Red Hot Combos: Combos/Resets Thread

The voomerangs variation and voomerang loop are IMO the best solo bnb joe has, there’s a few other good ones but I can max damage with the voomerang variation and it rarely drops

My boy TheAlmightyLPZ’s combo video. Spread the love guys. Let me know what yall think :).

I’m extremely new to joe. What is the most optimal combo for him right now?

I noticed people throwing in some voomerangs mid combo and Im assuming its extra damage…?

Here’s the day one BnB. Credit goes to Zoogstin:

More recent combos, seem to be more optimal. Credit to Freezing Cicada:

I personally still do the Zoogstin combo, but I do j.M dj.MH after the M Upper when midscreen. It does a tiny bit less damage, but is more consistent for me.

What solo combo builds the most meter for him?

Dont know if you still wanna know.

But for meter all you gotta do is just the basic BnB to ~j.H(j.L), Air Joe L x3.
Joe could always connect any air normal to Air Joe; the only problem is you cant finish it with anything but a mix up.

Just doing that should build an extra 1/3 or 1/2 bar.
Or just TAC…Its better imo for some match ups.

Hey Im thinking of picking up Viewtiful Joe and Dormammu. Any one know of any combo tech between them, perferabely charge combos? Im also using dooms assist

^ Check out Reid he plays those exact characters

Has anybody tried posting any of these combos to the Shoryuken Wiki yet? I came here looking for combo scripts I could use to practice and learn how to play this game.