I’d be fine with the current form of Seth if he had as much health as the twins, or as Evil Ryu. There is absolutely no justification for him having 800 health anymore. He’s basically a handicap pick for people to really practice up their abilities, then switch to a better character at a time it’d matter more. Giving him some actual command normals or a damn target combo, a command walk, or something like “coward crouch”, and he’d at least be more fun than how he used to be. Now he’s just too tame and too much of a liability at the same time. zzzzzzzz
I just think it’s hilarious that they took away j.hk crossup because it had too much blockstun, but then Bison and Ryu can still cross up with heavies.
Honestly, if I could have anything back, it would be vanilla headstomp.
Yeah late stage of 2010 Super, I was developing some superb stomp tricks, but then Capcom took it away as if it’s our fault they made Seth good like that. Also don’t forget grapplers with BODY SPLASH super ambiguous cross-ups. that could lead into even more damage. All Gief has to do now to cheese out wins is splash, c.HP, red focus, U1. I’m starting to think if Capcom doesn’t really fix this shit, Edition Select should be the STANDARD for tournaments.
I think with FADC nerf even reverting his current nerfs to 2012 he still wouldn’t have his spd mixups and mostly rely on tandem cancels to keep someone in (so he won’t be as good as 2012 with current system changes). He also has suffered from delayed wake up so there’s that too… But if they rebalance him again I assume they will just give him j.HP stretchy arms and call it a day…
I’d be happy with a little more health and ex tandem costing one bar
EX tandeN costing 1 bar would be quite the buff if you ask me! cr.fierce xx ex tanden x4??? yea sounds legit -.- just give him his stun back, fix ex tanden (it’s super fucking glitched now) and give him is walljump back (maybe vanilla stomps too)! Crapcom pls <3
EX Tanden for 1 bar is far too much. A possible compromise would be the ability to cancel into regular Tanden for 1 bar, but that would be too arbitrary to implement.
My fantasy wishlist: (implement no more than 2 of these points)
- Faster walkspeed.
- Buff life to 850 and nerf stun to 850.
- Slighty wider detection range on close Fierce so that a) far Fierce doesn’t come out and b) the close Roundhouse - close Fierce link will work on more than just another Seth.
- Either reduce DP startup by 1 frame or increase invincibility by 1 frame so that it gets stuffed less often while still retaining its tendency to trade.
Here’s my realistic wishlist for the update:
- Don’t nerf him more.
+1 to everything!!! also fix ex tanden PLS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Seth players should start using it (imo) because of the dp invincibility nerf and because of the -5 after fadc BUT that shit doesn’t actually fucking work!
The one thing I miss most is jump roundhouse, way too many problems with jump forward right now. Right after that would be DP invincibility so I stop trading/losing (grounded) to jumpins with crazy hitboxes. Third would probably be tanden cancel, 4th being walljump. I won’t lie though, any sort of buff would be cool, might not fix Seth but it’d be nice (no random cl.mk buff pls).
Man the life boats
Revert j.HK
Revert Tanden cancel nerf and make the non-EX version count towards scaling instead (1 gray damage)
Sorta revert DP inv nerf (full inv 1-5f, strike inv 5-6f)
Undo certain compensation buffs going into USFIV (cr.MP, Hyakuretsu damage, U1 pushback)
Lol I don’t know what to address first since I’m in agreement with all you guys. I guess I’ll just comment on his tools like y’all have been:
U1 pushback on block buff is something that makes me think Seth is that much more scrub tier now; Cody can’t even reversal U2 punish it (Seth eats dust then can block the rest).
EX tandem being 1 bar would be way too cheap, but I think if it had a shorter start-up, or more active frames, and wasn’t glitched out still, would be awesome.
close HP being a command normal would be awesome (they did it to Dan).
close HK to FORCE STAND would be just as good.
j.MP single hit would be cool if you could cancel to dive kick, not to hit, but to land faster, increasing its juggle/reset potential.
c.LP linking to c.MK, I mean, why not?
EX sonic boom being as fast as Guile’s (meaning you can use it in footsies and get it to combo from c.MK at max distance where not even HP boom would combo, thus also increasing the utility of using EX boom.
LP SPD should do a little bit more damage.
+1 to life boost, +1 to walk speed. +1 to wall dive +1 to vanilla stomps. and Capcom, can you just shrink Seth to the size of Yang and Yun?
Seth needs to be the boss again. He can’t fit into the lame paradigm.
Scary thing is, 1-hit jf/jb.MP can combo into U1, leading into more damage with the mix-up. Imagine how fucked people would be if we could control that (that’d make U1 insanely good for practically all match-ups).
You guys are so silly.
huh I never knew that. Just figured EX tandem/sweep/DP/s.HP/U2 were the main ones that worked from j.MP. I’m not big on Seth’s U1 when I play as him, but I like it for select matches.
j.MP’s first hit is basically a juggle into anything Seth has. Hell, you can squeeze in another j.MP if the stars align. We’re lucky it hasn’t been nerfed. I’m amazed anyone would actually ask for it to be buffed (yeah that comes off as douchey…sry babe.)
Command normal cst.HP would be too strong as-is. cst.HK, cst.HP is already ridiculous in the Seth mirror, but with a command normal you would be making Seth’s DP confirms universal, true block strings with boom from farther away, harder hitting combos, etc. I guess that would actually be okay if they don’t give Seth anything else or end up nerfing him more…
EX Tanden for 1 bar is not happening without major nerfs to the move.
EX Tanden is actually REALLY cheap, there’s a very good reason that it costs 2 bars. If it didn’t glitch when people jumped, it would be the best anti-jump option in the game.
I don’t think they needed to nerf tanden cancels because they were just so easy to get out of. People just don’t understand how to get out of the move (Jump, hit it on reaction, uppercut).
They need to add damage to SPD. Like, significant damage. Around 50-70 to all versions. Or add throw invincibility to the non-EX SPD at least.
I just don’t get why Seth isn’t allowed to stun people, but other characters stunning in 2 hits is fine. If they aren’t going to add damage to SPD, they need to add stun. The whole point of that move is to start offense! It doesn’t do enough damage to justify its risk
I still want vanilla headstomp more than anything.
i’m honestly fine with tanden cancels being gone only if ex tanden gets fixed (i don’t know if you guys noticed but i’m a big fan of that move <3). I think reverting back the stun for the spds would the the better option (the more fair one), and to balance his damage output they could increase the range on close.fierce but make it 5 frames, so many links would become more realiable and consistent, at the cost of higher execution requirements . Also i would love to get a bit less recovery on fireballs ( not gonna happen ever) and close.lk to be +4 on block instead of +3 ( not gonna happen either)
Yup. It’s a lot of fun to hit since NO ONE ever uses it. If you hit it, watch your opponents face drain of all value/life.

Yup. It’s a lot of fun to hit since NO ONE ever uses it. If you hit it, watch your opponents face drain of all value/life.
No one uses it because it sounds impractical and therefore hard to anticipate. Doesn’t make it any less a legit tool.
If I get 1-hit j.mp, I’d rather do lp SRK -> headstomps than waste U1 with 80% damage.