Professional Kiler Instinct match vids. we need

Well, the article hardly confirmed anything (these speculations have been roaming around for years & yet no confirmation from Rare themselves). Rare have hinted on numerous occasions that they’ll consider tackling KI3 when the time is right.

Right now, their main focuses are set on Conker: L&R, Kameo, & PDZ. Banjo Kazooie 3 & KI3 will more than likely be next on Rare’s agenda once having completed the previous titles.

I just wish that Rare would already come out of the closet & quit beating around the bush with KI3. We all know that KI3’s a definite possibility. The question is, “Just how long before seeing another installment.” Years possibly. The fighting game community could greatly use another KI title, especially in this day & age.

In the meantime, what we could really use are arcade perfect ports of both KI’s 1&2 on the xbox with live play. :rock:

psx: yeah dude, maybe at evo if you go. other than me,wizard, and sicdic, i didnt know many people that “truly” knew the game.

rare still says no ki3.

and ki2 was a really really really baaaaad game

I don’t really remember matches being all that much fun. I do remember that Fulgore’s dash-into-DP was nigh unpunishable since the DP would make them block 3x, and the last one was on his way down…that was basically his stupid trick, along with his easy unbreakables off crouching 5, and he was low tier. That and Riptor’s BS with low move, charge, QCDB+1 (1 hit), whiff linker, do fireball ender as they land (unblockable, 3 hits on wakeup), whiff linker, repeat. Hard, but oh-so-worth-it.
My opinion is still: KI is an amazing 1-player fighting game, and one of the worst 2-player fighters that I’ve played. I’m not sure I’d want to see matches anymore - back when nobody knew anything, sure, but not know when it’s all down to unblockable/unbreakable stuff. I’d play though. (^.^) Matches were all single hits.

Mike Z

KI2 wasn’t as bad as some have portrayed it to be. True, the game’s overall feel wasn’t as dark as the first, the replaced characters weren’t as efficient as the first, & the final boss (Gargos) wasn’t as devastating as KI 1’s Eyedol, but overall the game was decent.

KI2 managed to correct a majority of the wrongs of which flooded the first KI and in KI2, you could actually throw your opponent. Glitches/broken combos weren’t as effective as they were in the first, due to a more diverse combo breaking system. You weren’t entirely screwed if you were trapped in a corner against an aggressive opponent like in the first. Finally, characters such as Jago & Fulgore weren’t as “God-like” as they were in the first.

KI2 added a handful of improvements over the first title to make it more balanced. Personally, I prefer KI2 over KI1. I supposed a lot of people don’t like it because it’s combo system is more refined as opposed to the first.

holy shit! I haven’t played this game for many, many years but I assumed all that stuff had been done on early bug ridden versions. just shows how little I knew about it. So do alot of the charactores have Idol style infinites?

Subliminal; do you know if there are any KI cabs left in this country? I once found a KI2 cab in blackpool, 10p for 8 credits! I spent my whole holiday standing at that machine!lol.

I also preferred KI2’s gameplay over KI1’s. Aside from they fixed a lot of problems, they enhanced the combo system to include the harder to break manual doubles, but could still be broken on reflex based on punch/kick. The game is also considerably faster. Though it was nowhere near as dark with the settings and fatalities (stage fatalities sucked). I also thought the Parry was almost useless since you pretty much either had to do a “Just Defend” type block with it or you give it away since you can’t move while doing it.

KI1 however I would like to see match vids from. I’ve never seen these combos that are being described. I’d have to question the brokenness of them if they don’t take off an entire lifebar, it would pretty much be like Tekken 5’s combos. Plus the AI gets extended damage from its combos (Orchid and Spinal get damn near 100% AI controlled, Eyedol gets 100% sometimes easily).

ki2 = worst fucking gameplay ever.

i will sum up real quick. every fucking move is safe when blocked. both opponents spend the entire match going back and forth blocking eachothers specials cuz every move has no fucking recovery time at all. ridiculous. only way to beat out a special to land a real hit is paper, rock, scissors method. basically move “A” gets beat by move “B”. but you can only beat it out if you perform the move during their move, before you block it. now tell me something, how the fuck are you gonna do that when those moves are being buffered from normals everytime, you cant do shit but block. ki 1 suffered a little from too much defensive at times, ki2 is 938586458734 times worse.

just from that alone, how can anyone like that fucking game.

combos are worthless. you now have a 50/50 chance to break combos now, instead of the 33% chance that was in ki 1. dumb dumb dumb. the game now recognizes manual combos, but i fail to understand why now cuz they are breakable now too, makes no sense now. the combo flowchart is also exactly the same for every character in everyway. you learn one 70+ hitter with one character, you learned it with everyone. ITS EXACTLY THE SAME. unlike ki1, where every character was unique. ki2 got rid of the characters individuality.

parries (b+lp) = completely worthless. only parries high and has no use in a match. only use is for 70+ hitters to win the match, which will never happen cuz you also have to perform all 5 combo enders and have full super in the match which will not happen. its stupid and pointless.

throws are worthless outside of combos. throws are supposed to stop keeping the player from being overly defensive, which this game needed BADLY since every move has no recovery, but you cant throw anyone successfully outside of a combo. once again, a feature that serves no purpose. and it looks really bad too.

jago is so broken with his no mercy finisher (flame dragon), especially on scaling stages, you cant jump over it or crouch it. so he just keeps doing it til you cant block no more and die. only spinal and fulgore can get past it with teleports and get behind him. but iirc, if jago is as far back to the corner as possible, they cant get behind jago and just teleport into the flame and lose. so you better hope if you land a combo when hes almost dead, that it kills him, you cant let him live with flashing red life, or you lose for free, no matter how much life you have. yay fun game.

why do people consider this game good again?

jago and fulgore god like in ki1? wtf!?! you crazy? those 2 along with thunder, are the worst characters in the game. in ki2, jago is god tier, and fulgore follows.

plus just to make the game worse, the graphics were horrible. the character models were terrible. jago had a dope character render, thats about it. everyone else had huge heads and combo had lipstick lol. horrible.

some backgrounds were really cool and some music was really good (mainly tusks, and spinals to a lesser extent).

why did people like this? i dont get it

Shi’t KI is one of my favorites games. Still play it to this day U64platinum (KI Emulator)

KI: Plays great, bg music is solid, sfx is horrible, speed is good.

KI2: Depending on your specs, it can play two ways. Good and fast, or poor and slow.

Well, your last response hardly explained how KI2 was bad besides the fact that it was. Just about everything you pointed out in your last statement was based on mere opinion & not logical fact. I won’t get into a deep argument over this, fact of the matter is that KI2 is superior to KI1 gameplaywise.

Everyone knows that Jago & Fulgore are top tier in KI1. Their uppercuts practically didn’t even need any proper timing in KI1 to land correctly. 90% of the times they landed regardless of the timing. Jago’s practically the Ryu of KI. End of story. Rare themselves even pointed out the unbalance character issues of KI1, hence, toned the characters down in KI2 (don’t believe me? Email Rare & ask them yourself). Even strategy guides on KI2, stressed as to how the characters were drastically toned down.

So, if you thought that Fulgore & Jago were “God-like” in KI2, you clearly haven’t spent much time playing the game. True, Jago is top tier in KI2, but nothing compared to his KI1 counterpart. In fact, I’m going to try & find a tier list for both games.

As far as graphics go, KI2 & KIGold had an entirely different graphics interface. You must realize that Rare was tempting to port an arcade game to a 96 meg cart. They had cut about 10% of the animation out & cut out the anti-aliasing. They had to completey rework the graphics to fit onto the N64’s cart. Hence, implemented real-time 3d backgrounds, as opposed to the pre-rendered arcade backdrops. I didn’t make this up out of nothing. So, considering the graphical adjustments at stake, KIGold turned up rather well. I’m surprised you haven’t commented on how KI1 turned on the SNES as opposed to it’s arcade counterpart.

Facts or heresay? I choose facts.

Fuck you bitch I knew the game.

God I hate black ppl.

Sabre’s black?!


sabre’s my new hero

most of the time, the players know more about the fighting game system than the developers. That’s why after the players completely BUST and break open the fighting system, the company has to release upgrades/patches. It would not be a good idea to refer to RARE if you’re trying to prove the validity of your tier list. I don’t see how having an uppercut would automatically make someone top tier in KI. The days of an uppercut owning people have been over sine Street Fighter II Champion Edition.

So, who would you rather believe? The developers who actually spent time analyzing the character balance issues (who built the game upon their interface) or a gamer who thinks they know which characters are top-tier. I think I’ll go with the developers. So in otherwords, developers who create the characters don’t know how they’re own characters react? Nice oxymoron. If Rare didn’t know anything about the balance issues, do you think they would have addressed them in their sequel. :xeye:

Your above statment is like stating that the Shotokan characters in SF3 aren’t overpowered (when logical facts have proved otherwise). :dp:

omg now you know nothing. if the developers know so well who is good and who isnt, then why in 99% of fighters, are unbalanced, why would a developer release a game that way. omg dont be so obtuse. do you know that people that make these games cant even fucking play them? ROFL. that is fact sir.

anyone that knows anything about ki, KNOWS for a fact that jago and fulgore is not good. high level tested and approved. you are proving that you comment on shit you know nothing about. why on gods green earth would a dp determine how good a character is in ki? especially when you got characters with easy infinites, insane range into unbreakable/unblockable loops. which jago and fulgore clearly lack. hell, you dont even need to jump in KI! its not even neccessary! you can disable my jump and i wouldnt care. only character that would probably need it is cinder for unblockable crossups. its widely known in top play that cinder and orchid are easily top in ki 1. it has been proven COUNTLESS times. its so obvious.

and shotos are overpowered cuz of dp too? you are fucking insane buddy! you are clearly showing your lack of knowledge of fighting games.

dont be ignorant. if shotos are so broken, why is it in games like 3s, that ryu and akuma are low mid tier at best? not trying to be a dick bro, but you really dont have a clue. ive given so many examples and explanations and yet you have said nothing but disagree.

I liked KI2 for two reasons, it was faster, and it had more options.

I can’t say that overall I liked KI2 better than KI1, because it took a very long time for KI2 to grow on me, but not exactly for gameplay reasons. I like that they put in manual doubles, as those can be mixed up punch/kick, that you don’t have to use an auto-double. Plus they cut auto-doubles down to actual 2 hits. So yes, the chances of breaking are higher, but your window is cut down compared to characters having a 3-hit auto double in KI1.

Now several things you mentioned do in fact get on my nerves. The constant blocking, no real reason to learn another character after learning one as it’s universal. But let me add on to this, these are pretty much why I didn’t care for KI2 after several years after it was released.

  • Extremely easy AI. KI’s was pretty easy too (D+FP, df,d,db+3 with Orchid, standing FK, f,d,df + MK with Cinder all the time), but KI2’s was pathetic. Makes for 0 single-player ability. With Jago do F + FK right into fierce Laser Blade -> ender, even on Gargos, never fails. Spinal and Jago jump constantly, no contest.

  • Music. I didn’t like KI2’s music compared to KI1’s. To me, as I can be pretty picky about music in games, I didn’t want to listed to this game’s tracks. I think only Glacius’ stage music was appealing to me. KI1 had a more fitting soundtrack.

  • Environment. Even today I question how the jungle and a stage called “street”, which wasn’t even a street, fit into KI’s supposed “dark” atmosphere. KI1 was on top of that too, having even extra stages (lava bridge, skull hallway, Eyedol’s arena).

  • Fatalies. The ones in this game was terrible, seriously. The stage knock-offs were pathetic, nothing touches Chief Thunder’s Ultra on a rooftop stage in KI1. And I had forgotten about Jago’s dragon, I abused that on the AI like a bastard. They should’ve kept the “Danger” aspect. And they should’ve shown Orchid’s tits again.

i agree with most of the stuff you say. especially the danger aspect. atleast you point out reasons that make sense on why you do and dont like certain things, instead of being closed minded thinking anything with a dp is broken. rofl, that kills me

Even the final arcade version is REALLY buggy, and that’s why I love the game. :tup:

To answer your question: Yes, every character in the game has an 80-hit combo.


lets hope rare redeem themselves with KI3! XBox360 bound? ::crosses fingers:

Probably, Microsoft owns Rare now.