I try to stick to arcade versions of everything, but if there’s a new KI 3 game…I don’t care what it comes out for, i’ll buy that system just to play it.
Pcb’s >>>>>>>> ports
remeber that bitches
I try to stick to arcade versions of everything, but if there’s a new KI 3 game…I don’t care what it comes out for, i’ll buy that system just to play it.
Pcb’s >>>>>>>> ports
remeber that bitches
KI 1 was all about eydols corner infinite. I did play Riptor pretty good tho. i miss that game
You’re telling me not to be ignorant, yet you’re not hinging on the facts. The facts show that KI2 is clearly superior to KI1. It succeeds in areas where KI1 fails. The game’s even received higher scores from game mag editiors.
Less face the facts people. KI1 was a complete turtle game & was ridiculously hard (I’m quoting flaws of KI which have been brought up on numerous occasions by the general public). It’s entire gameplay revolved around rock-paper-scissors. It was more of a guessing game if not anything else, because once you reached a certain level in skill, you could literally just duck in a corner for an entire match & turtle (even on the hardest difficulty settings). You really needed to do nothing else, because you could foresee the overhead upcoming attacks. You simply just rised & guarded the attacks.
Jago- By far the hardest character to land a hit on. He has a decent foray of specials & stuns, along with randomimize air combination juggles with a considerable amount of damage. You can’t jump in or attempt to use a projectile at Jago or you’d run the risk of tasting a windmill kick. Your best best would be attempt to go on a poke frezy against him after a maneuver such as the windkick, after guarding the attack.
Now lets go to the SF2 theory. In the original SF2, you had a completely invincible dragon punch. The move ALWAYS connected. This was later altered in the later versions of SF2 & other SF series titles as well. Now they have it so that the dragon punch is only invincible right as it starts & can be countered with precise timing (SF3). Which is what you’re referring to.
Jago’s tiger punch was similar to SF2 dragon in KI1. No matter the timing, it ALWAYS landed & opened opportunities for turtling to be abused.
are you retarded? have you ever played this game called marvel vs capcom 2? obviously developers dont know shit, its the players who play the game to death and break it and know the characters inside out.
Now let’s discuss KI2 &KIGold:
KI2 was playable as opposed to KI1. KI2 was hard, but KIGold was dumbed down because Rare wanted to make it more playable. Overall KI2 & KIGold are vastly different in terms of presentation & gameplay.
Combo System:
The combo systems in both KI2’s Gold were less of a guessing game of rock-paper-scissors & of more reaction. The game’s took much better advantage of allowing the player to use weaker attacks to auto-double & was much more diverse as opposed to KI1’s criss-crossing doubling patterns.
KI2/Gold has throws as well & implemented them into a fasion of which made it possible to throw the opponent while chaining them into a combo. This aspect eliminated the turtling abuse that was of KI1.
KI2 also added “Manual Auto Doubles” which allowed the opportunity for a much greater mix-up game, calling for more combo variety & making the combo breakers much more difficult to perform. This also eliminated the “Reset Combo” from KI1 & took great advantage of “EndSpecials.”
Ultra breakers were a great addition, but required all four Endspecials to be performed, as well as an available twelve energy blocks.
Jago’s tiger fury punch :dp: :p: wasn’t as devastating as in KI1’s. In KI1, Jago had practically no disadvantages performing the move (since he simply jumped straight in the air & wasn’t punished with severe risk if missed). In KI2/Gold Jago’s tiger punch has a lunge/dash proporation, leaving him at a high risk of being comboed if not connected properly. He’s still a top tier, but not as destructive as in KI1.
You’re a moron. I own MVC2. What the heck does MVC2 have to do with this conversation? We all know that gamers have heresay as to how we want a game to play. I was stating that if the developers (Rare) were uneducated/unaware as to how their games play, then why would they be identifying & fixing the problems in their future installments? We have yet to see a MVC3, so go back to the library, you ignorant scrub.
omg, im not even going into this more. you have no idea what you are talking about. you must place last at every tourney
Before I say anything I will admit that I am not a professional on this specific topic and I know nothing about Soaringwing or Sabre.
Now to my point. Sabre clearly wins argument, Soaringwing clearly loses. Please stop. Your reasoning is just going to get you made fun of on this site. “The game even receieved higher scores from game mag editors”. There you have it folks, best reason ever! :rolleyes:
As I mentioned before, I’m no expert on Killer Instict, but from Sabre’s in depth explanation of some of the top level strats in the game, I can tell enough that your repeated claim of Jago’s DP making him way too good is utter nonsense. I usually don’t post when I see stuff like this, but I just felt like throwing in my 2 cents.
the point is obvious moron but you were too stupid to understand it. capcom released a broken game. the developers didn’t know shit about the characters they created. they never do, never will. its the players who understand the game, not the creators. they just make it.
in case you still don’t understand, sabre knows what he’s talking about, and you don’t.
LOL i completely missed that retarded comment about ki2 getting higher scores in a gaming mag. again, gaming mag writers superficially touch the gameplay in a way that is completely dwarfed by the level of understanding of players who put in serious hours of competitive gameplay into a game.
so go back to school, because you obviously didn’t get very far
I was about to post the exact same thing, but you beat me to it. Thanks.
The developers don’t fix things for top players, they adjust for the average/mainstream. Just because we can do ridiculous things with the game doesn’t mean they care, or even can do anything about it. Changes that affect ‘core’ gameplay and fun factor for normal people aren’t optimal for sales.
Concerning high-level, serious, or MONEY MATCH play, where people strain the game system to its limits in order to win, SaBrE is dead on. SOARINGWING, you seem to be looking at it from an ‘average’ player’s perspective. The gameplay elements you bring up don’t have anything to do with how people play when they know how to exploit the game system. It’s a whole different ballgame.
Marvel is as good an example as any. People playing ‘seriously’ will likely use a Magneto/Sentinel/Storm/Cable derived team, use infinites and resets, 100% combos, everything available to them to win. Regular people who don’t read SRK or go to tournies are still thinking Iceman is top tier, because they haven’t been exposed to the All-Out Destruction that is Top Tier play.
If the Marvel developers knew how we play the game… what would it matter, if they can’t fix it without severely affecting the game engine? If it gets too complicated, ‘normal’ people won’t play. See also: Guilty Gear, Third Strike.
I guess he’s from GAMEFAQS
Please, someone don’t PM me on how to find the KI rom for Ultra64.
Nah. It’s just that you’re at a loss of words, because you can’t defend your argument (you know that KI2 is much deeper in debt). Just about everything I’ve stating I’ve been able defend with acutal facts from gamers themselves. You just can’t accept the fact that KI2’s deeper, that’s all.
So instead of you & others going around telling people who HAVE some actual validity to what they say that they know nothing, how about you all stop with your fanboyism remarks (who have had no logical facts) inciting the arguments in the first place? Keep it to the facts & stop spouting out trash to argue. People have attempted to twist what I’ve said around.
If you favor KI1 over KI2/Gold, then fine. However, you have NO RIGHT to attack other contributors of this thread because they go against your own thoughts/opinions.
:lol: Dude nobody is attacking you. Thongboy Bebop explained much better, read his post please. (and by the way, if nobody arguing with you had ever put out any facts I wouldn’t have posted at all, but Sabre definitely did put out a lot of facts about the gameply in KI1 and why its better than the gameplay in KI2 a couple pages back)
edit: and when I say “better”, i’m referring to competitive level of play. Not people who just play for fun.
has anyone seen the movie “Labyrinth”?
lol you can like ki2 all you want. i do not care. youre just missing everything. it just suprises me how anyone could like that game. but you make it pretty apparant that you are mostly a 1 player type person, and completely casual. so obviously you will dismiss my facts as a competitive player. on a competitive level, i can back all those claims easily. in your world, awesome, jago and fulgore are god tier. in the competitive world tho, they are far from it in every way. if we played on the shitty snes version on zbattle, you will never get a win with either of those characters.
but i fail to understand how ki2 is deeper when every character plays EXACTLY the same? every character follows the EXACT same flowchart. theres no individuality. only thei rlooks and maybe a move or 2 really separates the characters. everything is blocked effortlessly and no fear of retaliation ever. its even easier to combo break, the depth is gone.
I think Z-battle is the way to go. Shirts, shoes, and belts off ladies. Time to get rowdy, First to Ten styles.
That movie is a trip.
On topic : I liked KI1 more than 2 (at the time).
You all can continue to bash me all you want, but the facts remain. KI2 is superior to KI1. I knew that I’d be the minority in this case aspect, but that’s never once prevented me from voicing the facts (& never will). If you don’t believe it, don’t believe it, but don’t kill the messenger, you know. I won’t even attempt to get into an argument regarding MVC2, since that wasn’t the original topic at hand. That was something that people threw in here in an attempt to ignore the true topic at hand. I will say this though, just because a game’s popular (or is played heavily within a certain community) doesn’t necessarily mean it’s any good. MKD or SVC Chaos anyone?
This entire KI1 vs KI2 debates seems more like a group of guys attemption to argue over who’s d%^&'s bigger. With people going as far as attempting to discover ways to enhance the measurements, simply to make themselves look uber.
So anyone who favors KI2 over KI1 is labled as an idiot? Perhaps the people who are subdued into KI2’s play mechanics are because of the lackluster, broken game which was KI1 (trying to defend a game that’s broken, is shear stupid.). Of course only a perversed, volatile jack@$$ who’s supposedly from gamefaqs (& doesn’t know what they’re taking about) would be able to distinguish the differences. Right? Good day. :china:
Nobody called you an idiot because you think KI2 is better than KI1. That is an opinion. The reason you were considered an idiot was that you made the following statements -
*“Your above statment is like stating that the Shotokan characters in SF3 aren’t overpowered (when logical facts have proved otherwise)”
*“The developers who actually spent time analyzing the character balance issues (who built the game upon their interface) or a gamer who thinks they know which characters are top-tier.”
*"The game’s even received higher scores from game mag editiors. "
*“He has a decent foray of specials & stuns,” Foray?