Plaza Bonita TilT

I get off work at 7 on wednesday, what time does plaza close.

10 I believe cause of holiday season.

Im just asking about Wednesday cause I won’t be able to make it during the weekend for I am going to the Lakers game on Friday:party:

oh sup dude

haha wtf:clap:

how much would it cost to fix the sticks for MvC1? anyone have an idea?

go to hardware technical support

then see how much a stick costs. Not necessarily a p360 (it’ll cost a lot)

lol, i forgot my old shoryuken account name :rolleyes: I haven’t logged on it since EVO lol. O well.

i get off at 830 on wednesday. if anyone is going to be at plaza from 830-10pm, ill go. just post. if no one goes i wont go :clap:

Tekken 5 :slight_smile:

Testing something.

I dont know how much for everything but i can get 2 comp sticks for 20$, new too…dont know about the buttons tho, i’ll see whats up…the sticks at the MvC2 cab are also in need of fixin, i wouldnt mind getting the sticks for the MvC2 cab instead, but i’ll see whats up during the weekend, peace -Lalo-

holiday hours havent taken into effect yet.

so this week itll still close at 9.

And if you’re really gonna buy 2 new comp sticks, that’s tight. We should all chip in for that.

i’d help chip in.

so people go today, they moved the mvc2 machine next to ddr
be there at like 5 or so

WTF tell them to keep marvel where it is, i dont want to play mvc2 while listening to the fuckin saints come marching in.

yea i dont wanna be near that loud ass machine and all the teenie boppers.

guys lucky lucky theres a decent machine to play with, so stop bitching

Maybe the MVC2 machine will get its own fans.

better than listening to that stupid piano game.

i can always play at mission for free heh, and the buttons work fine and the sticks arent the most perfect but work pretty darn well and get fixed on the spot if i say its broken. then again that machine is next to the loud ass punching bag machine game where people flex their muscles and punch the shit out of that game.