Red Hot Combos: Combos/Resets Thread

Yeah its sad the glitch was taken away but I never really took advantage of it. The video I posted with the amaterasu assist didn’t require the bomb detonation trick though. Its the H version of the bomb and it just conveniently explodes at the right time (although sometimes I get hit. You’ll notice how I just barely miss the bomb explosion everytime).

I found out that my bomb combos still work but unfortunately not if I start the combo with j.S. So I can’t do it as often as I use to midscreen but I still works 100% in the corner. =)

Good find Da Mango. If we can incorporate bombs into Joes combo’s while he is one point his damage output would be even better. Especially if he doesn’t have an OTG assist (or better yet if he does have an OTG assist).

Hey all my Viewtiful people! I finally got around to playing the game and I was running through my Joe BnBs in training mode. I always train against Zero, Magneto and Sentinel to get 3 characters of different sizes to test the combos on. I use the BnB that mainly everyone uses. Here’s my problem: after about 20 minutes of trying to do the combo on Sentinel, I just could not land the launcher after Red Hot Kick H. Here are the specifics of my combo.

C. H, Groovy upper M, air h, jump xx air h, rhk m, dash in, air h, rhk m, rhk h. At this point Joe lands and you press S to launch the enemy to continue the combo in the air. I just cannot land that S on sentinel!! Has anyone tested this? Am I doing something wrong or have I discovered that this combo does not work on Sent? Thanks for your help!!

that combo has never worked on sentinel.

Against Sentinel, end your ground string in a launcher, then do j.:m:, j.:h: xx :m:-Air Joe, j.:m:, dj.:m:, dj.:h: xx :h:-Air Joe, Air Desperado. That’s a pretty easy, pretty damaging air combo that works on everyone, provided there aren’t too many hits before the launcher. Your combo will do about 50k less than the BnB, but that’s still more than half health on Sentinel.

all combos should end with

S - air MH, double jump - H, red hot kick m 3 times - airdash S, to either tiger knee desperado, or otg assist to mashed out Mach speed.

I can’t remember who it was on here who discovered it, but :s:, j.:m::h:, dj.:m::h: xx :m:-RHK, airdash, j.:h: xx :h:-Air Joe still does more damage than the new triple RHK ender. It was one of the first things I tested when I got the game. This combo also works as part of the Flash Metroid BnB.

Yeah I came up with the air joe combo. Air Joe still does more damage. Do this instead:

NEW UMvC3 BnB ender:

:s:, sj.:m: :h:, dj.:m: :h:, :m: RHK x2, airdash, j.H :l:Air Joe j.:s:, land, tk desparado. Does more damage than 3 :m: RHK’s.

For those curious to know, Zoogstin’s double RHKM into L Air Joe is 657,300dmg.
The triple RHKM combo is 650,300. You get an extra 7k by switching the third RHKM for L Air joe. Thanks Zoog!

Here’s a problem with Zoogstin’s combo: it seems that if it starts from anything more than C.H into Groovy Uppercut M, the hitstun makes it impossible to link the air joe after air H. Is there something I’m doing wrong? I can’t for the life of me link it if I do a single move more before the C.H.
Edit: my mistake it appears I was not tapping L fast enough to get it going quicker.

Yeah it should work form any of his starters.

Haven’t got Ultimate yet but theory crafting, shouldn’t this combo be possible:

[stuff] -> j.:s: -> tiger knee’d OTG Air Desperado -> Spencer Wire grapple assist -> God Hand or Mach Speed or :s:

Also since Mach Speed is mashable and seems to do a ton of damage now plus the fact you can SJ cancel it, it would be fantastic if there was a combo that let you do two of them without requiring an OTG assist. Can’t think of one though :frowning: Joe should build enough meter for the second Mach Speed during the combo so that would give him an assist-less 1-meter high-damage combo.

The wire grapple assist makes the opponent recover too fast. They end up with a free combo.

I decided to try and experiment with Ghost Rider’s OTG assist to see how much more damage I could squeeze out of the above combo. I got over 713,000 damage just by adding OTG assist, two M RHK into Desperado! Only works I the corner though. But still over 700k for Joe is sick!!! The combo is:

c.m, c.h xx m groovy upper, j.h, double jump h xx m rhk, air dash xx j.h xx m rhk, h rhk, land, s, j.m, j.h, double jump m, j.h xx m rhk, m rhk, air dash, j.h, l air joe, j.s, land, Ghost Rider OTG, jump m rhk, m rhk xx desperado.

When I get home from work in going to try and see what I can get by using Mach Speed, and I’m curious to see if I can do OTG Ghost Rider, jump m rhk, h rhk, land and do god hand.

ok two things i’ve been playing with recently:

  1. lvl3 xfactor combo/loop
    I’m sure there are probably better xfactor combos, but if you’re on auto-pilot, this may also be useful: (in xfactor lvl2/3, bnb into, [j.C, j.S xx H.rhk] x 3, j.C, j.S xx m.rhk xx Air Desperado. Might give someone ideas into something better, the first H is hard to get, this nets like 900K or something, this combo is somewhat possible if an opponent is slowed down as well, not as easy to pull off though (consistently for me).

2)tiger knee H.rhk
I’ve had this feeling that if the opponent is slowed, or joe is in x-factor, he can tiger-knee into H.rhk over and over again, but I keep getting bombs

To net the most damage in x-factor or slow you need to hit them with as many specials as possible. H RHK is slow and you lose time from its recovery. I’d suggest getting in as many M RHKs as possible (that being 2) while in the air before going into an H RHK. This should net you more damage:

:m: Upper, :m: RHK, airdash, :m: RHK, :h: RHK, land, [j.H, :m: RHK, airdash, :m: RHK, :h: RHK, land]x2 s.:s: into whatever xx Desperado.

Got another dumb question to ask:

Is it possible to use assists during or right after Desperado? If so, has anyone tried using the HyperGrav assist?

No you can only call an assist right before.

awesome, thanks.

I actually use air joe for my x factor combos. you can mash it out so its way easier.

air S - cr. M - H - cr. H - M upper - M air joe - land - J. H - dj. H - H air joe - land - launch - sj. MH - dj. H - tj. H - RHK M x2 - desperado.

Very simple, and is enough to kill most characters in x factor even before the super.

Also, I figured I let you guys know that I took a look at the bible and the book says that both the hitstun after slow (+3) and the speed of Joes snapback (2 frames) have remained unchanged, which means that the slow to snapback combo still works and is a 1 frame link. I feel like there was a small buffer window in vanilla that might not be present now, which may explain why we all thought that that combo doesnt exist anymore.

Oh well thats good to hear. I’ll definitely try to take advantage of that.