Professional Kiler Instinct match vids. we need

I doubt I am the only one who wants to see some high skill Killer Instinct match vids. I’ve been reading Saber’s posts and other people’s posts about the game back in the day, and I am intrigued. All this talk of unbreakable combos, Cinder & Orchid being broken, random tricks with each character, high low mix up games, shadow combos. I was deprived of elite Killer Instinct players when I played back when I was 11 years old. All the arcades I went to were scrubfests (the litmus test for scrubtest is when a scrub like me beats you using Orchid’s simple 18 hit combo into finisher).

Anyway. There’s Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 match vids. Can someone please get some Killer Instinct community going. I can’t because I don’t have the KI emulator nor can my computer handle playing KI if I did. Also, I’m wack at the game. I remember a little while ago, there were two KI vids. one was combos and another was glitches. It was hot. But I want to see some matches. Hook it up, someone please! :encore:

what are the specs of your pc u might be able to run it on the u64 emu
i ran it on a celeron 500 with a decent video card before

Dunno for sure because I’ve never played KI competitively (and I’ve never seen it played competitively), but I hear it’s pretty ugly…and from what I understand of the game engine, that seems pretty likely…


yea go watch NKI’s ki vids. You’ll see why it cant be played competitively :stuck_out_tongue:

if someone has the first (and only) KI tournament from the break upload it

so many matches were just TJ Combo vs TJ Combo both sit there for 99 seconds and do nothing haha

Hmm, we used to rinse KI pretty hard back in '94 or so. I got the nickname ‘sonic dashman’ when using orchid. All about the unbreakables. [QCDB+2, F+1, B+1, 3,] x 2, obviously putting the linker or even a turbo ender made it breakable.

In version 1.4, there were quite a few dizzy combos, three hits mostly. like Combo’s (charge)DB+6, F+3, B+6, (opt. juggle). Sabewulf was fuckree with his double slap dizzy BS. You could play the waiting game, if you blocked a meaty enough attack you had enough frame advantage to combo.

It was all about Jago, throwing out c.forward with an empty buffer. If you connected with the poke you had free cancel into windkick. hmm, version 1.5 introduced the fake overheads, they added a bit of mix-up. 1.5 brought shadow ultras too, heh cinder going invisible then landing his shadow ultra, complete with [f,f+1]x3 DP+5

Yeah, big props to NKI, i downloaded his and MikeTs KI vids not so long back. Those videos showed how broken the game is. BUT i actually think that those bugs made the game better.

i was into the illegal enders, where you pre-buffered the (turbo negative edge) motion while using a auto-double that would go over combo limit and knockdown. First time i got 40 with Thunder was day to remember. tagging illegal linker on start, turning air-ultra back into normal ground ultra, juggling with qcdb+2, + qct+4.

good memories, i met Chris Tilston once. I used to work at Namco Wonderpark, and he came up from Rare. He couldn’t get over the scoreboard, didn’t realise how broke his game was till i showed him. :slight_smile: (though he mentioned Jago 32, we were on 31 at that point).


yeah i saw the NKI vids but that was just one person playing against a dummy character.

anyway. i just want to see some high level KI play. i don’t care how broken it is. I’m not saying throw a tournament. Just for people to send in some casual match vids. Also, it’d be hot to see all the characters played. I have no idea what a great Glacius or Jago or Riptor would look like. Or any other character for that matter…

my comps specs are:
intel pentium 3 497 mhz
128 mb ram

that sounds ridiculous. everything you speak of I never saw at the arcades I frequented. :sad:

the game is hella broken like we’ve said hence no matches are available and probably wont be. Not worth playin really.

either way, I’d like the ocular evidence that it, in fact, is broken. Anybody can sit in their seat and say it’s broken. Lots of old games are broken. Doesn’t mean they aren’t hella entertaining to play or watch people play (at least for the first day or two).

i would dl u64 emu and the ki files and give it a try or if u cant find em just aim me at this same name and ill hook u up as long as u are on broadband

i agree, the idea of a combo/glitch video, showing lots of flashy but unpractical, balanced, irrelevant, or even outdated (not working on most version) stuff proving that a game is broken is absurd. anyways i played this a bit in arcade, and later some on SNES. I didn’t know as much about the combo glitches and stuff as some people there but I could still kill people cause I used Orchid and shes the bomb :). Here’s how i saw those characters being palyed:

Glacius: keep opponents scared with the teleport uppercut transiiton moves. if he hits you he has some erally weird glitchy combos. i dont play him but hes scary :). Once you learn to block that he becomes less scary, but still has great combos and good range on his punches.

Orchid (didnt ask for her but shes the bomb): get in medium range and exploit really, really, raelly good range on pokes and mixups. character i play most cause shes just that damn good :slight_smile:

Riptor: fast. played a lot like a watered down orchid. has a good unblockable on wakeup. not too many people seem to play him tho. most foos who wanna play a beast seem to go with sabrewulf. who sucks imo. riptor is my favorite character :slight_smile:

Jago: magic fireballs when far, exploit horrible delay on projectiles with his pass-through move if they try to fierball back. When close his crouching medium kick into wind kick is really good, has really good mixups too. and crossups. laser sword is good. So… he has a lot of tools but… I dont think hes that good tho :slight_smile: if he tries to use his mp or gimmicks against like orchid or riptor he’ll wish he never had such a dumb idea cause they rule that zone

Cinder (duidnt ask for him but hes annoying): Didnt play him much but im more scared of him than any other char. Turn invisible when he gets the chance. Once that happens your life is living hell cause he can fly around all day and use transition moves that are hard to block even when hes VISIBLE. Glitchy combos!

The chars i didnt mention dont seem as good and are less interesting.

After Eyedol (duh) I think Orchid, Riptor, and Cinder are hawtest. I think its a pretty fun game, but also simple and pretty much just a poking/overhead fest. Has some fun and interesting stuff thanks to transition moves though. Don’t worry about people saying its hella broken and such, people say that about every game :). It’s simple but playable unless therse drastic stuff i havent seen (ya ive seen NKIs vids)

does anyone know if Orchid has an unblockable?? I’m sure she does since lost of other chars do =P

Just to clarify…

There were only three things done on version 1.4:
-Orchid frog glitch
-Mini Fulgore
-Spinal infinite skulls

Everything else was taped using 1.5 (the final arcade version).


Sabre and Sicdic are top. You should ask those guys for vids.

Oh man, I remember back in 1995 seeing this one guy do those 100+ hit corner ultra juggle with Eyedol and Cinder. I never was able to get that good since the only long combo I knew how to do was Orchid’s 20 hit.

yes orchid has unblockable. late fierce tiger on wakeup. its worthless tho against an opponent that knows it, easy to react and do wakeup. only good unblockable in the game(other than cinder crossup bs) is riptors, since he can do it from good range where wakeups cant hit, and keep looping unbreakables into more unblockables.

sabrewulf is good. hes mid, i say like #5 or 6. hella good 2 hit dizzy, and good unbreakables off c.rh.

glacius teleport uppercut bs is too easy to block, if you know the trick, youll never get hit, no matter which side he appears on. you rely on c.fierce, and c.strong unbreakable startups and the qcf+short/qcf+fierce glitch ender for stupid damage. hes still #3 tho.

jago is shit, but his empty buffering is really good with c.forward. still love him tho.

Sabre: We so got to play KI, When I lived in Cali for a bit me and Wizard found a KI machine at SVGL on our trip to nor cal. Good times, to bad all the matches where Wizard with Orchid vs. me with Cinder. I think we played about 10 games 6-4 in Wizards favor or so. Lots of cinder flying cross ups that sometimes paid off and sometimes didn’t lol. Your post is so dead on the $. Often time I read post about KI tier and strat talk and 99 percent of the time its totally wrong or folks don’t know what serious KI play is like. I wish I had a chance to play you in KI.

P.S anyone wanting KI match vids, good luck finding them, KI is one of my all time favorite games. It may not be the greatest fighter but I loved it. Ill dig around my files, I got a ton of combo vids ,etc, but not sure if i have tourney stuff for KI.

I’d much rather see some match vids from KI2/Gold.

I didn’t see this posted anywhere so I thought I would post this here instead of starting a new thread for it. If this has been posted before please let me know.


"Another interesting bit of information that will have millions of gamers cheering for sure, is the news of a “Killer Instinct 3”, the follow-up to Rareware’s fighing games “Killer Instinct”,“Killer Instinct 2”, and “Killer Instinct Gold”. According to the employees, a hint was supposed to first be shown in a Killer Instinct arcade machine hidden in “Grabbed by the Ghoulies”…: