"Rage quit" and "Taunts"

why play in the first place?

you really cant wait and be sportsmanlike and finish the match?


yes, you wouldnt be considered raging if you did that

then get off ranked matches, and only play friendly if youre so worried about points. id like o see you go to vegas and try to ragequit from a poker table because you dont wanna lose your money

players like you want to whine about cheap tactics and stuff like infinites or what have you, but then see nothing wrong with ragequitting. the irony is hilarious

tl;dr you are a noob by your actions, and like a woman, you are trying hard to justify yourself

op sounds like a salty scrub who would taunt if he was good enough to get the chance.

Taunting shouldn’t be considered ‘shit-talk.’ Even if it is, shit-talk is part of gaming because people will always be inclined to be assholes because it’s essentially the internet.

Trash talk does happen on LAN as well btw:

Which characters are scrub characters?

you cant justify quiting. If i get a call that i want to take, i’ll leave my guy idle, forfeiting to the other player. If there’s somewhere you needed to be, then shouldnt have been playing a videogame in the first place.

Taunts- i dont use them, i main abel- taunting seems wasteful when i could use that second to whiff a falling sky to build meter. Unecessary taunting happens, but i doubt anyone who plays the game regularly really cares- i think people are probably pretty numb to it by now.

@del1rium- masterful.


Consider that emoticon a taunt OP. There’s no escape.

People taunt cause it’s fun. People do most things because it’s fun. People try to win because winning is fun. It’s rewarding to be able to taunt and still win.

You aren’t leaving because you’re tired or don’t feel like playing or whatever. You’re leaving because you’re losing and don’t want to give them the satisfaction of winning, when actually the satisfaction of you pulling the plug on the game is even better because you just completely surrender. And then they react to and gloat about that (understandably).

The few times someone doesn’t send GG and wanting to play more matches, I sometimes get a complaint about lag as if I had the power to make all my games non laggy. Only kids or unconfident people taunt, it’s just stupid.

At first I had sympathy for you…

Then I read that you’re a rage-quitter. Stop being a pussy and accept your losses.

Ha. And there I thought you might say something that would make sense like 1) Power cut 2) Modem disconnected 3) PS3/Xbox blew up.

Thats one of the reasons I taunt in ranked. I hate to get paired with a total newbie with very low points. It means I have to risk all my points fighting them I am only fighting to defend my points. I don’t stand to gain anything. That is frustrating and the way newbies fight is also frustrating. They do the same old brain dead patterns that get punished over and over and they mash to death. I usually taunt in anger. I don’t rage quit but I do rage win.

I agree 100% with the posts above me. If you can “waste your time” with getting your winnings, you sure as hell can “waste your time” allowing others to get theirs.

theses scrubs arn’t scrubs if someone with skill use em, but 80% of the people who use these characters have 0 combos… hell 0 anything, they just do moves or run forever and its boring as hell to fight them, and if theres lag i will lose.

blanka, vega, t-hawk, zanqief, bison, sagat. (im sure theres more, and if your butt hurt over what i have to say… i don’t give fux)

lol at some of these comments. People get hype at big names taunting teach other because they like how the taunt looks, right?

It’s generally a form of disrespect. But like all things in life, you have to just fuckin deal with it and move on. People complain about rage quitters but at the end of the day they still lost and you didn’t. Tournaments aren’t going to reset if someone walks off, you don’t have to worry about losing money from a money match if someone quits, your win isn’t going to be nullified because you didn’t gain points when they disconnected. Like the only thing you possibly could lose from a rage quitter is gaining some points online. If you’re really getting upset over that then I don’t know what to tell you because you apparently don’t care that you won.

I taunt to assert my dominance amongst my peers and rivals

You’re against taunts, but you’re ok with rage quitting?


Best to just deal with it, like other people have already stated. The fact that you even made a thread defending quitting mid-match shows that you do it a lot.

I’m pretty sure he rage quit this thread.

I don’t really see what else we can say in this thread, now… and the OP is probably out of here.

I taunt now n then because some of the characters taunts are funny, but yeah some people sure do get upset about it :confused:

shit if i stun someone and want to let em know they aint shit ill hit those 2 buttons n let seth tell em i thought theyd be more valuable than this

Only character I taught with really is Dan. Can’t lie I love running back and taught my opponent and when they chase me I hit them with something. I always get hate mail saying You fucking troll or Wow really u pussy. For the rage quit part, there’s nothing I can really say bcuz you never know the reason behind it.