R.i.p st

Im sure ST will be alive for at least another 20 yrs, n SF4 will be 3 feet under by then :slight_smile:

only 3 feet due to the hasty burial.

Iā€™m a st fan but itā€™s silly for st players(referring to those who have never played/learned sf4) to dismiss sf4 as a bad game that will lose popularity. How can some ST players be so certain sf4 is a bad game if they have never even taken the time to learn or even play it? Once upon a time st was the ā€œnewā€ game. It would be similar to dismissing st as a bad new fad game when it came out and sticking to hf or ce. Who knows how long sf4 popularity will last, but right now it goes without saying that it is much more popular than st. Great players like daigo and valle enjoy the game. No Iā€™m not saying jut because they play it, you have to.
It does show you can learn new games while still staying true to st though.

What the fuck are you taking about? Who the fuck told you we havenā€™t played SF4? Who the fuck told you Daigo and Valle actually enjoy the game, instead of just playing it for the prizes and cos of having lots of people to play against? You are wrong in many senses, and assuming too much. Way too much, in fact.

Maj: Which ones were your favorite to play?
CaliPower: A2/A3 and Tekken 3.

Maj: How about now?
CaliPower: I like SF4 and Tekken 6 right now.

Maj: Be honest, what do you think of SF4?
ā€¦As I continued playing this basic game, it became clear to me that the things I loved in the past are actually here. Why mess with a good formula?

there are st players who speak badly about sf4 who have never even played it. And some have barely played it without getting into it to see what kind of game it is. i should have said some.
btw. youā€™re not a tough guy for cursingā€¦

Im glad i evoked an emotional response from you.

I think sfiv games are casual fighting gamesā€¦ but.

Daigo admitted that he prefers sfiv games over st, st is his second favorite sf game (sorry i donā€™t have a link to the interview), but he said he prefers sfiv on a srk article if iā€™m not wrong.

so oldschoolā€¦wtf are you talking about? lol

anywayā€¦ ST > JabEasyCombosEasyReversalsNoobFriendly Fighter IV

Officially, if Valle talks to the press, since his business relies on the support and funding from Capcom, Iā€™m pretty sure he has to promote it in a positive light. But since he is actively playing it in competitions right now, Iā€™m sure he does enjoy it to some degree as well.

As far as ST lasting another 20 years, I donā€™t see that happening. Not to be a pessimist, but I think STā€™s fate was sealed along with HDR when HDR died. To me, I think that was the only source of getting new players involved. I myself am a perfect example of that. If not for HDR, I would have never opened up to ST. I was the hyper fighting guy complaining about bailout supers and other ST changes that I didnā€™t agree with at the time. With no new players coming in, itā€™s impossible to keep this thing going for long. Once we current active members start getting too old or stop having time to show up to events, the ST scene will go quietly into the night.

On a brighter note, I did notice at the last SCR tourny, a lot of guys on GGPO actually came out. Shout outs to DBOStick, NNNN, and Fromo. If more guys from GGPO start coming out, things might change and more players might get interested.

Hmphā€¦ SF4 X]

I think itā€™s more accurate to say that ST has cancer, and weā€™re not sure if itā€™s malignant or benign and it might go into remission but thereā€™s always that threat that it could come back to kill at any minute.

#1 Ryu in SFIV - Daigo
#1 Ryu in ST - ShootingD

Maybe heā€™s just saltyā€¦

i obviously canā€™t speak for daigo and valle (who cares, anyway? youā€™re kind of a dumbass if youā€™re swayed to like something just because the ā€œcool guysā€ do), but itā€™s pretty naive to think that st players hate sf4 just ā€œbecauseā€. i tried to learn that game, i really did, and i fucking hate almost everything about it. many other st guys are in the same camp. iā€™m not going to waste the little time i have trying to learn a game that i donā€™t enjoy playing just because everybody else likes it. i have st, and i plan on riding with it to the bitter end.

I mentioned this many times on ggpo. I really wish capcom can patch sf4 such that it is really a true sequel to the sf2 series.
So we can all forget about this 20 years old game, and everyone can play the same game.

Stuff that kinda work in sf4

The ground game, and ground footsies.

Stuffs that donā€™t quite work out

Damage and damage scaling
Messed up block string
Everything combo from cr jab x 2
Backdash and jump away from throw setup.
Meaty sucks (except cr jab x 2)
A lot of hitbox trades. Rock Paper Scissor mind games for normals still work for some moves, but it is no where like what we have in sf2.
Special moves suck without EX meter. Trades with jump in + pathetic damage.
Because special moves suck without meter. Meter building so slowly for most character is annoying.
Reversal sucks because of the damage vs eating a ultra setup when baited. So people play very defensively.
Slow peace (various reason, not just the game speed).
No damage tech throw is very bad design. Game is already slow and defensive as is.
Slow throw animation and ultra animation complete kills the momentum of the game.
unrealistically hard link combos vs super easy special moves.
because of the link combos, 4 is a game made for grinding in the training mode, if you want to compete.


See the above applies to sf2 but in 4 you gotta grind & grind to place well in EVO.
I supposed if you want to do well in ST @ SBO you also need to be much more consistent in your execution than what zass described above. But without the retarded damage scaling, the effect of your 90% execution vs japanā€™s 99% execution is not that apparent in ST vs SF4.

The list about 4 goes on and onā€¦

Best thing about 4 is the competition and running in latest console + arcade + PC.
I also like more characters (although only <50% of characters youā€™ll see in tourney).

IIRC daigo said he likes ST because of how long he played it and he learned most of the fundamentals from it.
He liked 4 coz he became a Pro gamer because of it. There are a lot of competition for it (he said it is most important quality in a fg for him)

Scene is still dead pretending itā€™s not is like begging for a miracle, The quality of players is great but where are all of our BEST players? I mean honestly some of the greatest players have either retired or dont give a shit they will enter if they see it at a side tournament on occasion and what theyā€™re doing at super arcade is great but the numbers alone arenā€™t enough to say the games alive. Online Tournaments are garbage IMO Yeah theyā€™re fun but thatā€™s not very fun 150MS with input delay sure itā€™s fun to sit at home and do but you canā€™t really say itā€™s a true measure of skill.

Highest itā€™s ever been? No maybe a select few Japanese players, Who of which either donā€™t get online OR travel and will surely fad out as a player when the ST scene in japan dies.

Online isnā€™t competitive any player whoā€™s played Offline knows exactly what I mean by itā€™s unrealistic to use for tournaments etc other then just pure fun.

Trust me I love ST but fact is fact the games dead right now compared to before.

iā€™d like to think st will live on for a long time like pac-man, donkey kong, and those other classic games that people still obsess over. sure the player base isnā€™t huge, but thereā€™s still a lot of dudes in the competitive circle that take it seriously.

Iā€™m not even going to argue about if the sceneā€™s dead anymore you seem pretty set and nothing anybody says will change your mind but:

If you really believe that then DO something about it rather than trolling/making the perception of the game worse/complaining because thatā€™s all youā€™re really doing. Nothing constructive.

When weā€™re like 60 its going to be me, you, synco, muffy, and DGV playing on a super gun while our grand kids run around in the back ground screaming and yelling. And you guys will still be complaining about my 720 scrub mashing.

I donā€™t think anyoneā€™s going to argue that ST is far less popular than it was sayā€¦a few years ago. But calling it ā€˜deadā€™ is a bit of an overstatement. In any case, the important thing is to find ways to reinvigorate ST, try to improve the scene in any way that we can, rather than mourn its death and moving on to newer games like SF4, UMVC3, or SFxT.

Personally Iā€™m with moocus on this one, I feel like Iā€™m going to be playing ST until I drop dead. I believe that the majority of hardcore gamers will continue playing video games, even in our golden years. Old people in past generations played golf, ours will probably play classic video games.

And which of your ā€˜greatest players everā€™ are you talking about? Many of the greatest US players in ST still play in tournaments.

Hell no, ST is still alive and kicking, thereā€™s no doubts about that. Iā€™m still amazed at how long itā€™s lasted. Hell I was amazed in 2008 when I joined SRK and found out I wasnā€™t the only person on Earth still playing ST lol. I was such a scrub then, and Iā€™m still such a huge scrub now. But maybe less so than before lol.

If ST has come this far, then there is still a long way to go before it can be pronounced dead.

As long as Japan keeps the scene alive and vibrant, and keeps on churning out new vids of top players on an almost daily basis, then ST will keep on living IMO. Not to mention this 20 year old game is still a part of all the major tourneys in Japan (SBO, Xmania, A-cho, etc). And letā€™s not forget Europe is also contributing in a major fashion. In some ways, they have a more vibrant scene than North America.

Hereā€™s to a few more decades of the greatest fighting game ever.