Red Hot Combos: Combos/Resets Thread

Mach speed has a lot of hits in it. Generally, for me, if I hit mach-speed after an m-upper series, I can only land a j.c into TAC anything more and they’ll flip out. If you do it after a ground series (e.g. j.s, cr.a, cr.b, st.c, cr.c xx mach-speed), you can land Zoogstin’s finisher into Six Cannon, or OTG six Cannon without much trouble. Optimizations depend on your assists as you might be able to squeeze in more damage.

If you land the overhead, it’s always best to cancel into m.upper since you can do more damage from that than launcher. From straight launcher you’re probably limited to zoogstin’s finisher with more air-joe hits. (e.g. S, j.b, j.b, j.c, dj.b, dj.b, dj.c xx m.rhk, m.rhk, tj.c xx l.air joe (10 hits) xx six cannon (or j.s OTG Six Cannon)

Slow combo: whatever into m.upper, m.rhk, adf, m.rhk, h.rhk (land), j.c xx m.rhk, adf, m.rhk, h.rhk, (land) j.c, m.rhk, adf, h.rhk (land), from there you can launch and you’ve got as much HSD after a Mach speed after an m.upper series, so you can either launch into j.c, TAC, or do a delayed mach-speed into the same.

There’s also some possibilities with just slow, m.upper, m.rhk, h.rhk, but that might only work in x-factor and not slow.

Thank you thank you very much

Any combos that work in slow also work in x factor

Joe’s biggest damage is through Mach Speed loops, good sirs

I still can do them for the life of me.

Well the only reason I actually go for them sometimes is because with RR log assist I can actually pull it off without busting my ass to do it. Task assist pushes them too far forward to just do LMH bomb super and loop etc. But I know it works with Arthur and other projectile assists. Try that.

Otherwise…find assists that let you do qcb+H after a six cannon either in the corner (Works with Chun legs) or mid screen (less likely, so far only works with RR) and get another super in.

Though this isn’t Joe solo stuff, so I should shut up.

Found an interesting AA grab DHC reset for joe: regular ground series into m.upper, j.b, j.c, j.s xx h.rhk, (land), st.b, st.c xx l.voomerang xx mach-speed, (the character resets, you can confirm which way they tech, and dhc into Frank’s FFC or another AA grab super. This works mid-screen too. Obviously more well against the characters without air-escape options. (hulk/Nemesis, etc)

Can anyone help me out. I figured out something you can do with dante’s jam session assist in the corner but I can’t come up with a decent follow up. After a normal :m: Groovy Uppercut string you can jc :s: :qcb::l: into jam session and it will carry the bomb up to about the height of the opposite character but I can’t figure out what to do after it.

hey so after doing the Groovy Uppercut M is there a trick to having the M and H hit? I am having problems getting those to hit

Don’t use M, use H. Unless you’re against Sentinel. (Maybe Dormammu?). I say double tap the H. In addition, look at the move, there is a ton of detail on the flame and his cape. Plenty of visual cues for you to use. When you know the muscle memory, the visual, and the audio cues you’ll get it down just fine.

Alright sounds good. Thanks for the help

M is easier, H is a bit harder but does more damage, remember this is Marvel buffer so pressing it a bit earlier than you think you can is okay


Hey guys, I’m new to the forums, but I’ve been following the Joe boards for awhile. Anyway, I have a quick question about TAC options for Joe. Anyone have a good recommendation for a practical TAC Joe combo that does more than his typical air series?

against everyone
M- H- L air joe - L air joe, (mash it the whole time so it only counts as one special move) H, double jump- MMH- triple jump- MH - H air joe desperado.

for fattys like sent and nemmy, you can replace the L air joes at the beginning with M air joes.

Not sure how much damage this deals comparatively to the one KayEyeDee stated, but the one I like to do IIRC is :

H, L.AirJoe, L.AirJoe > H, dj, MH, L.AirJoe > H, tj, MH, L.AirJoe, L.AirJoe -> TAC or S then OTG Desperado.

It SHOULD work on everyone, but I think this might be a corner only combo.

My tiger knee desperados are still very finicky and inconsistent.

but I have been looking for something goofy looking to use for a double TAC with joe so I might steal that.

also, for the record, if you mash air joe, Im pretty sure all versions will continue hitting the opponent all the way until they hit the ground. I know it works for H, havent tried the other versions.

Thanks, I’ll try those out. Hopefully I’ll have them down before I head down to EVO.

Good luck at evo.

Thanks, I ended up going 3-2, not too bad for a first try. I was only one match away from qualifying out of pools, but I managed to lose in both winners and losers finals >.< Funny story, the first guy I played was from Germany. I was expecting him to be great, coming down from Germany and all, but I ended up destroying him. After the first match he DQed himself and left the pool. I don’t know why you would give up, when you still have a second chance in the losers bracket.