Peacock Thread: Straight From Toontown

That’s not a combo, at least with the timing used in that vid. Notice those red clouds and the sound change? That is the IPS kicking in.

I might have to use Double just for HK. Hornet Bomber assist and Bionic Car, the fact she makes squishy noises just standing around in my headset is still a little unnerving to me.

Ok, not sure if anyone has found better yet, but here’s a slightly more optimized midscreen BnB, probably still more that could be done though.

s.LP s.LK c.MP s.MK > j.LP j.LK (3) j.MP xx dash j.LP j.MP > land s.LP s.LK c.MP c.MK c.HK xx QCB HP > s.HP(2) xx QCF MP xx QCF PP

I’m now using a multiplier of 1.00 (3v2) instead of 3v3 like before. In a 1.00 modifier, the damage is a bit over 5K for one meter.

Not sure how it could be improved, but I’m sure it could.

Peacock / Parasoul / Double = Epic Zoning + A reliable “Get off me!”

Ok I’m not sure if this is known or not. I haven’t watched many youtube videos but I haven’t heard of anyone doing this yet.

[LEFT]s.LK c.MP c.MK s.HK xx QCF LK > c.MP c.MK s.HK xx QCF LK > s.MP c.MK s.HK xx QCF LK > s.LK c.MP c.MK s.HK xx QCF LK > s.LP s.LK c.MP c.MK s.HK xx QCF LF > c.LP s.LK c.MP s.MK j.LK(3) j.MP xx air dash j.LP j.MP > land c.LK c.MP c.MK c.HK xx QCB HP > s.HP(2) xx QCF MP xx QCF PP[/LEFT]

[LEFT]I know it works at least up until the launch combo, should work on everyone. Can’t see why it wouldn’t I’ve been testing on Peacock and Cerebella. The only thing that would stop it from working would be the ground series after air series causing IPS for a reason I cannot figure, so I’m pretty sure it works. I’m trying to get the whole thing down.[/LEFT]

EDIT: Comfortably over 7K at 1.00, the full thing may do over 8K

[LEFT]It’s not hard, I just suck.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]If it was already known; oops.[/LEFT]


So after being very pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoy playing Peacock (sorry Val) I started thinking about using the IPS to her advantage. Might it be beneficial with her to actually use infinites and get bursted as a way to let your opponent set up ideal positioning? For example, if you corner your opponent it might be preferable to have them knock you away to full-screen rather than trying to mixup from point blank. They could choose not to break it immediately, but it’s free damage until they do and then you’re still sitting pretty.

Is it possible to evade a burst completely using her teleport? Though this would probably be riskier and more dependent on how quickly they break the infinite, I wonder if there’s a way to trigger an infinite, teleport to avoid the burst hitbox and then punish the completely vulnerable recovery.



2MP > 2MK > 5HK(2 hits) > 236LK > 5LP > 2MP > 2MK > 5HP(2 hits) > 236LK > 5LP > 2MP > 2MK > 5HK > 236LK(late) > 5MP > 5MK > j.MP > j.HP > airdash > j.LP > j.MP > 5LK > 5MP > 5HK > 214[LP] > 2LK > 5MP > 5MK > j.LK(3 hits) > j.MP > j.HP > airdash > ]LP[ > j.MK(late) > 2LP > 2LP > 2MP > 2MK > 5HP(2hits) > 236HP HP HP > 236PP


Been looking at hitboxes. It seems Peacock’s teleport is instantly invincible and actually has very little non invincible recovery.

How much does it do with a 1.00 modifier?


so this is probably common knowledge, but I never realized it/even tried it until today.
In the corner you can combo after airthrow with lk. The chainsaw.
Also, in the corner in a combo after some bomb loops and air loops a good reset into airgrab is, j.lp, (2hits), airdash cancel, throw.
Although I’m probably like weeks behind with this tech. Hahaha

Notation would be gdlk.

lol fullscreen corner combo:
qcf lk, qcb mk, super peacock cannon of doom, then whatever you want.
Bomb from the start hits deep meaty after the super and allows continued comboing. Too bad it’s worthless haha

I thought all invincible assists had vulnerability tacked on the front end in this game?

if you land the knife in the corner somewhat meaty (or regular with really strict timing) a st.lp makes them re-stand.

Anyone found any good assists for Peacock with Cereblla?

I’ve been using Cerebella’s c.HP for an assist just to tag people trying to air dash in when I’m running away.

I’ve been experimenting with her j.HK as an opener, and if you time it just as you’re about to hit the ground, it’ll launch them anywhere on screen. You can just jump, do an air-to-ground series, relaunch with MK, and presumably to another air-to-ground series into QCF-PP. Very flashy. I’ve just been struggling to do it.

I also found something that the game registers as an infinite (that’s what the red glow means, right?). If you do s.LP, s.MP, s.MK, j.LP. j.LK (3 hits), j.HK and get the j.HK off at the right moment, it’ll keep them up in the air while you land and can jump back up to hit them. Upon hitting them with a j.LP and j.LK, they are able to burst. If they weren’t able to, you’d be able to just get another air series and so on. It’s probably enough time to safely tag out, or something. Or even teleport and go for a reset as they fall to the ground.

I’m not sure how viable any of this is (or if it’s even new), but there you go.

That is a sexy combo RY :smiley: /takesnotes

They do. 2f as assists, not as alpha counters.