Rebalancing ST Remix

blanka’s new super works fine. anti airing people for 40% + safe chip and positioning on wakeup is perfectly fine. It’ll even psychic punish fireballs from half screen. yomi!

Sure, i take your point, and it’s a great anti air, but is that really what he needs to compliment his arsenal? Most matches i play against blanka i never jump in on him.I’m usually trying to stay the fuck away from him, cos he’s scary and confusing up close, and all i ever see his super used for is the example i mentioned, which i hurt every time.In comparison, look at honda’s super. It starts really fast, can be used as an anti air in the same way as blanka’s, can juggle for BIG damage depending on the distance, and also adds a huge amount to his ranged game in terms of being able to start up quickly and travel long distances to cut through many normals/specials.

Seems silly that honda gets a BFBF super that really adds to his game, both as anti air and long range fast attacks, and blanka has to stick with one that’s only good for jump in protection even though half the cast will be too far away to jump in on him.

Much like with even seeing these changes appear in HDR, we could only hope that whoever would decide to take on the challenge of sifting through all of that code to make these changes would want to go through playtesting all of the matches, too. Even in that case, we would be very fortunate to have them recruit people who have mastery with all of the characters.

Of course, since we’re hoping beyond hope, here, we may as well hope that Sirlin, who is no longer with Backbone Entertainment, would be contracted to do the task. We would then further hope that he would take our suggestions seriously instead of thinking that we’re ungrateful for all of the hard work he’s put into this game.

All of that being said, stranger things have happened. Who would’ve thought that this game would even exist, for starters? We’re seeing some nice dreams come true these days. I know some people think these threads are a waste of time, but when I look at all of the stuff that’s been coming down the pipe in the past 5 years, I think it’s better to dream and hope it comes to pass than not to dream at all.

Besides…if it happens, it’ll be because of all of the stuff being written here. So, let’s just say that this thread is here…just in case. :slight_smile:

Just remember, y’all…even when you’ve got 10,000 smelly and blood-thirsty (and don’t forget the hot bad breath!) Oruk-Hai knocking at your keep to get at your people…there’s always hope. :smiley:

I don’t think it is safe chip against the entire cast. Pretty sure Balrog can tag back with his super.

The closer you are the less save it is I think.

@Fresh: That’s what I actually dream of :smiley:

Chun can def reversal super and tag E.Honda before he can do anything about it.

I wouldn’t call it “safe” chip, i use the HHS a lot for chip damage when i play with honda, and i often get thrown, supered, upkicked, dragon punched, you name it, out of it, however it is pretty annoying after getting hit by his super to have to block those 4 or 5 hits that could take off as much as another heavy kick from the life bar.

You’ve got to be sneaky and cover the HHS with a safe jump in attack or mash it out under cover of another standing attack or something so they’re caught by surprise with it and don’t have a reversal ready.If you telegraph it (ie stand over them as they’re getting up from a knockdown spamming punches and making it obvious that a HHS is on the way) you’ll get caught out a lot, and a savvy opponent will wise up to what you’re doing pretty quickly.

Yeah let’s make the multibutton moves even LESS than 3 inputs to mash out :looney:

My bad.I thought you were on about Honda’s HHS.Not sure about the safe chip on blanka’s super so i won’t comment on that, my only real beef with it is that it has limited uses, and IMO it’s very telegraphed compared to a lot of already better characters that also have better, faster, or more versatile supers.

If this is referring to my post earlier, i honestly think that fierce mash moves like the HP Hundred hand slap or the HK Lightning kicks should be even easier to mash out.Have you tried using them with any consistency? The light and medium ones are fine, but the heavy ones are still a little too tough to rely on in a pinch, and it takes away from the tactical element of the game.You get them most of the time, but they’re easy to fuck up, and they can stop and start erratically unless you’re VERY fast with mashing.There can be a tactical difference to using a fierce HHS over a strong HHS, such as the forward distance covered on startup, or the amount of pushback on block.Good players don’t just go for the strongest one every time, and you should have all 3 available easily when you need them.I use fierce HHS a lot and get them about 9 out of 10 times, but if they don’t come out when you need them you’re toast. A fierce dragon punch or fireball is available on request, all you have to do is hit the command and you don’t have to worry about it not coming out.You can rely on geting it 100%. Why shouldn’t a fierce HHS be the same?

My point is that at any reasonably high level of playing street fighter, all of a character’s special moves are available to you on comand. Nobody who’s any good really fucks up inputs for special moves very often, they get them when they want them. Why should a fierce or roundhouse mash move be any different? IMO It should be available easily, on command without risk of it being messed up, to allow the player to concentrate on tactics rather than button commands.

I think you underestimate the players here. Afaik every good Honda or Chun player is able to pull off his mashing moves with 100% consistency. It just needs some practice, exactly as it needs some practice to be able to DP 100% consistent.

Was there not an argument made earlier that the difficulty of the moves helps balance them ?

Such as if dp was a one button move shotos would be unbeatable ?

This is why ST >>>> HDR.

The commands in ST were made to be prohibitively difficult. So if you wanted to do hands or a 360 command throw it required you to focus on execution, sometimes heavily on execution. The more mental energy you spend focusing on timing a reversal, or combo, or safe jump, or hands, etc. means you have less mental energy to focus on spacing and other strategies.

ST rewarded the hardcore who developed muscle memory and exact timing for difficult moves. The more used to inputting difficult commands you were the less mental energy you had to spend thinking about them. Meaning the more mental energy you could allocate into thinking about how you were going to approach your opponent or get out of the corner or whatever.

Explain to me how there are tons of top players in the world who can mash hands or perform difficult moves execution wise with maximum consistency? Do you know why they can performs hands or legs or electricity in ST so well? Because they are good players and not whining scrubs who want the game dumbed down and made easier for them.

The sad part is that you, and many other new HDR players, want these moves to be easier but they already are easier than their ST counterparts. Mashing moves have been made easier, random input windows for joystick commands have been made easier, 360 command throws now have a new easy input to them. How much dumber do you want SFII to become?

I find it annoying that Sirlin wrote a book called ‘Play To Win’ where one of the chapters was dedicated to informing people that a serious amount of time would be necessary to invest in playing a game in order to get good at it. And that even more time would be required to get at a competitive level. “If you want to be good you need to practice endlessly” was basically the message. Then for HDR he turns 180 and says that ‘ST takes too much time to get good at’ so ‘for HDR I will make select moves easier for scrubs who complained about not being able to do a walk-up 360 command throw’. What the fuck?

They are only tough because you refuse to practice. Get in training mode and practice. Don’t complain about the game being hard. If you think moves are hard in HDR then NEVER touch ST EVER.

And prohibitive input difficulty is a part of the tactics of the game. You think reversals are easy? How about safe jumps? Why not make the reversal window ten frames? Or make safe jumps have less strict timing? Why not macro every combo to one button? :sweat:

So again if the game is too hard why not practice? You think the solution is to make the game easier for you to play. The moves are easily available to people who practice and not complain. :rolleyes:

Yeah the reason they don’t fail at getting a special move out consistently is because they spend hours at the arcade or having offline console sessions in large groups or they spend time in training mode actually getting good.

If you aren’t willing to practice to get good then do not complain.

How many frames do u get to reverse? I think a few extra frames for ONLINE wouldnt hurt.

Offense should be rewarded not defense.

I hit reversal dps and 360/720 online all the time.

I do too but how consistent are u?

Im not looking to make this sfiv but online can, does, and will drop frames, ive lost so many matches just because my reversal didnt feel like coming out. Especially when they meaty u practically every time, like torpedo when u have 0 health.

Seriously, just double tap index-middle-index finger. Three button presses is FINE. There was a reason they were five before, the shit isn’t insanely easy to do because it’s insanely good. Handslaps and lightning legs do stupid damage, stupid chip, and now they’re stupid easy. It doesn’t need to get any easier. Sure they’re nerfed but not in proportion to how damn easy they are to do now. If it was merely two button presses, you would get handslaps instead of trying to tech a throw sometimes, thus always getting thrown. It would cause more problems than it would solve, and it would only benefits scrubs who want to mash hard punch all day with honda. Fierce handslaps go a crazy distance too, and really Honda does not need an even easier way to close that much distance. He’s already buff as hell especially against non fireball characters… If you could whip out fierce handslaps with two button presses those matches would be unwinnable if the Honda knew anything at all. Just down charge and do some fierce HHS, jab headbutt if they jump or do anything aerial… it would just be nasty. While I understand your wanting to be able to do things with consistency, lowering it to three inputs is fine. Seriously. If you can’t do that, I’m sorry but play a different character like Guile or something.

Speaking of Guile, make it so you can combo into his super with that cheesy ass input? Are you serious? No supercombo in this game should be easy, especially not how braindead easy that would be. Guile does NOT need to be doing that much damage off a crossup or a without having the execution skills to do it with the old super input. You could hit confirm into super all day for like 60% damage. Do you really want to take that much damage when you finally close in on Guile? He’s good enough, Guile is very solid. Overheads, amazing pokes (ever played someone who knows how to use hopkick? ugh so much priority when it’s out), easy super, good projectiles… He really needs no more changes.

I’m sorry but if you want to rebalance this game you need to take a small step backwards in some respects, not another sirlin-step. I understand not wanting to just nerf nerf nerf but if you just buff buff buff it turns into a nasty scrubfest. Vanilla ST was not that bad, but sirlin seemed to have thought it was so terribly unbalanced. He probably just didn’t want to release a game that was too similar… which is a shame because ST was actually a really fucking good game, despite it’s flaws.

I definitely agree that mash moves should not be made easier. Slaps, Legs, MGU, Electricity, all of that is fine the way it is in Remix.

I also agree that if there is a rebalancing of the game, it should be in a direction closer to classic ST. Especially characters like Fei Long (Flying Kicks should be closer to the way they were in classic ST) and Hawk (needs his old knockdown dive).

Having said that, some characters have SERIOUSLY benefitted from the rebalance changes in Remix. Ken (Crazy Kicks no longer have crazy motions), Guile (mixup after Sonic Boom, overhead or low kick) and Dictator (Devil’s Reverse able to escape meaty fireballs), and a lot of other characters.

For the record, Sirlin never said that classic ST was unbalanced. If you have proof of this, please provide a link and a quote. IMO, ST is a very well balanced game. And Remix is even more balanced.

Why would you rebalance something that isn’t unbalanced? I’m not saying anything about what sirlin said (or I didn’t mean to), I really don’t know what he thinks about anything. I have a hard time taking him seriously… he plays fei long and did those things to him? :sad: I just said it seemed that way, I guess I was inferring. I can’t see any other reason to change the game the way he did… some of the changes are just so stupid to me. I guess it’s more balanced but it’s really hard to say just how balanced it is because nobody plays the shit seriously. It probably doesn’t help that there’s no physical copy of the game to be had.

Anyway, just adding more sirlin-esque tweaks and buffs would just make this game even more gross and far away from the classic game it’s supposed to emulate. I think the characters with the least changes were taken in the right direction, the bare minimum. Dictator needed the s.lp buff and the devil’s reverse thing is cool because he escapes pressure but is punishable if predicted. Cammy needed the safer cannon drill and the spin knuckle to have SOME use. I don’t like the whole ‘psychic anti-air and then potentially do a gross juggle’ aspect of the changes like with Fei Long, Ken, Sagat, Chun’s new sbk is pretty much a psychic anti-air, whoop de doo. I’m just annoyed at the fact that casual players get thought about more than the more serious players. From the perspective of someone who wants to make money though, it makes sense. I just feel shafted in the recent games like HDR and SF4 with all the focus on making shit easier which has some negative consequences. Don’t mind me though, I’m just bitter. :bgrin:

I agree entirely with this.

The changes should all have been minute and directly related to difficulties characters had.

Such as Guile getting a flashkick that can hit Vega slide.
And the other examples such as Honda needing help to get in on Fireballers.

But everything else is dross and has no reason to be changed. Ken getting o.ken’s Srk’s buffs him for sure.

But in what matchup did he need better Anti air’s ?

If Sirlin had stuck to only making changes that were directly related to matchup difficulties rather than just buffing lower tier characters and nerfing upper tier characters i think the game would have turned out alot better.

ps(Ken was just an example don’t go all nerd rage on me.)