that sounds like one of those, dont get put in that situation, situations.
triple or super jump so at least its just the assist getting blasted and not both of you.
Im having issues with this infinite bomb assist thing. is there some special timing or way to block the bomb to keep the hit counter from going up? im doing the same exact combo as the first in this combo, but I cant get joe to come out more than 1 time. halp?
Desperado will beat Bionic Arm. It has more invincibility frames than Bionic does active frames. But for other supers you just have to be more careful. There’s not other way around it.
That’s what I was thinking, it’s just that he’s more likely to pass under you (if you’re full-screen) and even though you get to move around first, you’re forced to burn x-factor if he does to avoid being punished/losing your assist as they’ll already be at 50% after getting tagged. I’ve used Desperado to beat Gimlet as well (if you don’t want to hard-tag).
Also found out that Desperado will beat 6 of Sent’s 9 missiles when he does his super. Had a friend who’d always DHC into Sent missiles to beat mach-speed, might come in handy.
Also found out that with Doom if he does an OTG st.c into sphere flame, you can DHC into joe really early and it’ll hit along with sphere flame giving Joe an opportunity to set up an incoming mix-up or to set a bomb on the ground etc when an opponents coming in. Although this will probably never happen, some characters like amaterasu are so short that when you do st.c xx sphere flame while their standing it’ll whiff, if you DHC into mach-speed, it’ll knock them into sphere flame.
I just found out a way to extend the BnB reaching 825.100 damage with 2 supers and the Rocket Racoon wall bounce assist. I didn’t had time to test the idea extensively yet and I’m sure this can be refined which is why I post it here ^^.
So anyway, the only requirement for this combo to work is to be far from the corner, otherwise the wallbounce whiffes. I perform the BnB, starting with c.M,s.H,c.H xx M.GU and finishing with the Zoogstin ender, then I dash forward while calling the assist and do an OTG Desperado. The assist hits, the opponents bounces off the wall and I have time to launch a second Desperado, netting the 820k mark. It’s really easy to do, and it’s a nice way to add some damage after the BnB if you have the bars.
My first idea was to try this in the corner, and have either a Mach Speed or a Slow to hit after the wall bounce, but as if, the timing needs to be adjusted so that the assist hits properly. I didn’t try other wall bounce assist either due to lack of time.
EDIT: Okay I found 5 minutes to test it a bit more. I did perform it in the corner, however I didn’t manage to link a second super.
Went ahead and made a video of the DHC relaunch from Mach Speed. I remember the initial argument being that most Joe players play him on point, but the technology is there.
quick question: somewhere i’ve seen Joe do an air series after TAC involving j.b, j.b, j.c xx l.air joe, dj.b, dj.b, dj.c xx l.air joe etc, something of that nature, is anyone aware of this or am I wayy left field?
I saw a combo earlier in regards to Sentinel. It has a couple Air Joes in it. What other characters require this combo? I’m having a really hard time with Dormammu, especially in the corner. Am I not timing this correctly if it continues to drop?
You can use: m.upper, j.c, dj.b, dj.c, dj.s xx h.rhk, st.b, st.c, S etc against Sent, you ca also do mach-speed after the H.rhk. I think you can do the regular bnb into mach-speed, just not S. (I also think that both of those are true for the entire cast, but i haven’t tried it on everyone)
That’s what I’m saying - the Sentinel specific combo with the two Air Joes, I have trouble with that one. I also have trouble with Dormammu. That’s all I was saying. Both your guys’ combos work. Thanks
Except 3nigmat1c I had to alter yours, because I couldn’t figure out how to do three double jumps after the M uppercut
I’ve seen the frank reset with camera>call joe uppercut assist>into grab hyper.
-So how do you get out of that and what characters can?
When doing joe’s combos in air like j:m::h: double jump j:m::h:… what is the input for the jump? Can I just hold up or do I have to dash up or can I push the stick up once?
One new question on Joe: When ending my combo in the air with L Air Joe -> S, why does this drop so often? Is there a specific relative height I should try for when hitting either in particular? I’ve been using the same combo, only minus Air Joe in the meantime, but it would be nice to have that bit of extra damage and meter.