I doubt I am the only one who wants to see some high skill Killer Instinct match vids. I’ve been reading Saber’s posts and other people’s posts about the game back in the day, and I am intrigued. All this talk of unbreakable combos, Cinder & Orchid being broken, random tricks with each character, high low mix up games, shadow combos. I was deprived of elite Killer Instinct players when I played back when I was 11 years old. All the arcades I went to were scrubfests (the litmus test for scrubtest is when a scrub like me beats you using Orchid’s simple 18 hit combo into finisher).
Anyway. There’s Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 match vids. Can someone please get some Killer Instinct community going. I can’t because I don’t have the KI emulator nor can my computer handle playing KI if I did. Also, I’m wack at the game. I remember a little while ago, there were two KI vids. one was combos and another was glitches. It was hot. But I want to see some matches. Hook it up, someone please! :encore: