95% +
Same here. I remember in ranked one time this Ryu kept knocking me out of the air 3 times in a row and I reversal DP’d every time. He called me a cheater. xD
Well I guess I’ll have to step up then.
Although I’ve noticed my frequency is better if I’m n a good mood.
You presume too much.Where did you get the idea i was a scrub??Or a new HDR/SF2 player??What makes you think i don’t know where training mode is?, or that i don’t practice?
I’m a veteran street fighter player with 18 years experience, i was playing vanilla ST on the Day it hit arcades where i live, same as every street fighter that has been released, and i will happily make you eat your “whining scrub” comment if you want to challenge me online any time.
I was just expressing an oppinion, if you don’t agree with it that’s fine, but no need to flame the crap out of me and assume you’re 100 times the player i am. Presumptive eletist idiots like you are what make SRK so innaccessable for so many players-You think you know everything.
Don’t presume.Stick to what you know.It will make you sound like less of an asshole.
Yeah, i can see your point, and they are really good.I should probably point out that i play on a pad, and have for years, which is probably a lot to do with wishing fierce mash moves were easier. Even though i have a full straight six cabinet in my house, i always seem to perform better on a pad than a stick, but it does make fast mash moves a little tougher in that you can’t just use a 2 finger double tap to mash like you can on the straight six. A single thumb is a lot slower moving sometimes and harder to mash with.
Getting a fierce HHS with any level of consistency with your thimb kinda throws off everything else you were doing. While light or medium ones are dead easy, I find i have to reposition my hand to do a fierce one properly, even with the new, easier inputs for fierce mashes.It complicates things in a way that i don’t have to worry about with proper arcade buttons & a stick, cause i’ve got 3 or 4 other fingers to use as well, so i can mash and hit other attacks at the same time. I do wish it was easier, but yeah i can see the argument that it would probably make honda too oppressive if it was buffed.
Oh well, guess “whining scrubs” like me just need to practice more.Now if only there was some kind of “training” mode…:wgrin:
Fix the teleport glitch. Seriously…
Damn, totally forgot about the Teleport glitch. Added that to the 1st post.
Blanka’s super is just fine. It’s terrific anti-air and it’s perfect for closing the gap so you can start your mixups. It’s also excellent for baiting. I startup from half screen alot and I make sure I telegraph it so that my opponent thinks “heh, I can dodge that easy” then I let it go, they jump up or over it and then they get smacked out of the air with a vertical ball every time. If they block it and they are in the corner, I just do c. mk into bite after the super. So, to me, the super is just right. Having it knock down is all it needed.
I think a controllable vertical would be nice ala SF4 Blanka. It would open up some much needed options vs characters like DeeJay, Boxer, Honda and Sim.
You guys have discussed about Blanka’s Rainbow Roll and Super, but I think its worthless to think about changes without focus on the specific matchup it would improve.
Blanka worst matchups are DJ and Boxer. He loses those fights because these two characters own Blanka in footsies.
I’d like to have the slide improved. The blue hitboxes are too high at the tip of Blanka’s hands and cause of that slide loses to things that hits in the middle. Among those things is DJ c. jab. I think DJ would be hard to beat even with the slide like that, since he can zone Blanka very well from midscreen.
Maybe that change would kill Zangief, but I’d fix that improving Zangief c.jab accordingly, and I think Zangief needs a better c.jab anyways to beat torpedos.
For boxer I think that wouldn’t help too much, but it would be good to make boxer have to block a poke that beat his dash punches and TAP. How it is now, he can trade Blanka to death.
What do you guys think of it? That’s the only change I’d like to have as Blanka.
Improving Blanka’s slide was my initial thought when thinking of how to improve his bad matchups but I eliminated that option because an improved slide would be too good IMO. It if was any better he could almost abuse it. That’s why I think a controllable RR is the better option. If you can control the trajectory of the move, you should be able to either bait a character like DeeJay into upkicks, go for a crossup double ball ala HF or fly completely over him and land just out of range so that his charge is broken. Then maybe you can start your shananigans.
Ok…now…here’s the $64,000 question.
What do you think of not being punished for hitting with it? Like…either having it knock down or having Blanka continue his trajectory on hit? It’s really hard for me to get behind the idea of being able to punish a move with a whole lot of startup on block, too.
Agreed except for the knock down part. I wouldn’t want the RR to knock down because you would lose a combo opportunity. In HF, if you did vertical ball and it hits as a crossup on the way down, you can link s. mp and another vertical ball for a dizzy or high damage flashy combo.
If it’s blocked I definitely agree with making it safe. Maybe giving it enough bounce back would also be needed. If not, Blanka could have a field day with everyone.
Don’t you mean everyone that didn’t have a reversal anti-air move? I could see that giving Bison and Dhalsim problems, for sure. Yeah…bounce back on block, uninterrupted trajectory (a.k.a. combo opportunity) on hit. That would get Blanka out of the lower ranks for sure.
That’s something Fei Long needs even more desperately for his Chicken Wing.
Cammy needs to be buffed up. She gets wrecked by almost any turtle save for Dhalsim.
Honda, Guile, Dee Jay, Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Akuma - these are all really frustrating match-ups.
If Blanka’s slide was any better, I think you could just hold d/f and spam HP and beat any Guile. Slide already rapes everything he has except for s.lk… It would be hilarious.
I completely agree that giving Blanka a Vega-like slide would be way too good. But I’m thinking in maintain its current properties, like startup, speed, range and recovery. I’d just like to erase some pixels at the tip of his hitable hitboxes the way you’d have to use lows to beat it and it wouldnt dodge any fireball it doesnt dodge now. Do you really think it would be that good?
Many characters don’t have tools to beat slides in safety and Blanka doesnt rape them. Actually, I’m worried about Zangief, that can beat slides with c.jabs and deserve it.
You are complaining about moves being too hard. There is not a single person who has been competitively playing ST at high levels since it has been out who complains about moves being too hard. They don’t complain because they practice enough to the point where difficult inputs are second nature.
There are two types of people, people who want to win and be good, people who want to dedicate the time necessary to be top level players who don’t make input or command mistakes. And then there are people, who complain that moves are too hard, that reversals are too hard, that throws are cheap, and they want the game to change selfishly for them.
The game (HDR) doesn’t need to change. You need to change. Just practice more and stop wanting the game to be made easier. In HDR hands are much easier than ST. If you really have been playing ST for 18 years you would never have complained about HDR’s hands inputs because you would know from experience how much easier they already have been made.
If you’ve truly been playing ST for 18 years (which you haven’t) then you would easily be able to mash jab, strong, or fierce hands with Honda based on your near two decades worth of experience with him.
Explain to me how top Honda players have been successfully mashing hands in ST for years and they never complained about the move being too difficult?
Nowhere in my post did I say I was a better player than you. Don’t project your inane thoughts onto me please. For all you know you might be better at me at ST. But the difference is that I don’t complain about the game being hard. I spend 15 minutes in training mode every single day doing Dictator combos. You complained about how hard the game was, how you weren’t as good as people who could mash hands better than you. You are the one who said originally that you couldn’t play Honda well enough to mash hands in HDR. I’m not saying you suck at HDR, you might be good, I’m saying that you have no right to complain about the game being hard. And if you really were good you wouldn’t complain about hard moves anyways.
No I never said I knew everything about anything. This is just you projecting onto me because you are upset that I called you out for not practicing to get good.
Your posts are all over the place. You’ve been playing ST for 18 years in the arcade…but you play HDR with a pad? What? You have no credibility with me at least now. You play 18 years of ST arcade but switch to a pad for HDR?
I’m sorry but now you want HDR made easier because you are a pad player?
Hands is so much easier on a Sanwa button it’s not even funny. If you double-tap fierce with your fingers you’ll be mashing hands with consistency in no time. If you really want to make hands easier for yourself then invest in a stick with Sanwa buttons and watch how your game improves after you spend time in practice mode and get used to the stick.
Did you forget David Sirlin, maybe?
It’s pretty obvious that he didn’t read the change articles that Sirlin wrote. Sirlin made moves easier to execute so that execution wouldn’t be too much of a barrier towards upper level play and, ultimately, so that beginners wouldn’t lose interest as quickly. I.e., now that Zangief’s SPD is easier to do, more people try to play him.
It’s called…making money…and, in the case of HDR, I don’t see anything that has made this a bad thing. The only move that I would make even easier to execute would be…you guessed it…Dhalsim’s Yoga Inferno. :qcb:x2+:p: for the win.
There is a difference between complaining and stating something.
It’s the difference between someone good that can acknowledge that something is hard for a beginner.
And a beginner.