can anyone really quickly test the slow to snapback combo and the DHCing out of slow.
We never got a 100% confirmed answer about either of those.
can anyone really quickly test the slow to snapback combo and the DHCing out of slow.
We never got a 100% confirmed answer about either of those.
You can’t do either. At all.
Is this practical?
Not at all. If I found a team or set up that could make it consistent in anyway. i would probably switch to it in a heart beat.
And the Slow news is saddening to me.but thats ok, the move is still borderline OP anyway lol.
also, I maybe thought of something. imagine slowing your opponent and than hitting them with this general combo.
Air combo - S - pull bomb and hold the detonation while calling an otg assist - Relaunch - combo some more - S - Block bomb Otg - 2nd bnb.
Is there a way that might be feasible?
DHCing out of slow would be really in balanced.
I’m thinking slow is a much better move in general now in this game since Joe can’t kill a character in one combo. So using slow to almost guarantee your next mix up might be worth it in this game than it was in the last.
What’s his highest damaging combo into slow?
EDIT: Oh Nvm found a decent bnb into slow on the second previous page. Time to go into the lab.
I Beat marvel vs capcom 3!
Zoogstin (Above) pretty much answered the question
That Might work BUT The positioning of the bomb is VERY important. Im not sure there would be enough Time to Get the bomb on the screen. The Opponent Would probably Fall outta the combo after the otg assist. Worth Testing in training mode
There was list posted off all of the assists that would allow Joe to pull out a bomb and continue to combo. Let me go find it.
There is?
GUYS…I Think I may have stumbled across an infinite!
Im starting to think the bomb glitch is intentional. I Tried To call an assist during a combo so i could pull out the bomb and Set it up. But When I Detonated the bomb (& Blocked it) I Tried to follow up with a combo but They Dropped outta the combo almost immediatly.
After that I tested the bomb gltich wihtout an assist and it worked Perfectly Fine. SO Mabey its not a glitch?
Sounds good, whats the catch? There is always a catch with joe
Yeah as of MvC3 theses characters had assists long enough for joe to pull out a bomb and continue a combo.
Magneto- hyper grab
Spencer- Pull
Chun- Lightning legs
Cap’n- Shield slash
Ammy- Coldstar
I posted this video before but this is what I did on a normal basis when playing Joe in MvC3. There are corner variations as well.
Very Intesting. thought if you read what i said above you will be quite unhappy
If this is anything like the first game, certain assists will work and others won’t for no apparent reason. There’s a list of which assists stop the glitch from working on the previous page (Red Hot Combos: Combos/Resets Thread)
I think they changed it to affect all assists. I tried it with Thors alpha assist and C Vipers alpha assist (which should cause the damage reset according to the list), and they both fail to reset the damage. I think i tried other assists as well.
I think they probably fixed it but left the solo version in since setting it up with just joe in a serious match is next to impossible, so if you did manage to do it, you earn the free reset.
I think they probably fixed it but left the solo version in since setting it up with just joe in a serious match is next to impossible, so if you did manage to do it, you earn the free reset.
Am I the only one having trouble with the tiger knee motion despardo? Anyone have any tips?
practice. There isnt really any trick that I know of to make it easier. Its just like learning the perfect timing for airdash voomerang spam. practice makes perfect.
also. my current bnb along with my variations of it.
Air dash S - cr. M - st. h - cr H
this part I will exchange for a flat out Forward M if possible. Does more damage in the long run.
M Upper - air H - dj Air H - M red hot kick - Airdash H
Fairly standard.
If Im on a ps3 controller
If im on a crappy xbox controller and need it to be easy.
H Air Joe - land - st M - st. H - S
Air M - Air H - dj. H - (M RHK)x3 - Airdash S
If I have meter to DHC/need to kill.
Tiger knee Desperado
If i dont have meter/just want to go for a reset:
Otg assist, normal Jump H RHK - st. L. - reset - air grab - otg assist again.
If I want an easier reset:
Otg assist, Normal Jump H RHK - Slow
Also, I dont own the game so I have to go to the lab in my mind.
In the rare case that we for some reason have to burn x factor on Joe.
You should be able to do any normal bnb and end it with:
Tiger Knee desperado - X Factor - double jump if in the corner - triple jump if full screen - H RHK - Slow/Mach Speed,
If you are in Xfactor 2 or 3 st. L should combo after slow.
you might be able to hit a super jump H to up air exchange after the mach speed.
Found a REALLY good setup for the bomb with dante’s jam session assist, spaces it perfectly from midscreen into the corner just right to do w/e the hell you please.
midscreen try this: 2m, 5m, 5h, jam sess, 2h-into-qcb M-L continue holding L to prevent detonation, j.H, rhk H, 5M, S, combo of choice goes here