason, your follow up mix up doesnt work. jump back and throw charged voomerangs, people get absolutely locked down by it, and if you just keep charging voomerangs and have a projectile assist, you can do just as much damage in chip as you would if you got a combo off it.
I play Morrigan and this allows me to do added chip with fireball assist or gain more than the meter I spent for the slow with the meter assist.

Could you post a video of that combo? I’m having a hard time visualizing it. Also, what level of X factor can you do that combo in? My version only works in X factor level 2 and 3.

I almost forgot about this, but Desk’s info is not entirely correct. On several occasions while playing with some friends (and sometimes online) I was able to get the bomb glitch to work on the player 2 side. Don’t stop looking into this, there are definitely still some unknowns about the entire process. Team combination used was Tron/Joe/Haggar, but I doubt that means anything. Also, although that is the order I typically play I hold the second assist to swap Tron into point position and Joe into second, might have an effect.

I’m not sure if my info is correct on this one but from what I’ve read/heard is that the 1p bomb infinite glitch is in training mode only. So in vs or online you should be fine. Just don’t quote me on that, especially if I’m wrong. :slight_smile:

Anyone have any luck w/ Joe’s TAC infinite? I’ve been trying for a long time and I can’t get it down. They pop up too high before I can j.M them on the way down.

I would need to have a whole day to sit down and test that. Because between L M and H air joes and up/down/right TACs, theres probably a lot of variation that can go into that. but i dont have a system so thats not going to happen anytime soon.

also, just a quick little reset that I came up with. if you have a combo that ends with a hard knockdown, and you ahve an otg assists, you can otg into RHK H, and than stand jab and jump up for an easy air throw that will take long enough for your otg assist to refresh.

I’ve been working on TAC Joe combos, and one interesting thing I noticed that it is possible to land while using air joe and still use a TAC exchange, meaning that air joe can be used to set up TAC infinities. I only managed to get that to happen once in a match randomly, but I’m sure that if someone put the time into it they could find a way to set it up consistently. Its worth looking further into at least.

So anyone have full screen IAD Voomerang combos?
So far all I have is with Sent drones.

ADB Voomerang, Assist, ADF Voomerang (x2), ADB Voomerang, ADF Voomerang, cr. H, Groovy Upper H. (To BnB)

Its just Groovy Up H, the M version has them fill out before you can get a j.H.
Heres hoping if anyone can optimize this on air hits or with any kind of beam assist.

I’m kind of struggling to get joe combos down. I never know which one to go for in certain situations. Is there any vid or post on optimal bnb’s from different starters? idk i played most of the characters in the game and never struggled like this. Im trying Joe/Mag disruptor/Sent btw

The timings are weird. Generally all these combos will work regardless of the starter except the corner combo. Zoogstin has some on his youtube with specific assists as well.

*cr.b, cr.c xx m.upper
*j.s, cr.a, cr.b, st.b, st.c, cr.c xx m.upper
*addf, j.h, j.s, f+mp xx m.upper
*h.rhk xx mach-speed
*(air-to-air) j.h xx h.rhk

*m.upper, j.c, dj.b, dj.c, dj.s xx h.rhk, st.b, st.c
*m.upper, j.c, dj.c xx m.rhk, addf, j.c xx m.rhk, h.rhk, st.b, st.c
*h.upper, m.rhk, addf j.c xx m.rhk, addf, j.c xx m.rhk, h.rhk
*(Corner), m.upper, j.b/j.c xx m.rhk, l.voomerang (land), dash forward, j.c xx m.rhk, addf, j.c xx m.rhk, h.rhk
(There are other bnb’s, but these are the max damage ones afaik)


  • (after st.c) xx l.voomerange xx slow
    *(after st.c) S, j.b, j.c, dj.b, dj.c xx m.rhk, m.rhk xx six cannon
    *(after st.c) S, j.b, j.c, dj.b, dj.c xx m.rhk, m.rhk, addf, j.c xx l.air-joe, j.s (land) tiger-knee six cannon
    *(After h.rhk) delayed mach-speed

~m.Groovy Up , j.h, dj.h, m.rhk, adf j.h, m.rhk, h.rhk, S, sj.h, m.air joe, l.rhk.

The last rhk connects only when your close. So add more j.H if your to far away.
Depending on height they either air or ground recover and since you still have a move left in the air just throw a l/m.voomerang.
Cant get rhk if hit stun is to high.

m, h, cr.h, m.groovy up, j.h, dj.h, m.rhk,adf j.h xx l.voomerang, land, j.h, m.rhk, adf m.rhk, adf l.voomerang, S, sj.h xx l.air joe,( j.l xx l.air joe)x2
555k dmg

If you do the sj.h fast enough you can bring them back to the ground. But I havent tried to see if you could get anything off it.
And it doesnt matter how much hitstun happened in the combo as long as rhk connects, Joe can always adf to another rhk/voomerang.

Thats all I have. >.<

The earlier B&B people used posted

dp. M, H, dj H, qcb.M, airdash qcb.M, qcb.H, launch
M H, dj M H, qcb.M x2, dash, H, (enemy pops out here) LLLLLLLLLLLLLL, S, tk hyper

I found isn’t good because even off just a j.S or a decent ground chain you lose way too much stun, see where I said “enemy pops out”… I basically dropped Joe because this combo sucked ass and I couldn’t find a more reliable BNB.


There is a newer one which ends in j.MMH x3, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM x2, it’s easier to do and opponents pop out less.

If you convert with the opponent in the air, j.H, try adjusting based on their height and hitting with a combination of M RHKs, H’s, air dash, and end obviously with H.RHK so you can launch afterwards.

Also I wouldn’t put voomerang in the combo whatsoever unless you hit with one to start a combo

Also you might have to throw in some M’s in front of the H’s in the double jumping and air dashing with the heavies.

Another problem I consistently find is that Joe’s opponent after the S is too far away for the TK super to hit before ground recovery. So you might just hyper in the air but you’ll lose 10-15k damage without it.

3nigmat1c some of your combos have 4 jumps in them, and I know certain combinations of those, especially starting with j.S and THEN almost a full Darkstalkers chain is too much hitstun.

Whats wrong with Voomerang?
I dont see how it kills hitstun to you cant combo anything. Even doing,
~m.groovy up, j.m/h, dj.h, m.rhk,adf j.h xx l.voomerang, land, j.h, m.rhk, adf m.rhk, adf l.voomerang, S, sj.h xx l.air joe, j.l/h xx l.air joe, j.s.

You always have enough hitstun to do that combo. With the added dmg from Voomerang.
Hell I even think you can loop j.l xx l.air joe for an infinite. And cancel any hit from air joe to 6 cannon.
The only thing that hit stun affects is linking j.h off m.groovy up, but that can be fixed by going for j.m the continuing as usual.
And more then 2 air joes you cant get the j.s off anymore.

Added extremely crappy video.
All do 680k+ damage. Havent tried mash air joe to ground. >.>

Okay, cool combo with damage, but wouldn’t H RHK be a more damaging way to get to the ground? My mentality was that if I only have a limited number of specials in the air (you apparently rejump) I should do the most damaging ones. In this case RHKs. But I don’t know how to optimize Joe’s combos otherwise, I’ll be in the lab with yours sometime - Just bought TTT2 so it may be a couple days.

I was thinking of l.air joe xx h.rhk.
But I think the start up is more then l/m.rhk. Maybe canceling to l.voomerang or m/h.air joe could bring them down for a ground super.

But yeah rhks do the most dmg. But after scaling air joes do more damage then it.
Around 10-20k more dmg then rhk would do after fully scaled.

Edit: Ok I got something now.
Just back dash xx l.bomb, tk 6cannon. Do the self detonate trick to make it combo.
Though finicky to not hit you in the corner.
Still great to make it safe if you mess up the TK.

so im having a lot of trouble zoning with Joe… my voomerang spam is crappy… how do you get the voomerangs to come out and not the normals… and joe always back dashes when i start spamming…

also why do joe combos use M upper and not H. Does anyone else try to incorporate V-Dodge into their zoning patterns? I think that V-dodge is the 2nd most invincible special in the game, after double lariat, does it make it useful? Is Joe possible to play on Pad?

You can’t do air dash until a certain height. Varies by whether forward or back dash. So you really have to memorize, down to frame accuracy, exactly how long is between your up on the joystick/pad and your dash input. And make that time your lifesblood.

Is anyone able make a better quality video with this combo, i can hardly see wtf hes doing.

We use M Upper because its easier to combo in to effectively plus Groovy H makes the combo have less hit stun. I use V-doge when Im getting out Zoned by other characters and assist’s to not take the chip damage, Its also good to V doge in to Mach Speed to catch them off guard but its risky if they block but have a safe DHC and it should be fine. Whats your Team bro?