R.i.p st

Amen to that.

In the process of selling my crapbox too. GGPO is DA shiat.

i’m trying to keep the spirit of original arcade ST alive in the UK with a little event i’ve organised for early january. hopefully if it’s a success there will be more events to follow :wgrin:

I currently prefer HDR to ST.

That said, I believe that ST will outlast HDR.

CapCom never embraced HDR.
HDR was never released in Japan.
HDR is not in arcades.
HDR cannot be emulated (currently).
There is no PC version for HDR.
HDR is limited to 360 and PS3.

SBO runs ST.
Top Japanese players play ST.
Japanese arcades have ST.

SF4 was released so close to HDR that HDR had a very small window to grab new players as the “best looking SF version on 360/PS3”.

It wont die aslong as the remake sucks…

And HD is pretty mediocre… so yeah… I mean ST is too good of a game to EVER be dead.

I play alot of SF4 these days and I am ass in SF2 but I ABSOLUTELY LOVE watching it…and I sometimes enjoy getting smashed on by the elite that make my jaw drop every time

SBO is no longer running ST. EVO and Final Round are no longer running ST.
ST is all but disappeared from the tourney scene in the US and Japan. But the game will live on because of its greatness.

We still got MWC! Both HDR and Arcade (with supergun converters)

As long theres X-Manias and Neo Star Cups, the game will stay alive.

Yeah there are a lot of ST tournaments over there, just because it isn’t at SBO doesn’t mean it’s a dead game. I even remember reading at nohoho’s site that the latest X-Mania had the largest turnout ever.

Oh believe me, I want this game to live on more than anyone, but it seems every year the number of ST Tourneys get smaller and smaller.

GGPO client too.

I never played ST on GGPO but only recently played it on MAME. i played ssf2 for a while and HDR and to me, HDR is more of a tribute to ST.

think of it, why do they make remixes/covers of songs? usually because those songs are hits and usually the remixes are never as good, its like paying a tribute.

HDR recognizes that ST was a classic.
but like already mentioned HDR will never go far if it stays on the ps3/xbox360.

so being good on HDR is fine but is no where near as impressive as opposed to being good on ST.

Hmmm I’m 25 and was never able to play ST at my local arcades, because well I was too young to drive, and the mall arcades all had alpha 2/3 and sfIII. I played hdr and absolutely loved it. About a year later I bought an ST cabinet and love it even more. My pride and joy, for when ever I get married…and the wife lips starts flapping, i will just wave her off and go to my place of serenity and play my ST cab. I’ve been able to play ggpo once and not sure how I did it, but still can’t get it to work. I was contemplating buying a new pc just to play ST on ggpo. Perhaps it’s because im using windows 7? I had Vista when I was trying to play on ggpo, that didn’t work out. Oh well ST fa life.

Obviously Shoji’s going to win that one…

… only because I wont be there.

I was playing ST GGPO on a P4, 512MB Ram, integrated graphics card, Win2000 system…

I remember hearing that some people had troubles getting FBA to work properly on Vista. I don’t know any details about it, and I don’t know anything about 7.

In terms of GGPO itself, you did forward your ports, right? If you’ve already tried all of the usual fixes, I would recommend asking here for help.

Super Turbo is an official game for SBO 2010. X-Mania had a ton of entrants this year. Who said ST is dead?

I cry inside.

Because over here people think HDR is a good game, and want to play it, while the Japanese still play real ST. Is THIS what those men on Corregidor died for?

I shed a single tear of happiness, which as it fell, reflected all the colors of the rainbow.

Just to be fair, not only the Japanese scene is arcade oriented, SBO is an arcade tournament. Capcom has not released an arcade version of HDR: it can only be ST or AE (POS).

But yeah: super turbo, man. Super turbo.