"Rage quit" and "Taunts"

You know if seeing someone taunt bugs ya you could always taunt back you know.

Ragequits, well if someone is ragequitting on me I just laugh and figure I am doing something right. Kinda stupid though either way.

As far as taunts go, I only do it when the other person is playing extra scrubby, or I’m using Dan.

Rage quitting is unacceptable. If I have to leave, I always send a pm letting them know I’m sorry.

If someone taunts you when you are being outplayed, they are telling you to step your game up. There is no need whatsoever to call them an asshole or to feel any emotion towards being taunted (including saltiness). You are responsible for the outcome of the match, so if you’re getting whooped on and taunted, that is entirely your fault. To have any kind of emotional reaction to that shows your lack of mental stability in highly competitive moments. Every time a person taunts me, it makes me analyze their play-style even more to find a way to win. If someone is just taunting just because (like a lot of my friends do), then I usually troll along when I find an opening. Sure it’s a taunt, but it can be utilized for things other than teasing your opponent. In one game a friend and I taunted each other like 10 times in the same round on hard knockdowns, it was great laughs.

A rage quit, on the other hand, is plain lack of mental stability period.

I only taunt when the other person is doing a few things.

-As a welcome back from when i’ve stepped away and they are waiting.

-Guarding when im actively waiting for you to make the first move. Because im so dumb enough to run into your guile with my juri. lol flash kick. I understand you’re playing a charger but they do have ::shocker:: normals, and whats this about everyone is relatively good at applying, get this, pressure or using mind games.

-When i’ve lost so badly i can’t even hope to make a comeback, sort of a good games.

-When im being hakan/cody for fun. How do you not laugh at me saying “you’re going to mess up my hair” and carefully fixing it mid match, or taking a nap and dodging projectiles at the same time. I only do them in losing situations or after a few matches against the same person, so its generally in good fun.

I taunt when the other person or myself picks dan. Those matches are funny as hell, it’s all in taking everything lightly. The only other time is if I’m oddly enough winning and got the other person dizzy with one hit left. That or if they taunt me first.

Taunting is half of Dans moveset, i’ll be damned if i use him & don’t taunt. I’ll waste meter on my taunts (SRK -> FADC -> Crouch Taunt) I’ll **** up my match cause i want to KO you with a projectile -> Super Taunt & get the full Super taunt animation during KO. I’ll taunt if i’m losing, or winning, if you’re in dizzy, or you whiff something severe. i’ll make your Ultra end early with my great priority jump in “Yahoo!” Hell i’ll even taunt if you outplay me (Which is most of the time) Hell i once taunted a Metsu hadouken full screen that cost me the match & around 100 PP (Oh no, not my beloved PP)

Dan to me is the exception though. Hell i’m dissapointed when a Dan doesn’t taunt. As for other characters, i guess it depends on the taunt. Blankas “Come On!” always makes me lol, when hes waiting to blanka ball you & you’re to afraid to move forward. (doesn’t happen much these days) Gens fury of hell taunt is ace, i’d stop just to see it pulled off. Same with Guys symbol taunt thing. Generally it doesn’t bother me, no doubt there are occasions people taunt me because they’re thinking “jeez, this guy SUCKS!” but i’m sure they to have had that same shit happen to them, so it’s give & take. Anonimity can easily turn people in to pricks.

I’d imagine 90% of the time though they’re just kidding around. Me personally, if i’m playing with people who i regularly play with i’ll taunt depending on if we’re playing in a casual way with character we know we kinda suck with. But in serious matches i tend not to at all. Besides that i taunt when something silly happens in the game, like if i do a stupid jump in Air fireball & some how Cammy’s Ultra passes right through me.

As for ragequitting, there is probably plenty of times it’s genuine, when my homephone rings my internet disconnects (sometimes it just lags to hell for like 8 seconds but manages to keep a connection) But i’ll generally message an apology & offer a round/a full win if i fight the bloke again.

& OP, if you’re so intend on leaving quickly couldn’t you just alt + Tab out then quit in about 5 mins when you know the game is over? You’re really coming off as if you’re chatting bollocks

I’ll only taunt if they taunted first and I start winning. IMO it’s extremely disrespectful and shows a huge lack of respect and bad sportsmanship (think Marn)

The only reason I’ll quit early is if someone knocks on my door or something like that, which has happened a few times. I don’t exit the match early…I’ll just set down the controller so they get a free win.

Edit: it’s okay to taunt with Dan because, well, it’s Dan. Especially the butt slap one.

Hey, It’s online, nothing is for certain.
No matter how good or flawless you think ur connection is; it isn’t.
Sometimes shit don’t come out when it is supposed to.
I get robbed on commands all the time and I know everybody does at one point.
I quit mostly because I don’t feel I get a fair shake…or I just don’t like the little combo, cross-up, c@cksucker.
I don’t care and you can’t make me.
When you gotta’ go YOU GOTTA’ GO!

Taunting is essential.
In most of the KOFs it is part of the engine.
I do it to piss off my opponent, mostly, or even to ‘never say die’ when I am losing.

i ragequit today because i was getting rolled on due to lag. i never do that but when i cant fucking do anything because of the person’s shitty computer messing up all my inputs, there is absolutely no point in me sticking around

sorry to the dude who i did that to

I don’t care about if people rage quit but if you leave not to lose your points, thats not really fair. Rage quitting is way more prominent in starcraft, if you don’t say gg when you lose your considered BM and a Ragequitter even though it doesn’t effect time or the outcome of the game

Now that you can cancel taunt animations it’s pretty much pointless. Taunting used to be a way of saying “I am so confident I can beat you, I will give up control of my character for two seconds”. Taunting in SF4 says “I am a 2kpp bitch”.

yun taunt 10

This IS a real rage quit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaYb7PW9QwA

Not a fan of taunting myself but you grow immune to it the more you play. When I first started out, taunting used to really bother me and I’d rush in like an idiot determined to kill them for it. It usually didn’t pan out well since I’d be playing angry. Hell now i’m even able to laugh at it, considering sometimes it seems just to be in good fun. Only advice I could give would to be just to taunt their ass back regardless if you’re losing.

But rage quitting is fucking lame. If you can take their points when you win, you need to let them have their reward when they win. What do you have to do that’s so important you can’t wait ten seconds for the game to end?

I’m at the point where while rage quitting isn’t a preferred option and I wouldn’t do it , I hate most of the people in the community anyway and 85% of the community are completely miserable assholes who deserve it.

Hope that was honest enough ^.^

Yea. It’s called double standard. If the roles were reversed and the other person got the win, and I decided that they don’t get anything for winning cause I’m gonna bail for whatever reason (they taunted, they spammed, they mashed, I hate their character etc), they probably threaten to kill my mother or something cause they’d be pissed.

I’ve had it happen to me today during a best 3 outta 5 match with my Gief against an Akuma. A whole match full of runaway hadokens and the one chance I auctually punish a cross-up tatsu, he goes to the dashboard and back to playing ranked matches. It’s annoying having to settle for the fastest move you can find cause you know the opponent will ragequit during a 10-second ultra animation.

Dudley’s taunts dont induce rage
lucky for you guys


My main is Dan so I pretty much taunt every chance I get.

Oh, and about ragequitting. Here’s an idea - don’t do it.