R.i.p st

No, like this year Evo is using HDR

in that case it’s all a matter of preference and nobody can objectively say one game is better than another. All you need is a group of people to agree on a game to play and you can play them at whatever game you want.

HDR, ST, HF are all great games. shit there’s even a dedicated CE scene in korea: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=102064

but nobody here is gonna touch that broke as fuck game. In fact HF has a minimal scene at best (the room is dead on GGPO). and everyone is in fact playing HDR. so quality be damned.

games have always been a matter of who plays what and not what game is better than what. Everyone here will suck the balls off GG and VF5 as awesome games but the fact is that NOBODY plays them.

people are gonna play what people want to play
unfortunately, people can only play what other people are playing
and the fact is that the majority is playing HDR

so ST might have more quality but HDR has more comp and to me that means its a better game.

like shit, I think SF4 is a garbage as fuck game, but I’d rather play peeps at a garbage as fuck game than not play people at all. seriously just check up on the XvSF scene if you want to see peeps playing a shitty game and keeping it alive and strong.

Forcing yourself to play games you hate because more (or better) people play them is a pretty terrible idea. It’s actually a mentality that a lot of people have on this board and I could never understand it.

ok I’ll go play KOF 97 CPU all by myself then.


you’re retarded.

SF is SF the mind games don’t change really. the same bait your opponent into a mistake, predicting an opponents pattern, spacing and etc. exist in all SFs.

It’s just that some games have better/deeper/more fun mind games.

whether I’m baiting an assist in MVC2, an uppercut in SF2 or a throw in 3s. the footsies and mind games at the core are the same. I’m looking at my opponent. I’m figuring out what he’s trying to do, figuring out how to make him do it and then punishing him for it. It’s just that MVC2, ST and 3s is way more fun cause of the tools that exists around the game and the way the games build over each other. SF4 is pretty basic and boring. but I can still do what I did in every other game in SF4.

The only other thing is that players like to do cheap things. I like trapping people in the corner with stomps and frying pan and capcom. It’s cheap. I like throwing fireballs at my opponent knowing that as soon as he jumps I can dp. It’s cheap. I like crowding your body on the ground waiting for you to get up so I can down parry -> grab you. It’s cheap.

Cheaps are what make the game so exciting. Cheaps create the pressure and the flow of the game. When you see someone being cheap you know who’s winning. You know what the next 2 seconds of game play is going to lead to. And it’s that pressure that hits the opponent and gives them tough desicions to make. That’s a real fucking mind game. I’m going to cheap you until you do the only counter that works, and then I’m gonna punish you for doing the counter. That’s fun.

Peeps like to be cheap and games that let you be cheap are the most fun to play. I think this is ultimately where so many of the complaints for HDR come from. All the cheaps are toned down/removed or characters that could be cheaped really hard are given tools to get out of the cheaps.

Didn’t take very long for this to resort to name calling I see.

Your logic is correct when there’s absolutely no one (or very very few) people playing the game. However, there are still a lot of people playing Super Turbo and a good amount playing CE (at least enough to play a few hours worth of matches everyday) on GGPO so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t play them if you like them. Are you so good at Super Turbo that nobody on ggpo/2df can beat you and you get no enjoyment out of it (I don’t know if you play Super Turbo, just using it as an example)? I seriously doubt it.

The logic definitely doesn’t apply the other way around. Sure, having a lot of people to play adds to the enjoyment of the game but it definitely doesn’t make a bad game good. I’d rather quit playing fighting games all together then play a game that I hate because it’s the most popular.

you’re definitely retarded

When you’re ready to discuss this and not try and start an internet flame war, feel free to tell me.

I pretty much agree with you on all points. I’ve said before that I like HDR, and I’ll continue playing it. All I’ve been saying is that I prefer ST, and as long as I can find decent competition for it on GGPO (or elsewhere, though that’s unlikely), I’ll keep playing it.

You are just contradicting yourself. If the games are not as deep, they are not the same. The even mention to CE as being broken and MvC2, 3S and ST being the same in terms of mind games means you got no fucking idea how crap the crossover series, 3S and Alpha are. I will not care to argue how spacing and zoning is shit in 3S and crossover series, or how different things were in Alpha and SF3. Just stop making pointless posts and arguments altogether, and calling other people retarded and whatsoever.

Playing a POS game because there is competition is pointless. There are EA FIFA tournies all the time and those games are not gonna suck any less because of it, nor is any sports game fan gonna play it if they give a shit about descent gameplay.

I think your opinion has more to do with the fact that you don’t understand how high level marvel 3s or alpha is played. I mean common, you’re gonna give me shit for giving my opinions, when your whole argument amounts to

“you got no fucking idea how crap the crossover series, 3S and Alpha are. I will not care to argue how spacing and zoning is shit in 3S and crossover series”

If you don’t care enough to back up your own ignorant opinion, why the fuck are YOU wasting the time to post it up?


you’re retarded too.

Play on GGPO.

HD is a joke.

[quote=“JGD_CHAOS, post:131, topic:61021”]

Play on GGPO.

HD is a joke.[/QUOTE

I beg to differ, buddy.

You could not be more wrong.

Maybe I’m exaggerating slightly, but there is way more competition on HD than GGPO, making it better in my opinion.

Quality over Quantity.

Quantity matters. More players, more different styles, better growth.

Quality does not only refer to the playerbase.

There are more little league baseball players than there are professionals. By your logic that means that because there is more ‘competition’ in little league than in Major League Baseball you have more to learn from little league. :sweat:

Competition isn’t defined by quantity it’s defined by quality. I could play a thousand scrubs and learn nothing or I could play a top level player for an hour at CTF and learn handfuls of new tricks or techniques.

“the quantity of quality” or something :looney:

By your logic, you are stating that HD Remix players are lesser than their ST counterparts. This is debatable and there are pages on this debate showing your logic as inconclusive.

Once you get used to a particular player’s “style” growth and learning stops. You have to compete against a good variety of players to grow. Granted there are more scrubs than good players, but that applies to both either GGPO or HDRemix.