Professional Kiler Instinct match vids. we need

sweet. :tup:

NOOO!!! i think i’m going to be in london at the weekend and I was really looking forward to playing KI again after all these years. :sad:

this was years ago (many, many years ago). the machine was on one of the piers. there used to be so many arcades in blackpool. haven’t visited for a while so don’t know if they’re still there. my parents took me there for holidays too. yay.

hey ?AC you’re a uk head right? where you from dude?

hey yeah im a london head im from south london ( streatham )

uknow chunkis and chef ? they both know me

if you would like to meet up that’d be great i havent found anyone in london who is a diehard ki fan .

It would be good to talk with another ki player about the game irl for once .

please cant some1 do something about that annoying guy posting crap the thread was good until he joined in .

another london head. why doesn’t anyone live near newcastle?! haha, just kidding.

that’s cool man. if I manage to get down on friday i’ll definately be spending a bit of time at the troc, hopefully getting a few 3s challenges and looking everywhere for that KI machine that probably isn’t

nice im usually at troc every friday playing t5
main game atm . i’ll be the asian looking guy black hat , grey top , black jeans .

there’s no ki machines in troc man , dont waste ur time looking
how good are you in ki ? do you know most of the combos and bugs ?

I haven’t played the arcade version for a long time. I know loads about it now but back when we had a machine in newcastle it was all about silly orchid combo’s and 80 hit eyedol cheese. I hardly knew of any bugs. I really want to get back into it but it’s so unlikely that’s gonna happen 'cos

a. there are no cabs left
b. I can’t get any version up and running on my pc.

if I get down on friday i’ll say hi.
you get much comp at troc these days?

I dunno if some1 already posted these links anywhere else, but if you are a serious fan of teh KI genre then check these links

Sing the phuck’n petition people!!!

You know, I like KI2, but I TOTALLY AGREE WITH SABRE, Thongboy Bebop and everyone else about KI1 and what they are saying. Ki1 is a deeper game and Soaring Wing just didnt understand the real reasons why.

In other words “Welcome to SRK!!” clap

I’M GONNA FIND KI vids on limewire…wish me luck i’ll post wen i get sum results

is there a site that has all the unblockables and other cool stuff listed, i’ve been playing ki on u64emu lately and found a lot of stuff on my own, but the things i read in this thread kinda blew me outta the water.

This was fun to watch:
Maximilian is really good, and technically pro.

AcidGlow is going to town with his Shadow Jago. Is he the top ranked player on Live?