Red Hot Combos: Combos/Resets Thread

ive been having the same problem but I cant tell you why i drops, i THINK that its because of the height, if anything you want them to be at even height with you or lower. it seems like it tends to drop when they are higher than you.

I assume anybody that can air dash up or has an invincible air super can get out of that.
fortunately, only characters with invincible air supers are Morrigan (level 3) Sentinel (Hard Drive) V. Joe (Desperado) and Phoenix (Infernal)
and for air combos, just hit up after you hit H, and it will auto cancel the attack with the jump as soon as it connects.

This has a lot of info on Franks FFC resets, There are only a couple of resets that actually beat fwd/back/neutral air tech. Snapshot into groovy upper resets, don’t fall into this category AFAIK, you have to wait a bit and dash fwd/bwd then FFC. A couple of characters can’t do much about the reset like Hulk/Nemesis, especially Hulk.

Oh shit so if they see that coming I’m gonna have to punish or guess? Shit. Good thing not even Jwong will see that shit coming. Thanks man

Also another question if you don’t mind. After the air m,m,h…which air joe do I go into and which of them follow it up?
I’ve been going straight into m joe but I’ve only had like literally 2 mins of play time so I never got a chance to try it out.

If you’re brand new to the game you’ll want to do my day one combo, its pretty solid damage wise and cake walk easy

Launch, MMH, M air joe, H, double jump, MH, triple jump, MH, H air joe, desperado super

I’m not really new to the game even though I’m new to fighters. My first was mk9, then umvc3, then ssf4 ae 2012 but I think I’ve gotten really good at all 3. (Maybe not AE unless I’m using rog.) so I can pull off the harder combos no doubt.
I want to do the lithero one it goes like
s:m:cr:h::dp::m: air :m::h::qcb::m::qcb::h: :h::s sj:m::m::h: :u: :m::m::h: :u: :m::m::h: :m::m::m::m::m: then not sure how to follow it up but I plan on doing 2 more joe’s then 6 cannon. It’s like 650k but if you can give me a more damaging one I’ll take it.

I think the main combo is supposed to be:

M uppercut
H, dj, H, qcb.M
air dash, H, qcb.M, qcb.H
M-H, dj, M-H, qcb.M
air dash, H, Air Joe (L), S, OTG Desperado

But I emit the Air Joe L most of the time since I have trouble connecting the S otherwise.

after the launch, I omit the second M after the double jump, it allows you to do 2 RHKs before air dashing back in.

and ummm so how would you finish this combo?
s:m:cr:h::dp::m: air :m::h::qcb::m::qcb::h: :h::s: sj:m::h: :u: :m::m::h: :u: :m::m::h: :m::m::m::m::m:

You can do 2 things to finish that. After the M Air joe you can do an H Air Joe into Desperado super or do L Air Joe into j.S and then OTG Desperado.

But yeah I would recommend doing some of the other stronger combos.

Stronger combos? Could you give me a decent one and then the strongest possible combo thats not impossible to do?

Sure. It was posted a couple of posts before you asked the question.
Right Here

Is there any footage of that combo?

Sorry for the quality. The second video does more damage.



is this Joe’s ideal practical BnB ? does he have any more damaging solo bnbs ? any corner specific BnBs ? if anyone could notate them id be appreciative. Thanks =)

No these are his strongest.

Does he have any corner specific combos ? Or is It just that one combo all the time forever?

lol, Joe’s combos are pretty limited (as far as variation goes). Here’s a corner variation of the same combo that does a wee bit more damage, but also sets you up for a TAC:

j.s, cr.a, cr.c xx m.upper j.b xx m.rhk, air l.voomerang, (land) dash j.b, j.c xx m.rhk, adf, j.c xx m.rhk, h.rhk, S or mach speed

I use it at the beginning of the Joe Relaunch Video. Damage wise, it probably does less than Zoogstin’s combo, but after the TAC, it has the potential to do more.

Edit: This can work mid-screen, but it’s character specific (e.g. big characters who are NOT sentinel).

The best way to max out damage with joe imo is to do his normal bnbs but alter them for whatever assists you have.

For me, I do the full bnb, but the I use my otg assist into another flaming rhk, into MS or slow. Depending on how much meter I got and how much life they have

Optimal combo after landing a Mach speed ? Optimal combo after landing f+m xx launch ? Does joe have any specific Slow combos ?

Sorry for all the questions, joes just got a lot of different ways of landing a hit and I want to make sure I’m optimizing my damage. Thanks y’all <3