Peacock Thread: Straight From Toontown

Peacock Thread

[LEFT]Taken from[/LEFT]
[LEFT](Conversions from Customary System to Metric System was done by me)[/LEFT]


[LEFT]Once a war orphan slave named Patricia, Peacock’s body was gruesomely mutilated by slave traders that captured her. She was rescued by Dr. Avian’s Anti-Skullgirls Labs, and rebuilt with a reality-defying arsenal of biomechanical weaponry: the Argus System augmented her body, and the Avery Unit gave her access to unprecedented weaponry.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Alas, they couldn’t do anything for her mind: Peacock’s damaged psyche and abiding love of cartoons shaped her new “toys” into a terrifying gang of cronies, who she has no qualms using to paint the town red… with blood. Terrifying as she is, she may be the kingdom’s best bet against the Skullgirl.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Essential Data:[/LEFT]

[LEFT]**Age: **13[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Birthday: November 13[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Bloodtype: B[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Height: 4’6 (1.37 m)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Weight: 94 lbs (42.64 kgs) / Varies[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Measurements: 18A-17-20[/LEFT]


[LEFT]Cartoons, TV Show “Annie: Girl of the Stars,” Movies, Violence, Junk food, Fast Cars, Explosives, Cigars, Being in charge[/LEFT]


[LEFT]Weaklings, Bureaucracy, Authority figures, People, The Skull Heart, Nerds, Salad, Chopsticks[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Additional Information:[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Voiced by:[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Sarah Williams[/LEFT]

[LEFT]<Placeholder until I can get a picture>[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Character Trailer:[/LEFT]


[LEFT]Evo 2011 Panel:[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Starts at 5:45, ends in the following video[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Starts at the beginning, ends at 5:23[/LEFT]

[LEFT]The creator of the game gives you all a sneak peak at why Peacock is a force to be reckoned with. He shows you the character through and through while also showing the audience why Skullgirls is going to be the next top played game at the following years Evo.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Master Chibi’s Gameplay Notes:[/LEFT]
This stream site (led by myself) has many streams of Skullgirls going over the whole cast of characters. We have sessions with players being pitted against each other and even have segments where the stream monsters can ask for me to try specific things out in the game and I try them as well as try to build on them. There are many archived videos of the game on there as well. Please view for your pleasure and don’t forget to follow up and favorite the stream.

Character Description:

Peacock is, hands down, a run away character. She has many tools in her arsenal to keep her opps at bay and keep the advantage through the game. When she is face to face with the opp however she even has moves that she can use to trick the opp such as teleports, multi-hit aerial moves, and bombs. If that was not enough she has a double jump and an air dash. She does not lose the option for the next aerial command. This all makes her one insanely good mixup character. If you were going to compare the character to anyone from other fighting games you could say shes a mix between Cable from Marvel and Faust from GG (more Cable then Faust however). Seems too good to be true? It is. Even though the characters in this game are very powerful in one area they lack in others. She is not the best close range fighter. Her normals do not have much knock back or stun and all of her low moves have pretty long start up. So this kind of balances her out. It definitely seems that you will have to use her in combination with other characters to unleash her full potential.

Move List:

[LEFT]Ok, so I thought of something to do after I created the Cerebella thread (‘cause I’m a fuckin’ idiot) so that you could understand the character a little better. Since I probably know more about this game then probably 99% of the people that post on these boards I believe I should share it with you guys. This will help stop any questions that should be coming up or have come up that should not be asked again. So in the Cerebella thread I posted how much knock back, stun, and range moves have but just saying things like “decent” or “ok” are kind of vague. I’ve decided to include a legend as a visual aid along with a number/ rating system to help you all better understand the moves in their entirety. So here are the legends:[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Knock back Legend:[/LEFT]



[LEFT]As you can see from this I have designated spots and ranges a character can be knocked back by a move. 1 being the shortest 5 being the farthest.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Range Legend:[/LEFT]



[LEFT]This should give you an understanding of the range of the moves that are executed by the character. 1 being the shortest range 5 being the longest range.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Stun Legend:[/LEFT]

[LEFT]This will actually not have a picture since I can’t show you how much stun a character has unfotunately. I will just have to explain it and base a legend off of it. 1 would be the shortest amount of stun from a move, this would not be noticeable at all and would need to be comboed in to quickly after the move, 3 would be something with average stun where you could step forward a bit or dash in to gain ground to continue the combo, and 5 would be something that had so much stun you would be able to reposition yourself and execute a following move that had long start up.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Predetermined Assist Moves:[/LEFT]
[]HP: Mini Hand Cannon (2 hits)
]QCF+MP: Gun Sword

[]Description - Sticks her tounge out and pokes you with her index finger.
]Knock back - 1
[]Range - 1
]Stun - 1
[]Additional Information - Can be comboed in to itself once.
]Description - Closes one eye kind of like a wink and hits you with the lit end of her cigar, has a follow up where she puffs her cigar and hits you with the smoke.
[]Knock back - 1, 1
]Range - 1, 2
[]Stun - 1, 1
]Additional Information - You can still make the follow up come out if you whiff the first hit.
[]Description - Pulls a sledge hammer out from behind her and swings it downwards then shoves it in to one of her eye sockets.
]Knock back - 1
[]Range - 3
]Stun - 2
[]Description - Takes a pie, extends her arm, and shoves it in their face.
]Knock back - 1
[]Range - 4
]Stun - 3
[]Description - She covers her face with her arm and the eyes that are on her arm pop out and turn in to sharp pointy feathers.
]Knock back - 1
[]Range - 3
]Stun - 3
[]Description - She opens her mouth wide and her metal teeth pop out of her mouth attached to a long rod, they come out and snap down on you, reminds me of the Alien from Aliens.
]Knock back - 1
[]Range - 4
]Stun - 4
[]Additional Information - You can only hit the opponent with the denture portion of the move. If you get close enough to the ground and the rod is the area covering the opp it will not hit, just whiff.
]Description - Puts one arm in the air and pulls a mini cannon out with the other, first hit is from the pulling out of the cannon, second hit is from the cannon’s cannon ball.
[]Knock back - 1, 2
]Range - 3, 5
[]Stun - 4, 3
]Additional Information - Only reason the second hit is a 5 in range is because it is a projectile and goes full screen.
[]Description - Tips her hat up a bit and the bird in the hat pops out of the top holding the butt of a shotgun pointing downwards in the hat. The bird shoots the ground with it and the opp is hit by the gun fire and smoke portion.
]Knock back - 1
[]Range - 4
]Stun - 4
[]Description - Pulls a shotgun out and fires, the kick back from the shot sends her flying backwards a tiny bit.
]Knock back - 1
[]Range - 4
]Stun - 4
[]Additional Information - When she gets sent flying backwards after the kick back from the move it only sends her about 5% the screen backwards.
]Description - Brings her arm around and holds it with the other then takes her foot and jams it through one of the eyes on her arm extending the eye outward.
[]Knock back - 2
]Range - 2
[]Stun - 3
]Description - Closes her eyes and smiles, tips her hat upward and the evil bird from within the hat wears a bright green wind up boot (Super Mario 3 reference) and kicks you with it while holding on to the hat.
[]Knock back - 1
]Range - 2
[]Stun - 2
]Additional Information - Even though it is a crouching move it hits mid.
[]Description - Uses her hands to take her hat off and turn the bottom end toward the opp. The evil bird within holds out a red chainsaw.
]Knock back - 1
[]Range - 3
]Stun - 1
[]Additional Information - Chainsaw can hit you up to 3 times in one input. Can be cancelled out after any move.
]Description - Stomps on the floor to make a floor board come popping out on the opposite end she stomped on with a big nail sticking out of it that has a fist attached to it.
[]Knock back - 1
]Range - 3
[]Stun - 3
]Additional Information - Used as a launcher.
[]Description - Closes one eye, keeps the other open, and sticks her tongue out a bit. Takes an eye from her arm and uses it as a magnifying glass. An ant appears and she shoots a laser at the ground from close to her advancing outward proceeding to burn the ant.
]Knock back - 1
[]Range - 3
]Stun - 1
[]Additional Information - If you cancel the move out before she burns the ant, the ant stays on screen and advances forward until they are off the screen.
]Description - Takes her hands, pulls her hat over her head, and starts to kick her legs velociously. Her head reappears in the ground with her face facing upwards. She takes her metal dentures and bites the opp with them.
[]Knock back - 1
]Range - 4
[]Stun - 2
]Additional Information - When she starts kicking her legs in the air she falls slower until she hits the ground. Move will track the opp if they are within a certain distance of the character. From up close to 2 character lengths away.
[]Description - She cocks her leg back and the evil bird pops out of the ground holding a football for her to kick. When she goes to kick it the bird goes back in the ground with the ball. She then flips and falls on her back. (Charlie Brown Reference).
]Knock back - 4
[]Range - 2
]Stun - 4
[]Description - Points her face in the air, closes her eyes, and sticks her tongue out. Pulls out a guitar and starts to play a chord on it while sliding across the floor.
]Knock back - 4
[]Range - 5
]Stun - 4
[]Additional Information - The longest range ground normal she has.
]Description - Takes her hat off with her hands and shoves her foot up the bottom of it. The evil bird comes popping out of the top of the hat flapping its wings wildly until he hits the floor.
[]Knock back - 1
]Range - 1
[]Stun - 1
]Additional Information - Used for good mixup potential. When bird is present it can hit up to 3 times.
[]Description - Takes a sack and puts it over their head and around their body. Then steps on them 4 times fast then the 5th time slowly but hard.
]Knock back - 4
[]Range - 2
]Stun - 4
[*]Additional Information - The 5th hit sends them flying out of the bag and they are put in to sliding state.

[]Description - Moves her upper body back a bit, tilts her head forward, and gets a cool yet devilish grin on her face (old desperado look). Pulls a gun out that when fired reveals a faded red flag on a stick with a cartoonish explosion effect on it.
]Knock back - 2
[]Range - 4
]Stun - 4
[LEFT]QCF+MP: Gun Sword[/LEFT]
[]Description - Moves her upper body back a bit, tilts her head forward, and gets a cool yet devilish grin on her face (old desperado look). Pulls her gun out and holds it to the side. When fired a sword comes out and hits the opp.
]Knock back - 4
[]Range - 5
]Stun - 5
[]Additional Information - The “sword” that is dispensed from the end of the gun varies. It is usually a curved sword with a jagged top on the back end with a shark like face/ smile.
[INDENT=1]Referenced items from the sword include:[/INDENT]
[]Squall Leonhart’s Gunblade from FFVIII
]Cloud Strife’s Buster Sword from FFVII
[]Jin Saotome’s Blodia Punch from MvC
]Ash Williams’ Chainsaw arm from Evil Dead
[]Sol Badguy’s Fuuenken Sword from GG
[LEFT]QCF+HP: Grabage Day![/LEFT]
]Description - Moves her upper body back a bit and tilts her head forward. Holds her gun out and shoots up to 3 projectiles with it.
[]Knock back - 2
]Range - 5
[]Stun - 1
]Additional Information - You have to press the HP button once again to get the next shot out of it. You can press it a max of 3 times to get a max of 3 shots out of it.
[INDENT=1]Items that are dispensed are:[/INDENT]
[]Bowling ball
]Bullet Bill (Super Mario reference)
[LEFT]QCB+P: Item Drop[/LEFT]
[]Description - Puts her fingers in her mouth to whistle and you see a musical note appear in a speech bubble. You start to hear a cartoonish falling sound and a shadow on the floor. The item drops in the shadowed portion.
]Knock back - 1 - 5
[]Range - 1 - 5
]Stun - 1 - 5
[]Additional Information - This is pretty going to be pretty elaborate. There are multiple items that can drop on the person and items have different properties to them (light, medium, and heavy). When you press the button you get the light version you must hold and charge the move to get the next corresponding weight class. The shadow that appears on the floor actually has an exclamation mark that appears in the middle of it every so often. This is an indicator for you telling you that you have reached the next weight class. All items dropped have different properties. There are about 30 different items that can drop and they are at random. The items are:
[INDENT=1]Light Class:[/INDENT]
[]Potted Plant
]Sand Bag
[]Old Boot
]Tea Cup with a Face
]Bowling Ball
[]Bottle with a Label Reading “Jippo”
[INDENT=1]Medium Class:[/INDENT]
[]Safe that Falls and Bags of Money Fall Out
]Anvil Head Friend (helps her in her Lv.3)
[]Big Weight Head Friend (helps her in her Lv3)
]Tv with the Girl from the Ring
[]Spike Ball on a Chain
]Final Fight Barrel with Chicken Inside
[]ゆっくりしていってね (Take it Easy!) Giant Head
]Kitchen Sink
[INDENT=1]Heavy Class:[/INDENT]
]Demonic Refrigerator
]Grand Piano
[]Easter Island Heads
]Hsien-Ko’s Tenrai Ha Balls (Anvil with Face with Spike Balls)
[]Dio Brando’s Road Roller Da! Super from JoJos Bizarre Adventure (apparently happens only 1 out of 5000 times)
[LEFT]QCF+LK: George’s First Steps[/LEFT]
]Description - She tosses out a small bomb that imitates a baby learning how to walk. It proceeds to slowly advance towards the opp and explodes on impact.
[]Knock back - 2
]Range - 5
[]Stun - 2
[LEFT]QCF+MK: Sunday Driver George[/LEFT]
]Description - She points forward and starts to jump up and down one leg at a time and a version of the small bomb riding a go kart (Mario Kart reference) advances hastily towards the opp. It then explodes on impact.
[]Knock back - 2
]Range - 5
[]Stun - 2
[LEFT]QCF+HK: Kamikaze George[/LEFT]
]Description - Puts her arms out holding some flags like she’s signaling. A small bomb flies in from her side of the screen from the top of the screen and advances forward at a downward curve exploding on impact.
[]Knock back - 2
]Range - 4
[]Stun - 2
]Additional Information - Good for aerial defense.
QCB+K: Teleport
[]Description - A hole appears in the floor and she jumps in to it. It then reappears some place else and she jumps out.
]Knock back - 0
[]Range - 1 - 5
]Stun - 0
[]Additional Information - There are 3 different types of teleports depending which kick button you push:
]LK - Teleports you mid screen
[]MK - Teleports you right in front of the opp
]HK - Teleports you right behind the opp
[LEFT]QCB+P+K: Fake Teleport[/LEFT]
[]Description - A hole appears in the floor and she jumps in to it. It then reappears in the same place and she jumps out followed by a bomb coming out right where the opp is placed at.
]Knock back - 2
[]Range - 1 - 5
]Stun - 2
-Tha Hindu



[LEFT]QCF+2P: Argus Agony, Eyes of Argus[/LEFT]
[]Description - She bends down and splits her hat in half down the middle. The evil bird inside her hat comes out piloting a robotic peacock head (Cyber Peacock reference from Megaman X4). It opens its mouth and fires a laser for 6 hits pauses for a bit as she bends down with the Peacock head and 5 columns of eyes, like the ones she has on her arms, come out and start to fire a multitude of plasma shots at the opp.
]Knock back - 5
[]Range - 5
]Stun - 3
[LEFT]QCF+2K: Go Boom[/LEFT]
[]Description - Pulls out a huge bomb by the name of Lenny. It starts to scratch its head and after a number of seconds (depending if the bomb was hit or not) will explode sending the opp flying.
]Knock back - 5
[]Range - 3
]Stun - 5
[*]Additional Information - Unlike Vewtiful Joe’s bomb Lenny can be blocked. If unblocked he can still hit Peacock as well. When Lenny explodes and if he makes contact with the opp he will send the opp flying in the direction that he was placed. Meaning if you are on the left side of the screen and you place Lenny down and when he explodes he makes contact with the opp the opp will go flying towards the left of the screen. Here’s a little info about the super by Mike Z:

[LEFT]**Lv3: **[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Grab>QCB+2P: The Gang’s All Here[/LEFT]
[]Description - She grabs the opp with her sack for the first hit and throws them on the floor. The Anvil Head Friend and the Big Weight Head Friend come out and assist her in kicking the opp while they are entrapped within the bag for 23 hits. They leave and she walks away from the bag slowly as she calmly and coolly takes a puff of her cigar as one of the George bombs takes a baseball bat and beats them with it for an extra 7 hits. She then throws the cigar backwards over her shoulder and it hits the bomb exploding it and hitting the enemy for the last hit and sending them flying.
]Knock back - 3
[]Range - 2
]Stun - 5

Tag In: Sucker Punch
[]Description - A punching bag comes straight up out of the floor and hits the opp in to the air.
]Knock back - 2
[]Range - 2
]Stun - 4
[]Additional Information - Can be comboed off of.
Snap Back: Grand Slam
]Description - Pulls out a wooden baseball bat that grows spikes. She then swings the bat at the opp hitting them.
[]Knock back - 5
]Range - 3
[*]Stun - 5
-Tha Hindu

Just finished up with the Cerebella thread. Now going to start putting stuff together for this one.

-Tha Hindu

This is my bitch. Now I just need more characters to come out so she can get some assist support :3

Peacock is just too cool for school. Love her voice and everything about her. All the memes and puns and jokes she makes. Stupid question? Does the pie do different damage based on what pie it is? (coconut, cream, etc.)

Whoa! Thank you so much for the knockback, range, and stun numbers. :love:

Np, it takes time since I’m going through the game and testing things out to get accurate results. As you can imagine it’s a pretty tedious process. I will be redoing Cerebella’s thread as well to fit this.

-Tha Hindu

Just noticed there was no character description for the character(run down). Just added one.

-Tha Hindu

Finally finished. God, there was so much I had to research with her. Hopefully it helps you guys out.

-Tha Hindu

Thanks for that. Could you also change her headline to “Straight from Toontown”?

Ooh. I like that. Reminds me of Roger Rabbit. Consider it done.

-Tha Hindu

all that information compiled, that is awesome!

her j.HK: the initial kick hits, if she (or maybe avery) is hit avery goes away. these can both be seen in FNF#3

also, im pretty sure Mike said somewhere that the 2nd assist changes (or at some point will change) to whatever custom assist you made last so im not sure thats relevant information

The information I have is determined from the build I play or when I get word on things that have been added, removed, or changed. If the assist changes then I will change it on here. The kick is not an initial hit, it is the bird first coming out of the hat.

-Tha Hindu

This. And yes, if she is hit while the bird is still out, it will go away, much like her item drop.

When you by chance get Lei-Lei’s Tenrai Ha when doing the Item Drop, do the spiked balls bounce around like they do in Darstalkers?

Yes, they bounce around. Its actually one of the best item drops in my opinion (if and when you get it). Because its multiple hits, it leaves the opponent in an extended juggle state, giving you a little bit longer to get in and do some more damage or land an easy super from fullscreen. Obviously, her item drops are random, so its not like you can predict it to fall and start moving in, but its still damn good.

Actually the name of the bomb in Go Boom! is “The Fat Man”, its a reference to the Atomic bomb dropped in WWII.

His name is Lenny now.

^ What he said.