Plaza Bonita TilT

We heading out

they ran out of quarters yesterday. o_O

yeah they did, I was pissed too, how does the arcade run outta quartes, just makes no sense :lame:

MvC2 cab works. But assist 1 on 2p side is iffy.

Good news though, Gam ordered some competition buttons so those will be fixed. Now real buttons instead of that fake shit.

Dunno bout sticks though. Sticks seem fine to me.

That was some good prac. GOod games to all that played

yeah gg all around
only downside to plaza price to play, other than that I like the place

ps anyone goin to go today?
ill go at about 2 or so :tup:

So how’s Plaza shaping out for everyone? I know me and Fernando like it. But everyone else?

Right now I still stand by my opinion in that Plaza has the best MvC2 cab right now. Other than iffy buttons at times everything is fine. Stick COULD be better, but it’s not broke and it works fine. It’s also a work in progress as mentioned before. Gam HIMSELF ordered competition buttons, straight out of his pocket. So he’s doing it for the community.

It gets kinda hot in there haha. You gotta stand infront of DDR for a while to get some air (cause it got fans.)

Tekken 5 is great. Comp like always. Changed back to 5.0 and all new buttons (again for the community). The BEST comp in SD. And if the big dogs aren’t there (Ace, Alex, Mark, etc) then I’m sure myself and others there WILL give you a challenge.

MvC1 doesn’t work. Prolly won’t work for a while (or forever) cause no one plays the game. I know a few of us do, and maybe they’ll fix it. You just gotta have support for it, and they’ll do it for sure. But I think it’s best for the manager to order the buttons for MvC1 rather than Gam. Cause I don’t think it’s a good investment since the game is so old, and really there’s only a few players that want to play.

What else?

Oh! None of those Aeon Flux looking emo kids. They just look stupid and fucking POPULATE Chula Mall. I mean to each their own, but shit.

As for the quarters problem they were busy that day and couldn’t replace the machine with quarters.

The sticks seem ok, and like you said they COULD be better. Can’t wait to try out the new buttons, the ones right now are kinda bleh. They also might wanna put some stools there, kinda have to slouch down to play. Other than that prolly 25 cent games and it’ll be good.

i totally support plaza, its hella chill and the mvc2 and t5 machines are top notch, cept for mvc2 buttons and such, but those will be fixed shortly as chris said, so patince will fix that. nam is cool he lets me eat shit and drink in tilt so thats tight, i might pick up ddr again so my fat ass can lose weight, i need 200$ to buy a metal pad from frys, anyone want to donate? :slight_smile:


haha, thanx man San Diego, all day every day…

we should all try to get some games in on friday’s

me and lalo might be there, there is a slight change we might be there, you never know.

ill pm you my cell #

nah dude, we cant make it today, friday for sure tho, peace -Lalo- :tup:

im there on friday. im bringing some doom :badboy:

I wish I could go fridays bleh

you work on fridays or what?:wonder:

yea get off at 830 pm

anybody up for wednesday?