Red Hot Combos: Combos/Resets Thread

The funniest story is that I dont even have to combo into the snapback, everyone is so afraid of the slow, theyve convinced themselves that the best option when they get hit by it is to immediately switch characters, which is hilarious to me.

So just tell everyone to immediately switch and you wont even have to learn that link. lol

That is true lol. You get a snapback for free.


just in case you guys missed it

This is absoultely amazing. Definitely gonna try to incorporate this into my game. good stuff man.

Oh I didnt make it, I just saw it on e-hubs.

Also, can you test and see if that combo works with the normal Air S to ground series starter? because in the vid he never did more than a slide before the upper.

Good point. Yeah that needs to be tested. I won’t be able to test it for a while as I’m in school right now.

Can’t wait to test that new BnB from a real startup air S situation. I should have an answer tomorrow morning.

Here is my verdict so far, make of it what you will!

  1. This combo is way too timing specific to be useful. The timing and the positioning of the opposing character all have to be PERFECT, or else you can’t land the air H after the L Voomerang. To make this point worse, the timing is character specific, therefore you will have to adjust all the intricacies of this combo on the fly in a combat situation. Why risk so much for 20k more of damage? I certainly won’t.

  2. Notice how in the video he only uses ONE M RHK during the Zoogstin air finisher. I practiced this combo for an hour and I landed the ground routine ONCE (due to the ridiculously strict timing) and I wanted to test if I could do two M RHK in the air, it turns out you can’t, because by the time you finish L Air Joe, there is too much hit stun deterioration to land air S. Which leads me to point 3.

  3. Because of what I mentioned above, I HIGHLY doubt that this combo can be used in a real situation (air S start up). I landed the combo off of a crouching H like in the video, and it doesn’t even allow you to do two M RHKs in the air because the ground string takes out all the hit stun. I’m going to keep trying, but I have a feeling that there is no way that this combo can be reliably executed with the hit stun deterioration from hit confirming moves such as assists, or air S.

I’m eager to read what everyone else has to say about this combo. It looks phenomenal, but I get the feeling it’s more for looks.

P.S. I DO see the incredible potential for this string to become the new slow combo, but for now, I just want to find out of this is Joe’s new official BnB. For me, it isn’t.

Ok guys Ive read through this forum several times and it’s helped a good bit. Ive been working with Joe alot and ive looked through this forum and didnt see anything that’s a damaging as this combo. It only gains about 3/4 meter and you use 2 meters so in that respect it’s not the best but i feel the damage makes up for it. No assists are used. The combo can be used midscreen and in the corner and if used midscreen will push the opponent half way across the screen (from the match starting place to the corner). The combo notation is as follows:

GU=groovy uppercut
RHK= red hot kick

s.M c.M s.H c.H, h.GU, m.RHK (air dash) j.H, m.RHK, h.RHK, Mach speed, (super jump cancel) j.H (double jump) j.H (triple jump) j.H j.S (land) TK Desperado.

The damage comes out to around 770k depending on how good you mash put Mach speed

You can also exchange everything before the initial GU for joes overhead and proceed with the rest of the combo and the damage will still come out to about 741k

I’ve tried to use a double jump in stead and land two m.RHK’s and dash in before landing the j.S to throw them back down but hit stun is too high i think and from what I can tell they will pop out of anything after Mach speed except his j.H’s. If anyone can help optimize this combo further the help would be greatly appreciated.

I dont know how much you guys practice, or who you practice with, or what info you share with those people, but since ultimate came out ive been getting into the practice of telling people that forward M is an unblockable attack with very short range.

also, ill definitely be using that combo on slowed people, I never really thought I was getting the most out of my slow combos.

Really would like to see the inputs to that vid:eek:

Then you should stop telling them that, because it’s wrong. The attack is an overhead, but since Joe is so short it doesn’t look like it.

Ok the new Slow Voomerang loop is godlike. It’s easy, it looks badass, and it’s adjustable depending on how you started the combo.

Off an overhead, you get 5 reps > Launch > Zoogstin ender (sj.M, H > Double Jump > M, H > L RHK > Airdash > H Air Joe > Six Cannon) for max damage.

If you ate some hitstun to get that hit (i.e. Instant j.H > H RHK) you can still do 4 reps into the ender.

If you ate A LOT of hitstun (i.e. Doc’s Eye of Agamotto assist) you can still easily get 5 reps right into another Slow. Not super-damaging, but oh so Viewtiful.

I like spreading misinformation. Helps me beat people =P Might start telling people the fire on mach speed is a projectile so people dont try to counter it or something. lol

also, Zoog, how does it feel to be famous? Got (part of) a combo named after you and everything.
also, if theye still slowed, will H air joe link into air S at the end of that combo? Because of the way my team is, if I did that, I could call an otg assist and mash out a mach speed, which will give me a bit more damage.

Also How many reps of that loop does it take to build the bar back? I would probably rather do that in most cases.

Hmm, on second thought, going from Slow > Slow is more efficient the way I did it before:

–Slow > Overhead > [Launch > sj.H > L RHK > M RHK > H RHK > Land] x3 > Slow. Nets *exactly *one bar and does 615k, which is respectable.

The new loop doesn’t get a full bar off Overhead > 5 reps (they fall out if you go for 6), but it does if they eat an entire Eye of Agamotto first.

–Slow > cr.L x3 > EoA assist > Mixup > Upper > 5 reps > Slow does about 450k and nets a lil over a bar.

EDIT: Yeah, the old way is better even off the assist:

–Slow > cr.L x3 > EoA assist > Mixup > [Launch > sj.H > L RHK > M RHK > H RHK > Land] x3 > Slow does 460k and builds over a bar in itself.

TBH, I play V. Joe for a reason, I’m willing to give up 10k for slightly more Viewtiful loop :wink:

First of all, warioman, that loop that you do, does that require you to super jump every time? I want to know what im doing when I go to practice that.

Next, I just thought of something, I play X-23 behind joe. While the Slow is still on them I can probably figure out a way to TAC into her, and combo into weapon X prime (the cinematic super) which combos back into slow, which is even more stylish than the DHC glitch stuff I used to do before.

If you guys have any harder hitting characters than Joe on your team (im sure everyone does) You would probably benefit from learning how their combos are affected by slow too.

That’s one thing I never explored too much, even in Vanilla, Slow combos using other characters. I remember seeing a video where Iron Man is tagged in and does nasty things. I bet Doc Strange can go to work with Impact Palms…

And yes, with the loop, launch then super jump all the way up and make sure you’re right next to them so the H > L RHK will connect. Then you have to let them fall a bit in between each RHK so that when you land with the H RHK you’re right next to them for another launch. The timing is a little weird at first, but it’s not hard to do. I should make a vid or something…

I play Amaterasu behind Joe. I was soooo looking forward to DHCing from Joe’s slow super to Ammy’s slow super but they took it out at the last second so I’ll never know what power I could’ve had. T___T

You can get a vague idea of what you would have been able to do at the end of a little combo video I threw together for vanilla a few months back.

The hitstun from Ammy’s sword attacks leaves so much room for really awesome looking loops, as you can see. It would have been ridiculously good.

yeah I had some fun with the DHC glitch combos in the training mode. I even got it off a few times in matches and finished it once. But DHCing would have made things a lot simpler. I think I’m gonna cry.

So yeah I started playing Joe because of lameminion. Any tips on how to get the best damage with him. I got him with sentiel and morrigan.