Plaza Bonita TilT

tekkens been fun, its probably because its new, thats why its more fun.

whhaaa? they have KOF2003 AND KOFXI??

i wont be going to plaza as often cause Mission got Dark Resurrection.

But… I wanna learn KOF XI. Someone teach me.

soooo i just got back from plaza and played KOFXI for the first time and i like it. a lot. graphics are a big step up from the previous games so it looks pretty. being that its on the old namco horse racing game makes it oh so better with the 2 screens…and yes, you play while sitting on the horse. hah jk. but its cool. i like. wanna play more.

and marvel is nice. lets not forget about THAT game.

anyone going today ill be there around 3:30 play some marvel and check out the new king of fighters game.

I used to think the same thing, but then I got over being ignorant and gave it an honest shot and the games fun, seriously marvels getting old for me, and t5 has 10x more heads playin it.

i hope people get into KOFXI.

How far is this arcade from SDSU?

EDIT: Matt or Chris…it’s me DOn. Let’s have some Marvel sessions yeah??

Aye Tekken ain’t no button mashin game… fuck whatcha heard…

KOF XI today was pretty cool. i like how they replaced the horse derby game with the KOF. honestly, its kinda funny. only bad part about KOF is HP on 1P side is messed up.


Magaki is a projectile whore.

Its only ignorant if you havent tried it. Last time i checked ive been playing tekken since what… tekken 2? Its just not impressive. Ive seen pros play at plaza and mission have like 12 wins, then some scrub comes in and wins doin nothing fancy but pressing buttons. All you gota do is take your opponent to the corner and do a devistating combo to take all their life. Sidestep wait for them to attack then counter. Its really simple. Everyone has their own taste in games and opinions. I guess i just dont like much 3d games like doa,tekken,virtua fighter, sc. Just doesnt bring much to the table besides graphics imo.

Rather be taken to a wall an get my ass whooped than lose to a runaway cable/storm :lovin:

ey markman, where you guys get together for games at, I mean if its open to people outside of your crew.

they aint pros then dawg.

this man speaks truth

how do ya think marvel bacame so popular:rofl:

i wonder if t5 will have a 5-6 year run like mvc2…

3d games just appeal to more people than 2d games like KOF,marvel. i bet more people have heard of DOA/tekken/SC than the ‘vs. series’ combined. its pretty, easIER to play, 3d…and more cool looking things happen when buttons are pressed compared to 2d games.

i like tekken tho. it is fun.

Depends on what game your talkin about, in tekken, to me, even a string of hits, long ass combo, wont impress me when i comes to looking cool, GGXX, marvel , and DOa 4 however is different, that shit is flashy, fast, and crazy with alot of special effects, im not bashing tekken, its a good game, but when you just smack, smack, smack, a red gloop comes out, i guess thats blood, and thats all that happens, im not impressed, but its still a good game deep down and thats all that matters.

IMO normal, casual players prefer tekken due to its easier to pick up, and its already widely known that paul and christy take no real effort to be good with or need any real tactics, just mash and pray and maybe you will get a win due to the scrubbiness of the characters. Sure you could win with Heihachi or Yoshimitsu, but scrubs wont touch em, that takes time to learn a character and master combos, and mind games and such which they * noobs, scrubs * simply wont dedicate the time to do. Just christy and paul that shit down.

Ever see a scrub play a 2d game and try that shit, there chances from winning in a 3d games over to a 2d game with tactics like that drop dramatically, they will be lucky to even get a hit in. Especially in games like Marvel and GGXX.

2d is harder to master imo, but thats not saying 3d is trash. Maybe not as cool looking in the special effects department, but its good nontheless.

SC3 sucks.

Snatch is a badass movie. oh man i love it. the ava is too good. haha

same thing could be said about cable no?
I picked up paul first for that reason, same reason I picked cable way back, both scrubtacular characters/easier to learn than the rest, now if used in the proper hands like lets say ogre’s then…ow?