ki2 = worst fucking gameplay ever.
i will sum up real quick. every fucking move is safe when blocked. both opponents spend the entire match going back and forth blocking eachothers specials cuz every move has no fucking recovery time at all. ridiculous. only way to beat out a special to land a real hit is paper, rock, scissors method. basically move “A” gets beat by move “B”. but you can only beat it out if you perform the move during their move, before you block it. now tell me something, how the fuck are you gonna do that when those moves are being buffered from normals everytime, you cant do shit but block. ki 1 suffered a little from too much defensive at times, ki2 is 938586458734 times worse.
just from that alone, how can anyone like that fucking game.
combos are worthless. you now have a 50/50 chance to break combos now, instead of the 33% chance that was in ki 1. dumb dumb dumb. the game now recognizes manual combos, but i fail to understand why now cuz they are breakable now too, makes no sense now. the combo flowchart is also exactly the same for every character in everyway. you learn one 70+ hitter with one character, you learned it with everyone. ITS EXACTLY THE SAME. unlike ki1, where every character was unique. ki2 got rid of the characters individuality.
parries (b+lp) = completely worthless. only parries high and has no use in a match. only use is for 70+ hitters to win the match, which will never happen cuz you also have to perform all 5 combo enders and have full super in the match which will not happen. its stupid and pointless.
throws are worthless outside of combos. throws are supposed to stop keeping the player from being overly defensive, which this game needed BADLY since every move has no recovery, but you cant throw anyone successfully outside of a combo. once again, a feature that serves no purpose. and it looks really bad too.
jago is so broken with his no mercy finisher (flame dragon), especially on scaling stages, you cant jump over it or crouch it. so he just keeps doing it til you cant block no more and die. only spinal and fulgore can get past it with teleports and get behind him. but iirc, if jago is as far back to the corner as possible, they cant get behind jago and just teleport into the flame and lose. so you better hope if you land a combo when hes almost dead, that it kills him, you cant let him live with flashing red life, or you lose for free, no matter how much life you have. yay fun game.
why do people consider this game good again?
jago and fulgore god like in ki1? wtf!?! you crazy? those 2 along with thunder, are the worst characters in the game. in ki2, jago is god tier, and fulgore follows.
plus just to make the game worse, the graphics were horrible. the character models were terrible. jago had a dope character render, thats about it. everyone else had huge heads and combo had lipstick lol. horrible.
some backgrounds were really cool and some music was really good (mainly tusks, and spinals to a lesser extent).
why did people like this? i dont get it