Red Hot Combos: Combos/Resets Thread

quick question: the obvious half-truth is that no-one plays joe on point, but has anyone explored max damage combos after Alpha-counter groovy upper? like:

I don’t think you can combo off groovy upper as a crossover, but I don’t know for sure.

Unless you burn xFactor, AFAIK, you can’t combo off of a groovy upper crossover like a regular one. He’s not like Jill sadly :frowning:

Joe has some very, VERY stupid shit with Strange. If I can get this combo finished Dieminion better learn this shit and START FINISHING HIS COMBOS.

confirmed. He can cancel into Six Cannon and DHC afterwards. He is invincible into the active frames, but can only super cancel or x-factor cancel after hit.

I’m curious. I used to use Joe/Strange, but dropped him cuz he was gettin bopped at my locals :\

For one, Joe’s bomb can activate Strange’s projectile counter super, which does more damage than Spell of Vishanti, is a soft knockdown and is much better for DHC options. Land, bomb into air super, DHC into qcb super works.

Two, Strange can abuse bomb assist in his f.H qcbH loop.

Not to mention Eye of Agamotto compliments Joe way more than Die ever showed.

(Also as a bonus log trap lets him combo off of Spell of Vishanti. :3 But really log would mainly be used for mixups since it lets you go straight into impact palm loops)

speaking of Bomb assist, at one point in time in Vanilla when I was going to pick up wesker so joe could use his assist to OTG into slow, I playing around with bomb assist and wesker’s projectile counter, and he could do some silly stupid pressure with calling the assist, going into a block/pressure string, and then cancelling into the projectile counter as the bomb exploded, continuing pressure or a combo if the opponent got hit.

Can Joe still combo into the bomb from his slow super in UMVC3? I’ve been trying for hours and I can’t get it to connect.


No. It sucks I know.

Ok…I got something new. I think. xD
Some corner loops! I think. My execution sucks to see how many loops Joe can get in but its:

f.M, Groovy Up M, j.H, RHK M, f.AD, j.H, RHK M, Voomerang L, land, j.H, RHK M, f.AD, j.H, RHK M, Voomerang L, land, sj.H, RHK M, f.AD, j.H, RHK M, RHK H. Slow.
Did around 630K-ish dmg.

Depending on the opening HSD you HAVE to go straight into the super jump to continue comboing.
Now I`m pretty sure doesnt matter what the HSD is at, Joe CAN always land j.H/j.S xx RHK M. He just has to basically kick their face to get it.
Only thing limiting him is getting push to far to continue.

So yeah. Basically I want to know if you could infinite this or just get a bunch of reps of.
sj.H, RHK M, f.AD, j.H,(j.S), RHK M, Voomerang L/M

The j.S and Voom M lets them drop a bit if are getting to high. So yeah. I wanna know if this is possible or not.
Sorry for most of this being just theory. D:

hitstun scales with all his air normals and H RHK. so it probably wouldnt be possible to do more than 2 loops of that.

I really should know this by now, but what’s the best (most meter building) snapback combo that works midscreen?

Dunno, I just do the normal BNB and snap off H RHK.

I do c.M, c.H, M Upper, j.H, dj.H, M RHK, airdash, j.H, M RHK, H RHK, land, s.M, s.H, snapback

So I’m just getting back into the game and decided to try picking up Joe again. I was wondering, what are some of his better combos on slowed opponents?

Also I have to agree, Strange and Joe seem to have kind of stupid synergy. Only been playing with that team for a few days but damn do they seem to work well together.
Good to know about the bomb triggering the rings super though. I’m going to go mess with that now.

Try this:


Cool thanks! I’ll mess with that!
I was about to ask if there weren’t stronger ones, but then again if I’m comboing into slow and then going into a 750k combo, I guess it really doesn’t matter :smiley:

Whats the stronger team?

Joe / Ryu / Ammy or Joe / Ryu / Dorm

Seems really straight forward and effective. 2 Points with a lockdown assist to abuse overhead.