Professional Kiler Instinct match vids. we need

So, I’m not the only one that’s noticed eh? :lol:

Who’s nameingway again? :shake:

LOL! I was about to ask “are you that MikeZ?” Anyway, yeah, back on topic.

Yo foo, what’s up! What the fuck happended to CT? Anyway, pm me.

No, you swallow to after you lick it off your face.

:pleased: :tup: :pleased:

Rodo: I dunno mang… Im talking to them about buying that shit.

check PM

onyx: dont post crap like what i just deleted off your post, again on this site. you should know better, being on this board for so long

Oh, but I thought that was your job after you finished your orgy getting off on Hentai.:pleased: :tup: :pleased:


Yo Robbin, I can’t give you any neg pts right now. Anyway, keep it the bad work or whatever you’re trying to do.

Hey dude, sorry didn’t notice this question hidden away in the thread. THe short answer is YES, there’s one KI cab at Trocadero Centre in London. that old Segaworld place. I saw it a while (year??) back but im sure they don’t get rid of any machines, not like they struggle for floorspace. As for Blackpool, LOL.

This thread got ruined by that muppet shouting about KIGOLD,KI2, KI1. again lolz, Sabre wins. Few points that made me laugh. The Fulgore, jago dragon punch thing, and the developers knowing everything about the game. Did you not read what i said about me MEETING the developers? Chris Tilston could not believe the scoreboard.

back in the day, KI1 was fresh, worthy of playing and learning. We played it, broke it, loved it.
KI2, played it till i could do everything. Jago’s ghost glitchs, broken ultra’s, Hmm. Tusks 66-hit was hard i remember. No replay value once we’d moved on.

Recently been playing both Killer Instinct games on my, cough, looks around, PC. One will get played, one won’t.

Killer Instinct 3, they will try to copy some ‘modern’ game engine. hopefully Guilty gear, SF3 flex. thefy will steal bits from every other game and hope it fits and people buy it. THey will aim it at the masses, (who don’t know shit about fighting games) and chances are it will flop. Unfortunate as it sounds, it’s the sad state of the market. again i doubt rare will fluke any bugs that make it more playable, and we’ll have another KI2.

anyways rammbling, now.


I think that people who where in either Grade School or Jr High in the mid 90’s had a better view on KI’s gameplay than people in High School or College.

Subliminal: !!!, where in the troc? last time I was there me and a friend looked around the place looking for KI and a ST machine but there were some mega shady guys hanging around so we didn’t look everywhere. If you can remember what floor/where at. maybe some directions. that would be awesome. thanks a lot dude.

and god, I would pay good money to be able to play arcade perfect KI in my house…sob.

Bumping old thread won’t get Santa to bring you any Christmas presents. :lame:

It’s almost impossible to have a tournament in this game because it is so broken. 3 or 4 characters have infinites. Spinal doesn’t even need to land a combo to kill you. One of my old friends was the best KI player i’ve seen and I could beat him if I got the infinite on him first.

the MEGA shady guys would have probably been, Chunkis and Chef et al. The KI machine was top floor, and the joysticks were fooked. Not like they spend time fixing the ‘newer’ machines so they really didn’t give a shit about KI. They changed layout of Trocadero few times, so i dunno exactly. try efnet irc #cornertrap and ask about troc arcade games.

You can play arcade perfect KI at your house. There’s this old arcade graveyard outside leeds. I’ll try and find number for you. Old KI board will be cheap these days provided you can find one, don’t worry so much about hard drive condition because there’s patches about that let you use newer IDE drives. Then Supergun will run it. Or google for U64emu. C’mon it’s abandonware.

SOARINGWINGDING, Sorry about bumping the topic??? didn’t you do that 200 times when you were chatting ‘pum pum’?? Sorry i don’t check this site all the time, sometimes people do other things than internet.

Going on Topic, i saw this KI thread; i contributed to it, few days later came back to read what was going on. sweet to see NKI, MikeZ, Sabre making sense, but there’s this dick chatting ‘pup’. Now your having a go a me? for what little man? not bothered…in a bit.


Post what crap??? :confused: WTF when did u turn into my mom??? “I should know better”? :wtf:

Did I ever call you a name or obscenity? You’re the one going ape-s&*^ with your remarks. What’s the matter? I haven’t been here long enough to have any say-so in a conversation? I get that kind of crap from members off this site all the time.

This forum’s a place for everyone to exchange ideas, debates, & theories. It isn’t your place to judge what’s pointless & what’s not.

If you’re going to make a remark at someone, make it at them directly (& I’m the one who’s accused of insulting one’s character here?) not some coding mess. I don’t think you’re necessarily a bad person, just a hypocrite, that’s all.

everyone here thinks your a fucktard. come back and endlessly defend yourself because you care so much as what people think of you on the internet. good day, sir!

hey subliminal whats up man

ki machines in troc are long gone , there was a KI 1 machine in brixton in the market ( not in sega zone ) about 4 years ago dont know if its still there .

in 1998 i went to blackpool for summer holiday with my parents they had 5 KI 1 machines and i think 2 or 3 ki2 .

10p for 8 creidts KI2 ??? wtf are there still any ki machines left in blackpool at all . because i would go up there and ace all the records .

KI is 1 of my fav games of all time only downfall for me is most of the really good combos have to be done in 2 player mode ,

ex … tj 51 hits
sabrewulf 47 hits
Glacius 80 hit on cinders stages
fulgore 44 hits

  etc. etc. 

there are many more too long to list
and the bugs oh man the fucking bugs i love so so much in KI both ki’s have great bugs .

i never played ki2 in vs seriously , i liked ki2 alot in 1 player but yea i definetly agree each character having the same 70 hit + spoiled it .

the unique thing about ki1 combos is alot of the combos have to be done in different forms , some only work on certain stages , some only vs this character and other stuff .

Thanks for proving my point. BTW, I could care less what everyone here thinks about me personally.