Plaza Bonita TilT

ok ok ok lets not all get into a serious debate. now for serious matters, to a certain strider, doom player, his name starts with a d, and ends with erreck… steve players> feng players, all day:wgrin:

Tekken a masher?

If ANYTHING MvC2 and DOA are mashers. The only person you can mash w/ in Tekken is Christie/Eddy.

Really the only reason for any of this is ignorance. Not ignorance as in stupidity, just ignorance in those arguing against Tekken haven’t played it extensively.

Just like ignorant SNK players would say marvel is all about button mashing cause you can press two buttons and get 50 hits. But IMO someone can pick up MvC2 easier than they can pick up Tekken. Cody doesn’t know how to play MvC2, but at Southwestern College against some of those guys, I told him pick BH and Captain Commando, and jump around pressing fp and commando assist. He got like 5 wins.

Fuck whatcha heard… Tekken is not simple, if ya’ll think it’s so simple… someone direct yo mafucka masher skills to one of SDT and show us…

Chris made an excellent point… IGNORANCE… don’t know, don’t speak. Got an opinion? Send it to Oprah.

And 2-D being harder to master? I think it’s all based on how good you are and how adaptive you are. I’d appreciate an OPINION from someone that actually tried learning both genre’s SERIOUSLY. Not just one game either.

cant we all just get along




this is interesting. would you guys like to prove your theory against anyone in SDT?


hahah i wonder who you’re talking about…my feng > YOUR steve…how can you even call yourself a Steve player?!? your “hurricane” season is about to be over…and my feng is gonna end it!

but anywho…did mission get new marvel sticks, or have they always been that stiff? i went a couple of days ago since the last time i went to play marvel was 2-3 years ago.

the blue ones they have in there used to be both loose as hell. Now the right one is very stiff and the left is just the same loose. The guy said he put them both in at the same time and one came out one way and the other one the other way. shrug

oh…i didnt check the 1p side. i was using the 2p side when i played. ehh their x-mvsf is fucked up too. its a nice big arcade so it feels good playing in there. and they have metal slug 4 which is a plus =]. and 2 t5 machines (one with DR of course)

What version is XMvsSF there Derreck, if its Jap Im there, but i bet its that shitty U.S version huh, damnit SD needs a good XMvsSF cab, anywhere

In National City in a video store called Videos R Us.

It has the BEST XMvSF cab in SD.

Videos r Us is the best kept secret in national city. i could spend hours there.

well its not jap. i couldnt tell which one it was since i couldnt even air combo -__-. but i doubt it was euro.

ah ok, yeah probably that US garbage
so is anyone gonna drop by 2morrow, i’ll see if i can make it in the afternoon

i’ll be at plaza tomorrow. i’ll show up at 5 or 6. someone play KOFXI with me!!


holy shit i just found this thread…

o rly?

K time to get this thread back on track.

Anyone down to go to Plaza Friday night? Post up. Sticks/buttons work perfect.

If not I’m going to Mission to play Dark Resurrection.

chris u down to pick me up or something? lol