Rain City Grind (Tacoma) Off Week / Hittin Up 6th Ave


*removes troll food

Ey shred, would u mind if I came down next time? We only met for a brief second awhile ago, but I’m cool and respectful person.

ya man, you’re more than welcome to come by. It was a good session and a lot of fun. Keep an eye out for Pyeek posting about opening his place up this week or next for a session. He lives in Federal Way near Wild Waves so not too far out.

The next one I’m gonna do is in the beginning of January and I’ll be sure to update this thread about it so you’ll know when.

That’s great. Thanks!

When is the next one im in

First post updated kiddies.

Time to level up more. Being at the tournament this past weekend made me look at this game very differently.

My new goal for fight night… Have 2 set ups for casuals and maybe one extra set up to test out punishment/spacing options for character specific match ups.

You can test only so much in training mode by your self and I think this will give all of us a better grasp on how to best play specific match ups and capitalize for maximum damage.

Let me know if you can donate another set up.

you i can bring a Xbox but i only got a 20inc flat screen i can bring that all if you want

This setup is key to real level-up sessions.

Reveal your characters setups and figure out how to beat them…even if right now they usually net you a profit…you can either learn right then and there, or deep in the losers bracket at a tournament. Not a tough choice. Good shit Shredduh

PERFECT! That will game-play set up #2 and then my shitty t.v. will be the Grind set up for testing things. Thanks man. This session is gonna be a good one.

Thanks Dugg. Portland really opened my eyes to how much more some of you guys understand about the game and I’m going to start working to get that level, and pushing the rest of Tacoma to do the same.

Shred, you should see how much of your crew would want to make it up to Everett.

we’ve talked about it. Transportation is slim around here. We’re trying though. We’ll do what we can.

if its on a weekend i got a subaru out back so i can fit 4 with hella trunk space so if to niggas wanna cuddle i can fit some assuming this is a event were any one can show up

It’s on a Saturday I believe. Put me on this list. Callin shotgun now.

^Must be within sight of the vehicle per standard shotgun rules. :slight_smile:

Also, please count me in on that carpool.

I seen it in my dreams, and I seen myself sitting shotgun…my dreams don’t lie.

Look at frank trying to be all rough and tough like hes some big dick playa, well listen here pimpin we abide by the National shotgun calling rules around here and Shred is right so just pipe down and see who has the quickest draw when the day comes. Hahahah Merry Xmas get twisted


thats how i roll

Sorry folks, can’t reschedule Fight Night around the Kumite. Fight Night will still be the 8th and be for those who can’t make it to Everette. Hope you can still make it Mikey.

wait the 8th is on a friday and the other thing is on saterday isnt it?

no sir… 8th is sat.