Professional Kiler Instinct match vids. we need

yeah i’ll put in 100$ for sabre as well

Wow, you & fishjie (great name by the way) are pathetic. I never stated that I was an expert at KI, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to decipher the flaws of a game. Just let it go!! The only real “Scrubs” are the ones who would bet money on a broken game. Keep hoping for KI1 to make it to EVO. This just further shows your own ignorance.

How the heck does someone quoting a game’s flaws reflect their personal skill level? Morons…

who said anything about making it an EVO tournament game? Many people play in the BYOC room. DUH.

There, you can get butt-raped in PUBLIC. :razz:

that’s the whole point of it. so they can show you they shit-tastic flaws of the game firsthand, WHILE you’re being butt-raped!


Your suggestions suck!! Since you’re so hinged on seeing a KI1 match, why don’t you attempt to set one up for yourself with your fellow supporters (Fishjie)?

KI1 match? I think not. However, I’d gladly hand your sorry carcass over in KI2. Deal?

I find it ironic that you, of all people (a wannabe thug, trying to act rough behind your computer monitor) has the audacity to label anyone as “stupid,” when in your sig, you mention “Eating a penis” & in your last quote response, “Being butt-rapped.” :wtf:

It’s alright. We understand.

you are obviously not very bright so i’ll explain it to you - you know nothing about killer instinct. this will be proven when you play anyone who actually does when you lose horribly.

heres an analogy. lets use mvc2 again since you still dont get the point. suppose some scrub from gamefaqs says - sentinel sucks! he loses to ken because ken has an INVINCIBLE DRAGON PUNCH and sentinel DOESNT!

obviously anyone whose even played mvc2 for 20 seconds knows that ken sucks shit and sentinel completely destroys him. however the scrub, being an idiot, and thinking he actually knows the game, is firm in the belief that he is right. the only way said scrub will be proven wrong is if he actually plays people who know what they are talking about, and lose horribly.


wait, what?? when Jago’s flashing red why should it matter if you finish him or not? and lose no matter how much life you have? I don’t get this… i thought you can only do the no mercies when you get your OPPONENT in flashing red, not when YOURE flashing red.


That’s correct. :lol:

Uh yeah, this isn’t KOF over here.

hahaha, too funny

seriously though soaringwing you should watch thoses KI vids first.

:confused: …who are you & have we met? Where did I say made I the video? Someone I know made the video, I have nothing to do with it. I said I HAVE a combo vid. Good grief… :confused:

Wow. People are more hardheaded & selfdelusional than I thought. Next time, think before you decide to pitch in your two cents.

are you taking the piss? where did I say you had made a combo video? oh that’s right I didn’t actually say that. jesus christ, I was saying you should see how awesome those nki/mike z vids were before you post any.

it’s sweet that you choose to have a go at me and not mike z.

thanks for being a dickhead.

lol yeah, youre right. my bad haha. either way. that no mercy is busted beyond belief. good luck ever making a comeback if flashing lol

I know exactly what you were inciting. Why should it matter how awesome the vids are? They’re not posted on this forum, & people have been requesting that some be posted. Besides, most players have their own unique style of combos & whatnot.

You’re the %^&*head.

let’s assume for a moment I did think you had made the combo vids and then I said “you should watch those KI vids first”. this makes me hardheaded & selfdelusional? now i’m a dickhead too.

I have to say, thoughout this whole thread you have talked nothing but sense.

good day to you sir.

Talked nothing but sense, eh? Nice oxymoron.:looney: Peace to you, skittish Brittish.

you should probably just stop posting. fag.

can we say e-fag? :pleased:

red looks good on you.

I completely fuck’n agree w/ u, i dont understand why people didnt like KI2 when they made the gameplay so much better thanthe first… (Other than factt hat u could only do “Fatalites” so to speak ) while the guy was still alive.

I dunno, KI 1 and 2 were pretty broken games, but they are my personal favorite Fighting Franchise…(if u dont beleive me check my web site) Whats that sound u hear?? When the game came out it was just soooooooo far ahead of its time both in graphics and gameplay ( u may forget KI2 had parries)… Just been wait’n 4 RARE to stop pump’n out Conkers Quest shit, and bring back my beloved KI… If and when KI3 comes out, no other game will mean n e thing!!!


You swallow.

:pleased: :tup: :pleased: