R.i.p st

people keeping it around as a monument I suppose.

i miss the whole scene that surrounded this game when it had first dropped. to be honest its still one of the best.

ST: Still Tits.

shit is nice, but needs more cowbell.

The necro-thread has risen.

Maybe I misspoke? lol.

I doubt it, ST rooms still only capping @ 50 Unless there’s a big Online Event, like Kuro’s King Of GGPO people come out for that because him and Arturo spread word fast, Room will stay alive after that at about 100 for a few days and drop in numbers again with only the regulars.

ST Is still dead.

I try not to post in this thread unless it’s already bumped to the very top. But there are efforts to Revive ST. Having a post at the very top saying RIP ST or ST is dead isn’t really helping. Lets treat this as we were building a community from scratch. No more mentioning how the game is “dead” just the “speed at which it is growing” or “lack of growth” or something to that affect… just watch our words here. you can still talk about it, but the language you use will affect people’s decision about whether to play this game or not. “dead” is not a word I’d like to see floating around. Sure, you can talk about it, just try to find softer ways of expressing it.

I mean seriously, this thread was two years old before someone bumped it. This is OLD NEWS for the people who it matters to and isn’t exactly groundbreaking. All it does is hinder the efforts of Revivals, (and revival on it’s own indicates the game was on a decline so even people starting to get into this know what they’re getting into) I personally just don’t want to leave any negative impressions, or give these people more pessimism. We want optimism and hype.

With that said, Don’t just use online numbers. Check the SoCal revival thread. Check the interest in the T.O thread I recently made. There is interest in these games, We can build a rebuild the community as if it was a new game. Eventually this will translate to online numbers as well. But my personal goal is the offline scene. As good as GGPO is, it doesn’t quite cut it. There’s a speed difference to compensate for the lag, which messes up my timing. and it feels faster at the regular speeds… well, because of the lag.

Even Shirts, the guy who originally posted this thread, claims that maybe he misspoke. The revival is still ongoing on both coasts, and the majority of players are not on GGPO and hardly even post on srk. It’s unfair to claim that ST is dead based on the numbers we have on GGPO, its more important to look at offline tournament numbers to determine that.

If you play the game and like it and have fun with it means it`s alive foo.

even with the scene offline it’s not big enough to be considered live, there’s more ggpo players then there are offline atm.

Well as long as it’s still being played competitively, it’s alive to me. It’s still worth an effort to continue attempting to bring in newer players and trying to prolong the life of ST as long as we can.

theres plenty of ppl playing it on GGPO, overall theres at least 500 players,u saying the capping @ 50 is a very ignorant statement. theres is easily more than 100 players in each time zone: North America players, Asia/Australia, Europe, South America.

There’s 50 players on ggpo, The room caps at 50 what’s so hard to understand about that the fact your mind can’t comprehend what I said is very ignorant there might be 100 players but only 50 get on at room cap. Different players different time zones room still caps at 50.

ST is dead, Sure I still play it and who doesn’t love the competitiveness but face facts, ST Players are stubborn.

If you want to comment on the state of offline ST, please take the time to attend a couple of offline tournaments and form a firsthand opinion. Or check out supersf2turbo’s YouTube channel where he diligent uploads videos from multiple events each week.

If you want to comment on the state of online ST, please don’t forget about different people in the world coming on at different times or about the folks on HDR classic. Weekdays are likely different but I’ve started playing GGPO on Saturdays again and haven’t seen under 50 yet…

“Dead” is a word that can be used objectively or subjectively. Objectively, the ST scene is clearly not dead since the game is still held at tourneys and has achieved similar numbers since it was first created. Online, you can always find a match no matter what time of day. Subjectively, ST has larger tourney entrant numbers than just about every fighter beyond the 3 games from last year. ST on GGPO is still one of the biggest rooms and participation hasn’t really changed much since late 2009. I suppose it’s dead if you have Super Bowl expectations though.

I can never understand why a few of the folks who started SF2 during GGPO or HDR’s golden days are all doom and gloom now. Perhaps a fresher perspective would help.

50 players cap, u want to make it look like thats the total number of players who use GGPO. LOL

500 overall online players is far from dead for a 17 (soon to be 18) yrs old game, keep trying harder

The perception started when HDR was removed from EVO. And soon after, ST and HDR became side tournaments at most majors.

That perception does hurt the game but most of the top talent is still around so it doesn’t really matter if tournaments are official or side tournaments now. That’s why it keeps getting stressed that players need to go out and show up to tournaments and keep supporting the offline scene.

“ST is dead” as it is used here is a stupid statement to make.

It is inaccurate when describing ST given you can still find competitive/healthy games in various ST scenes (online, tournament, arcade), and it mucks up use of the term “dead” for games that are truly unavailable for play.

  1. Save the term “dead” for games that literally aren’t supported, are supported but are ghost towns (can’t find games), etc. Otherwise, you just contribute to making the term “dead” worthless because it starts to take on ambiguous meaning. There are plenty of games I like which are indeed “dead” because I can’t play them anymore (not supported anywhere, or they are there but nobody plays and can’t find a game to join, etc.). There are also games that aren’t totally “dead” but are unavailable/“dead” outside limited access pockets (limited geography arcade, online only, tournament only, etc.)(games that aren’t dead, but certain ways to play them are dead like Battlefront II on XBL).

I think maybe too many tweens see a game not commanding hordes of players and their larva angst compels them to cry out that it’s dead. Because they haven’t actually lived through a time when certain games just weren’t available to be played at all, so they start mislabeling cause they have no frame of reference.

  1. Using the term “dead” (as many have pointed out here) inaccurately labels the current ST scene. You can find good games on the PC online, in periodic regional tournaments, and in arcade/playgroups in limited select locations (mostly in Japan). In addition, the quality of players still playing is arguably the highest skill level it has ever been.

This. A game doesn’t need to pull in 4-digit cash prizes and be on stream at Evo in order to be cosnidered alive. As long as there’s healthy competition in any environment, be it offline or online, its still considered very much alive.

Let’s just keep it simple. If people hold consistent tournaments for a game, it’s not dead.

This makes me proud to be a part of the ST community.

Can someone please close this thread and Take page 6 and lable the new thread something along the lines of “ST Activity Discussion” again, trying to avoid the word dead, phrases like r.i.p. etc…

because seriously, people replying/bumping this thread and it showing up on “recently active threads” on the top of the page is again, not helping the image and perception. and it DOES hurt the game. (which is the point I was trying to make when I first posted here. also

So again, We can rebuild the scene but lets not hurt the image much more than it has been already