Can’t tell, one is worse as an anchor but one has better utility all around. I’d say Dorm but I’m not sure. The second team has very, very weak projectile coverage, but Joe doesn’t really NEED a strong projectile assist.
Ahh just noticed I asked in the wrong thread sorry. Hope I can get opinions anyway.
I play Ammy anchor with Joe and it’s been working out really well, especially with that sneaky Joe overhead after a hard knockdown. Not sure about how well Ammy’s assist works in the neutral game with Joe since I use Dante’s Jam Session to prevent my opponent from super jumping over the Voomerangs, but I can see Ammy assist working out decently too.
Not too sure about Dorm; his lockdown seems a little more limited in the fact that it’s not a downward angle like Ammy’s but he’s probably a better character. Even if you do catch an opponent with Dorm’s assist in the neutral game, it’s hard to dash up and overhead with Joe since the lockdown period is shorter than Ammy’s.
Cold Star works extremely well for Joe’s neutral game. Triple jump, call ice, and Red Hot Kick M. If the kick hits, ice will combo, then you can airdash in with a Voomerang, and confirm into a full combo. Or you can cross them up with a Red Hot Kick H. If they block it, you should have ample time to wavedash in and go for an overhead. Even if the ice hits while they’re on the ground I often reset them with an overhead for full damage.
Ammy ice is also one of the best assists for mixing up after Viewtiful Godhand.
Hmm never thought about using Red Hot Kick M to hit confirm with Ammy… Thanks man! Hopefully I can win more in some of my casuals here.
No prob, I credit Zoogstin for this actually. Zoog is partially why I picked up Ammy in the first place, and also cuz I got beasted on by LLND >.>
Having a lot of fun with Joe lately and want to put some time into him. The team I came up for is Joe(Voomerang)/Deadpool(KatanaRama)/Ammy(Ice Bawlz).
Anyways, having a little trouble with this mid-screen BNB. It’s the one from Lythero’s video. If I’ve added a move or anything plz let me know because I’m really inconsistent with it atm.
H cr.H Upper(M) air.H dj.H RHK(M) RHK(H) standingHS air MMH dj MMh dj MMH ActionJoe(M) Action Joe(L) S Six Machine
The main part where I drop is after the Heavy RHK. Either the standing Heavy goes the opposite way and doesnt connect when they are falling or after the S Joe jumps the opposite way of the way they were launched.
Any tips for timing? Thanks joe boards.
I think you’ll have better luck with this combo:
The only thing I do differently is a j.M after the M Upper instead of j.H because I find it more consistent. Especially after confirming off Cold Star.
Yeah if I hit confirm off of a cold star then I’ll use j.M instead of j.H. Other than that I normally just do j.H. I try to get as much damage as possible out of this fool.
I actually asked Lythero about this in his video and he told me to use st. M instead of st. H after the Red Hot Kick H. It’s way more consistent and should connect way more.
I can’t see anything in that video. Looks like it was recorded with a cell phone = /
So on the main page, apparently Joe assist loop only works on 1p side? What was that other caveat you found, Guy? Something about only working on the 2nd character of their team or something?
Yeah, but that was only for Training mode. In VS it works for every slot.
Could this problem be training mode only then as well?
Hey guys, I recently recorded a Joe X-factor level 3 combo that deals close to 1.2 million damage. In the video I start the combo off of a standing light, but it can be confirmed into in several ways. My favorite one is connecting with a red hot kick (any version) and using x-facotor to start the combo. Tell me what you think! I’ll add notations if people ask for them.
I don’t think desk would reply. I have no console at the moment so I can’t check.
I like the meter built on that one, with plenty of xfactor. I have a combo I’ve modified off of Lythero’s video, that does about 1,143,000 and it kills faster than that, but it doesn’t build as much meter. I have to check exactly though. Awesome find!
ok time for me to upgrade. up to this point i’ve stuck with day one combos cause my execution sucked but it’s much better now.
so what’s joe’s strongest, most practical BnB? i run joe/(rr or wesker)/hawkeye so if anyone has any combos with those assists that would be much appreciated
c.LMs.Hc.H > M.Upper > M.AirJoe x2 > S > j.MH > j.MMH > j.MH > H.AirJoe > 6cannon. The j.MMHs can probably just be j.MH > j.MH for safety.
The one I do is : c.LMs.Hc.H > M.Upper > j.H > double jump > j.H > M.Red Hot kick > airdash > M.RHK > H.RHK > S > j.MH > doublejump > j.H > M.RHK > M.RHK > M.RHK > airdash > j.H > j.S > TK 6cannon.
Any good combos with missiles assist?