R.i.p st


ST lives, eff yeah.

You know what’d be great: an American version of X-Mania.

Very happy to ST back at SBO!

PS: The HDR hate is getting a bit old. The game’s are 99% the same. Just let the hate go…

ST at SBO is great news indeed! Now about qualifiers… hmmm…

THe HDR love is getting a bit old in the ST section. And PS…the games aren’t 99% the same at all. Just keep your HDR love out of the ST section please.

Oh, the irony!! Don’t like the taste of your own medecine? Tough nuts.

You’re right, the games are not 99% the same. More like 95%. :rolleyes:

And it is good to see ST at SBO and other Japanese tournaments. However, it would be much more significant to see ST at American tournaments. I wonder if ST would still be alive in Japan if HDR had an arcade release there. I don’t really care which game comes out on top, either way, as I’ll play either game with the same enthusiasm. Bottom line is, ST and HDR are both great games.

I like both games, I only play ST though. Reason being that online HDR is garbage.

Pretty much my sentiments. If I have someone over or I’m somewhere else we play HDR just to keep refreshed for tourneys but the online part of HDR is unplayable for me so I stick to ST.

Just to let everyone know, MWC will still be holding an arcade ST tourney, this is on top of an HDR tourney.

On Japanese or American style cabinet?

A stand up cab with interchangeable sticks, you can play on Happ or Sanwa. Also we’ll have Supergun converters for ps2 if you really want to use your own.

To bad I will be getting shot at so I wont be able to join in the festivities.

Here is an image of the stick. It was unfinished at this point when i built it.

Disreguard this post. That is a cab i made for DreamTR and I thought he was taking it to MWC.

as much as i like hdr, i feel st is more exciting. its rewarding to be offensive in st than in hdr. in st almost every character has some kind of loop, pressure string or tod combo that kills you quick or puts the aggressor in complete control. i know vega is notorious for this and hes even hated by many because of it. theres wrong with this imo, its what makes st fun and if you get caught in some pressure string/loop, its your damn fault most of the time.

sim: slide noogie
vega: wall dive
rog: headbutt, walk under repeat
ken: knee bash throw loop
fei: corner chickenwings
hawk: negative edge 360 throw loop
honda: ochio loop
sagat: tiger shots x n
deejay: tod
bison: tod
chun: super into up kicks for 80%, neckbreaker bs

in short, characters in st zones harder, hits harder and traps better. st is like xvsf, hdr is like mvc. well sorta

also, st has more characters. although most old characters in st is inferior, a handful of them have enough differences to make them worth using. old sim, fei, guile, honda, ken, ryu, chun, hawk and rog have enough differences to make them worth chosing over their st version. i really wish old sim was in hdr.

HDR and SF4 may have brought me back,

but ST keeps me playing.

Nothing I have ever played can compare to the raw power of ST - I swear the game itself feels like it’s going to break during intense matches

I second that!!

ST is the best fighting game out there and it’s far from dead.

ST is the SHIT, no other game can compare to it, no SF4, no 3s. ST is the most complete fighting game of all time.

Tiers are pretty much nonsense here jejeje

ST is the SHIT, no other game can compare to it, no SF4, no 3s. ST is the most complete fighting game of all time.

Tiers are pretty much nonsense here jejeje

Just curious, but why? What does O.Sim have going for him that N.Sim doesn’t? I played Sim in the older games (WW~SSF2), but never bothered with O.Sim in ST. Am I missing out on something?

I’ve been wondering the exact same thing. O.Dhalsim doesn’t have an invincible on startup Super to get him out of tick 360 traps in the corner. He can’t control his limbs using b or f, all his b normals are close normals meaning his anti air normals like b Strong and b Jab can only be activated when the opponent jumps from close range. :tdown: Not to mention when he’s pressuring the opponent with far limbs and he crosses the “close” threshold, he might get a close attack and whiff, and vice versa, far limbs could come out when he wants a close normal. And, I could be wrong about this, but O.Dhalsim also cannot control his Drill Kicks the way N.Dhalsim can. I think he can only Drill when he reaches a minimum height requirement, about halfway through his jump arc. :wtf:

N.Dhalsim >>> O.Dhalsim IMO.